How often for sessions

Hi everyone, i recently posted about a breakthrough and having a P-Wave. It was amazing and i tried the next night to reach it again but i was not able to. I honestly felt like my muscles were too weak/sore to continue. I wasnt in pain or anything, but there were a few times that i felt myself getting further but i physically struggled to keep it up.

Just wondering how often i should be doing sessions? I would like once a night, but is it better every other night/ twice a week etc?




  1. I think the consensus is two or three times a week is best. You gotta have a rest day or two in between sessions. Trust me, I’ve also tried two nights in a row just like yourself, and nothing ever came out of it.

  2. I agree with two times per week. Now that I am partially rewired my prostate has been signaling when it is ready for a session. It will start to have that dull ache that says “play with me!” I’ll then verify by trying to get a little aless chairgasm. If that works I know that a good session will ensue.

  3. “It depends”. You may be looking for a more definitive answer, but there are several factors: how experienced you are, your age, sex drive, available time, other sexual activities, etc.

    I generally go 2-3 times a week, but sometimes more, and find it relaxes and focuses me. I have done every day for 3-4 days before, and enjoyed it. There are no set rules, it’s whatever you have time for and enjoy, but not to the point that you get sore or it keeps you from your “real” life.

  4. Twice a week is indeed a good rhythm. But I also sometimes did two wonderful sessions in the same day.

    On the other hand, you shouldn’t have expectations… so “trying to reach it again” is not a good approach.

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