I’ve had the most success so far after taking edibles. Any advice to improve the experience when sober? It’s not bad without weed, but I have a harder time getting prostate O’s, the sensations are just duller.
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I’ve had the most success so far after taking edibles. Any advice to improve the experience when sober? It’s not bad without weed, but I have a harder time getting prostate O’s, the sensations are just duller.
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I’ve had the same experience, and also with edibles. I’m hoping to hear some good ideas from others.
I’ve tried no weed, 1/2 rate, and different strains. Duller sensations with less or none. Thought about no weed for a few months to see if I could eventually get to the same place, but it feels so good with.
I guess in theory you could have sessions with a smaller and smaller dose, down to 0mg, and train yourself that way. But I find with edibles and prostate play, less is more anyways
A lot of successful users say they use edibles/poppers to get to their super o. I kind of roll my eyes as soon as I read they used a substance like that to get there. (To each their own).
I refuse to do this. I don’t want to use weed as a crutch. Not only for convenience sake (oops can’t use my aneros today cause I ran out of weed!), but monetary sake as well.
I have had Super-O’s with and without weed (standard strength edible), the main difference being with the weed it is more intense and ‘all consuming’ whereas without i feel a bit more aware of my surroundings and thus distracted, ill only do an edible 1/3 times though, not dependant on it to have a good time 🙂