Surprise hands free wet orgasm

Hi guys

I got my first aneros, a Progasm Jr, about six months ago, and followed it up with a Eupho Trident, which I prefer to the Progasm Jr.

I’ve been making good progress and whilst I haven’t reached a SuperO yet I’ve had lots of good extended feelings and dry orgasms.

I had a session today with the Eupho and after half an hour I was having the most amazing feelings. I seem to have hit a perfect spot on my prostate that made me feel amazing all over. I kept hitting the spot then coming off it as I tensed and relaxed.

I just rode it for a bit and it was getting better a d better until it reached a climax, which felt amazing, but at the same time I ejaculated.

Don’t get me wrong, it felt fantastic, but I don’t want to get in the habit of having HFWOs and put myself off continuing on to a SuperO.

Has anyone else had a similar experience?



  1. I wish I could get a HFWO, mine are always dry. It would be nice to end a session that way. What’s your secret?

  2. I think your clenching may have triggered the HFWO. I can occasionally achieve HFWOs – I’ve had about 4 or 5 over the last year. I can’t trigger them at will though. I’m working on that level of control! I usually have a bunch of fry orgasms over and over. Totally amazing!

  3. I did it with a plug, on a chair after having HFWO recently. Although it did take more effort, that clenching and relaxing put you over the edge. If you stimulate the right place and can do it over and over again long enough, you can get over the edge. Don’t make a habit out of it and you’ll be safe.

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