No feeling

So I picked up my Aneros Helix Syn Trident about a week ago, and must have had about 5 sessions between now and then.

I started off using the mindgasm videos as a tutorial on how to do some contractions, but after about 2 sessions worked out that I can just put it in, and do nothing for about 10 mins and I will start twitching and contracting.

Whilst I have had some nice tingles and a few very subtle feelings from my prostate, I’m not really feeling much. The latest session I did (I’d had a few days break from my session before that) I started to experience the floating feeling that people have talked about, and also had some leg spasms, but I didn’t really feel anything in terms of actual pleasure, especially in the prostate area.

I do my sessions after having a shower so I’m relaxed, and also listen to some binaural audios as it tends to help me focus, I also haven’t jerked off the entire time (which is unusual for me as I usually jerk off at least once a day at least) which has made me especially horny.

I just wanted to know if there was anything to do to increase the actual pleasure I am feeling during the sessions, or if I’m expecting too much too quickly.

Thanks for any replies 🙂



  1. Expecting too much too quickly. Very few achieve great results in a week.

    Read up on the Wiki here and set aside expectations and instead focus on those small good feelings. Be positive and thankful for even the smallest pleasure.

    Over time you will get there. Took me years, but I enjoyed every step of the way.

  2. Sounds like you are on your way, it should keep building. But expect ups and downs. You may be trembling with pleasure one day, and experiencing nothing much on another day. Just think of it as floating in an air balloon, going lower, then higher. Sometimes you may get so high you no longer see the world below you. Sometimes you are simply dragging it along the ground.

    Key is relaxation by any method, and simply enjoying the massage itself. If there’s no orgasm, it doesn’t matter. Simply enjoy the light pleasurable sensations, your deepest fantasies and subtle feelings that come from it at first. You never know where this may take you in the future. Keep at it.

  3. Sounds like you are on your way, it should keep building. But expect ups and downs. You may be trembling with pleasure one day, and experiencing nothing much on another day. Just think of it as floating in an air balloon, going lower, then higher. Sometimes you may get so high you no longer see the world below you. Sometimes you are simply dragging it along the ground.

    Key is relaxation by any method, and simply enjoying the massage itself. If there’s no orgasm, it doesn’t matter. Simply enjoy the light pleasurable sensations, your deepest fantasies and subtle feelings that come from it at first. You never know where this may take you in the future. Keep at it

  4. protip: bend the tabs inwards so it touches your body, otherwise the aneros will suck in too far and prevent itself from autofucking.

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