Strugling? Hear me out!

So first of all Im not a native english speaker so let me know if something isn’t clear.
Last night I had my first 20 second lasting Super O, thansfully for 2 things:

I didn’t wait for days without ejaculating, actually the night before I had 2 great sexy times with my wife. I didn’t use weed or anything either.
I had my aneros toys for about 2 years and I had some minor sucess wich I tough was Super O’s, but boy I was so wrong. thing is the reason why I couldnt achive the Super o earlier, is because I was misleaded by the most common advice: to squeez your PC muscle try to do the same movement as you stop urinating. If you do this, and you are a newbie you will end up lifting and moving your dick as you are trying to pull it back to your body.
My experience is, that the area between your balls and asshole is the best to pay attention to. If you do the squeeze right ( I imagine it as I’m closing the gap between where my 2 legs are attached behind my balls) your penis shouldn’t move. It sounds weird as the muscles are connected but you only need a very slight squeeze here.
2. If you find out how to use your PC muscles the right way, your miracle weapon is you spinchter muscle. I belive, If you learn to squeeze your PC, it really turns your toy to the right direction, but sphincter muscle “pushes” the aneros’s tip to your prostate.

What I also learned is breathing is important. When I feel the P waves or when im close to an orgasm I used to stop breathing which often ended the pleasure, so dont forget to breath😅.
Prostate pleasure is very different from a normal orgasm, it isnt necessarily sexual, I belive you can have prostate orgasm while meditating without any sexual thoughts.

I hope this will help for somebody out there!



  1. This is pretty helpful! What did the super O feel like at the start?

    I have not had a super O yet but last time I had a feeling like a bunch of tingles I couldn’t control all around my prostate area.

  2. The common advice inst bad. Its more of people feel the need to contract very strongly. People often rush straight to 80 or 90% force and quickly overwhelm the nerves in the proatate.
    I feel the most pleasure somehwere between 1 – 35%
    One being so low that i often wonder if im really contracting or just imagining it.
    Its an odd conudrum as your body will eventualy take over and i seem tp get better results if i focous on not contracting to strongly.

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