Helix trident too small?

My first aneros was a helix trident and I’ve been kind of on and off with it for the past year. I notice whenever I have it inserted it feels somewhat nice but if I manually push on it while angling it upwards it feels like I’m hitting the spot more. Also I’ve had p-waves before with my njoy wand but haven’t had much success with my helix.

Would a bigger sized aneros like the progasm hit my spot better or do I simply need more time with my helix?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/z76yxq/helix_trident_too_small/


  1. It wouldn’t hurt to try out a Progasm Ice at this point. A little extra size may be just what you need. I say go for it! If you haven’t already, get yourself a lube injector. Always good to be certain things are well lubed up inside for optimal mobility.

  2. I also have aneros of various sizes. I thought the small ones didn’t work at all until going through mindgasm where I was able to appreciate the more subtle massage. With that said, I’m still a slut for my Progasm 🙂

  3. The Progasm is a much larger toy, and for me (it depends on your shape/size) it hits the spot a LOT harder than the Helix. The Helix is great IMO, but the [Progasm](Progasm-black-ice?bg_ref=A0B5yAsItP&aff_source=Reddit.com" rel="nofollow ugc">https://www.aneros.com/products/Progasm-black-ice?bg_ref=A0B5yAsItP&aff_source=Reddit.com) is just a bit more intentfull.

  4. I had the same situation (different device). Purchased the Progasm Ice, it hits much harder, however still not like manually.

    The real answer is to learn to rewire. Let go of all expectations. Just lay there to the point of falling asleep if need be. Over time it will happen.

    Ironically, for me the smallest Aneros (paradise) helped me.

  5. To me the Trident was a tad too small and the new one I got (looks like Progasm) is perfect and I know it hits the spot big time. Before that, I had to twist and bend in all sorts of ways to reach the spot (without really knowing that’s what I was doing). With the Progasm-like device, it’s right on.

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