Nubs on the MGX Trident are pressing too hard on my sweet spot

I recently ordered a MGX. I thought I would need an upgrade after I had some success with the Helix Syn. But with the MGX I can’t fell any pleasure because the nubs are pressing way to hard into my body. The nubs of the Helix Syn are perfect, they had triggered some enormous pleasure.
How can I solve that problem and make them softer?
I saw some posts were people had cut them of, but I want that stimulation but not that hard



  1. You can try to fold a piece of tissue and put it beneath your skin and the tab. I did it once with the MGX as I had the same issue than you at the beginning. This little inconvenient disappears after a while and nowadays I’m no more annoyed. It’s a little like the guitar player who gets used to it and doesn’t have sore fingers after a while.

  2. Did you try the MGX Syn version? I’ve always hated the Aneros tabs (except for the ball-shaped ones like on the Progasm), but the Syn versions of their toys seem to flex more and not dig in as hard.

    You can poke around on their Forum as to what others have done to alleviate the issue–adding additional lube on the tabs and on your perineum might help. Some have also heated the tabs and bent them a bit to reduce the pressure (but that might also reduce the “rocking” motion that makes them work).

    Whatever you do, I’d for sure express your issue to Aneros…one of these days maybe they’ll make changes to reduce the irritation.

  3. Get a rubber bulb from a eye dropper and a fix it onto the perinium tab… that works, or heat the arm with a flame if you are using the solid plastic massagers (be careful & go easy) and bend the arm out… that should work for u..

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