First true Super – O

Hello everyone,

ive waited now till the next morning now to write about my experience.

So i was watching some porn for the extra arousal, but i was aroused before. Then i went into my bedroom and inserted the helix trident (plastic version) as i dont like the syn version.

Like always after 5mins everything was feeling already good and buzzing around my prostata..i had some small – o’s. I tried to relax and and breath slowly and totally enjoy it.

Then it happend, something felt different this time and i had wonderful warm feeling in my prostata and then it spread around my body. My head felt it was spinning, i was floating, i had such a rock Hard on and it felt like was pumping and cumming but more internally. Idk for how long this continued but it seemed like an enternity…like wow i couldnt believe it. Even when my mind wandered around and i opend my eyes it got back to this sensation.

After that i stayed with these wonderfull feelings and had some nice smaller dry-o’s with some oozing of precum/prostata fluid.

For the method i used the Do nothing and just enjoy the feelings…

And holy… while typing this i had a small O….

Idk if i can get back to normal sex lol

So I had another Super Dry – O… question about intesity levels

Hi guys I wanna share my strange week to you guys^^”.

I am doing kegels now regulary and even tried this big squeeze technique from [](
I cant do it regulary but its getting better..

Wendsday I was doing some kegels in my office during lunch time (i have a workplace for me alone) and then i thought ok lets try the big squeeze… and holy what a orgasmic rush for 1 minute. I could alteast control my voice, i really wanted to moan xD. My pc muscle and sphincter where fluttering like hell and it just got stronger to the point where i felt in my whole body.

Then after that i had a aneros sessions after work and had another super long dry o for idk how long. I was rock hard all the time and felt it pumping nonstop.

Here comes my question about the intensity. I am using kinda tha aneros atleast every night before bedtime because it feels good and its a good way to relax before sleeping.

Is it to much? Because the Super Dry – O was long and but intenstiy on a scale maybe 6/10(?).
Could the intensity higher if i would maybe take a break^^?

And 1 last question: Is there way to archieve the Wet O after unlocking the Dry-O’s. I just wanna experience alteast 1 but i believe the Dry Os are better because you do it frequently^^”

My journey and nice progress this week

Hello everyone,
ive been reading so much usefull stuff here and decided i post my journey too. And sorry for my bad english and spelling sometimes, im trying my best 😉

It started at 1st ocotober (how times flies lol) with a prograsm which was obivous a bad choice for myself. After reading more stuff i got the Eupho Trident Classic, with this toy i got some “results” it was nice but nothing “wow”.

Then after more studying this reddit, i got myself the Helix Trident classic on 1st November and this is where i got better results.

1. I needed to learn to completly relax and kinda embrace these feelings. I was just rushing things and not enjoing the moment. I think everyone needs to learn this lesson^^
2. After 2 weeks my prostata really awakend and had so many good times and nice feelings.
Stomach/pelvic area got warm, sometimes a rush and in between dry orgasms with alot of precum lol
3. And started doing Kegel excercises since 2 weeks (srsly guys do it)