Tried for months, still hasn’t worked for me! Please advise…

So I've tried about once a week or once every other week for months now, and still have yet to have any success. The best I've done was using the aneros hypnosis file – I think having something give me instructions helps. However, I'll keep contracting and pushing and won't have anything like an orgasm. Sometimes it makes my bladder feel full, I will go and empty it and will have lost any desire at that point. More often than that, I will get the worst case of blue balls ever. Even a traditional o won't cure it. I never get erect, have precum or any type of orgasmic sensation, and really eventually just loose my desire. I'm open to any suggestions – unfortunately marijuana is not an option (I've heard it helps).

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Aneros and hypnosis?

Has anyone tried some type of erotic hypnosis with the aneros? I haven't had luck with my progasm, but I've felt like it has heightened my arousal. Same with erotic hypnosis – I've been using Isabella Valentines jackpot series. Has anyone combined the two and had any success?