What a day!

Well let me start from the beginning.

Today started just like any other day. But as the day grew on I started to notice these strange sensations. These were completely new to me and sparked my curiosity. "Could this be that awakening that I've read so much about" I thought to myself.

It seemed like all day these sensations wouldn't subside.

Well by the time I got home the urge was so strong I flew in the door, took a shower and prepped for a session.

So I'm about 20-30 minutes into the session when I started getting involuntary contractions. They started just like any other tiny involuntary I've gotten. They were just the smallest of twitches, and only numbered in the 2-4 twitches per wave.

But then all of the sudden something happened. The involuntary contractions became 100 times stronger and came in 30 second to 1 minute waves with less that 10 seconds between waves.

Instantly my breathing and heart rate jumped through the roof as wave after wave of involuntaries came. To the best of my knowledge this lasted anywhere from 15-30 minutes.

But just as soon as they came, they were gone and are now just a pleasant memory.

I didn't feel anything that I would classify as an "O" of any kind. But just the involuntary contractions were quite an experience.

No Luck Yet

Well it's been a while since I've posted, 3 months to be exact. Well I have had many sessions with not much luck.

I have enjoyed every bit I learn with each session but no orgasmic feelings yet.

Just have to stick with it.

Changed Mind

At the last second I changed my mind to the MGX from the Helix. I read the specs and the MGX looks a little more beginner friendly. I guess I will just need to graduate to the Helix.
Well the order is in and I'll give you the low down when it arrives.


Well I have been recieving some suggestions and I have decided to go with the Helix model. So many people seem to be impressed by this one. So I'm going with it.

New to site

Well I just got myself registered after reading into it a little bit. I must say it sounds a bit too good to be true. But I've read some amazing testemonials that get me excited to finnaly order one.

Does anyone have any suggestions of which model I should get?