relaxation techniques

I’m still exploring the aneros itself, but I think the key to it is as everyone says relaxation and not thinking about it which I think is true.

I think I’m at a point where I can get the ball rolling with stimulation without touching. However I believe that it gets to a point where my anus muscles clench and hinder movement. maybe for some it feels like the feeling has gone or its gone numb, but I think its more the muscles are clenching too hard and not relaxing.

has anyone experienced this? Like it feels good and all but I think I’m like at the tipping point. anyone got any techniques or things to help them over this. I think I’ve had a couple of times when I tipped over, but I started to try to control it/realise what is happening and it goes away (once off).

violent shake

So I had this experience I thought I’d share. I usually watch porn while trying hard to relax, back to the floor knees up position and got kind of tired doing that for awhile. I kind of feel like keeping my legs up tires me out and hinders the relaxation part.

But I lay down on my stomach with one leg up and relaxed again. I was trying different things like concentrating on the feeling, but ended up getting tired. when my mind started wandering off and I started to think of things totally unrelated to what was going on. I think as soon as my mind was in another place I had this violent sudden shake in my hips, which lasted for a quick 2-3 seconds. It literally felt like someone went through my body and grabbed my prostate + everything around it and shook it violently. I think when I realized what happened I tried to get ahold of it, then lost it….but it felt amazing and kept trying to chase that feeling again to no avail. anyway thought I’d share my experience so far (its been about a year and a half since I started). Just when you think you’re there, you experience new things.

deep prostate?

So been doing it for a year now and when you think you’re somewhere it suprises you….

Just wondering I’ve been pushing my PC muscles alot recently and found it quite alot more stimulating than normal. but it kinda goes against the whole relax thing as I feel as though my muscles are tensing to try to force something. Also its pretty exhausting to hold. If I find that the best stimulation comes from holding my pc muscle does that mean my prostate is further up than most people? since contraction pulls the aneros further up? Should I try for something longer?

oh yeah I use the mgx…maybe I should go back to the classic. might give it a go.

pretty sure it just happened

so this was my last post 2 months ago. going by what was described reading about it, it feels exactly like a wave. I wouldn’t say its like an traditonal orgasm imo it feels different and I wouldn’t say its overly crazy where I would just lose it. I would describe it as my brain blinking on top of the wave metaphor.

as to how I got there I would had tried many things from listening to binaural hands free audio as mentioned here. watching videos and stimulating nipples. my relaxed position would be sitting up against a pillow with legs bent. both of these while feel good didn’t quite push me over.

my last session would be my 7th day abstaining from masturbating. I did the usual but I took a few breaks from watching porn and just rested with legs splayed out flat. I kept the audio going, and I found after awhile what triggered something was thinking about something totally unrelated. like shopping online or imagining walking through somewhere. I was able to replicate this maybe 3 – 4 times lasting a minute on average, I’m thinking maybe if I keep at it something further would happen. anyway I got tired and just took a rest, overall it took me maybe 3-4 hours.

I’m not sure if its a mini-o maybe? are mini-o’s similar to a super-o just on a smaller scale?

weird feeling just wanna know what stage I’m at

Just wondering about my progression been on and off for over a year. I've been able to have this feeling a couple of times which is a step up from just feeling the motions of the aneros.

I relax my body as much as possible, and I stop kind of feeling the toy and more feel like my body is being shook by someone else. it kinda feels being dizzy. anyone else experienced this at any of their stages?

Feels alright, but like people have said before 'you'll know when it happens'…