I was about 30 minutes into my session. The shaking had already begun and I would get these super powerful waves and body shaking when squeezing my PC muscle. I took the aneros out, but the waves and shaking were still coming aless. I squeeze my PC muscle and my body starts shaking even more intensely. My fingers and toes were pulsating, but I couldnt move them. My vision was blurry and I was panting uncontrollably. I would instantly get an erection and start to feel the a penile orgasm feeling all over my lower body. These violent quakes would last 10-20 seconds straight, then my PC muscle would get tired and it would go back to your standard contractions. After an hour I had to take a break as I was sweating, shaking, panting, and my muscles were worn out. My legs feel like I just ran a marathon . My hands are and legs are still shaking, and I can still feel the rumbling. I think I got my first small taste of a super o. I would call it a mini o.
I have experienced moderate body shaking sensations from the aneros, but never full on exorcist, electrifying, pulsating like today. I was frozen from the sensations, completely a slave to the pleasure.