I’ve had the aneros for years, but have gone months in between without using it. Never got a super O or anything that didn’t require manual intervention to feel good. Anyway. I also have had bad hemorrhoids and while the helix did help me feel better after, it was definitely not a pleasure to use.
Cue the peridise. Smaller and shorter than most of the other massagers, I wasn’t expecting anything. I just knew I was able to sleep with them in safely. (The helix has this “hook” near the top which always hurts upon insertion/removal).
I’ve slept with the peridise in multiple times, and my hole is in MUCH better condition than it has been. And for the first time last night, while sleeping with it in, I woke myself up with the most intense ass-clenching of my life. Like, you’d think I was possessed or being stabbed in the butt. It happened about 3 times, but it was from a dead sleep to a 100% “thrust” – I can’t quite explain it. I didn’t cum at all, but I don’t even know if it was an orgasm. But it was definitely the most intense feeling in my butt as I’ve ever felt, and by far the furthest I’ve gotten with an aneros.
So, my testimonial is, if you have hemorrhoids, get the peridise. It’s small enough to leave in all day, go to sleep with, etc. It’ll help you heal, and might also hopefully end up with me ejaculating everywhere in my sleep.