Diddling techniques as of January 2020

Hi guys,

In the two and a half months of our enforced “absence” for our web site while it was undergoing redesign, I have continued along with my diddling sessions in bed at night along with occasional Aneros sessions.

Basically when I diddle my nipples at night. I have two basic diddling motions:

1. Back and forth movement over my nipple (or both) with a finger or two. This sort of movement revves up the nipple sensation a great deal.

2. Circular movement around one or both nipples on their aureoles. Or the nipples themselves.

With these two movements, I can produce a Super-O or even a MMO.

It is all so sweet and powerful.

Take care.

Progasm Night!

Last night, the tool I chose for my second session of the week was my Progasm Ice and boy was that a good choice! Once inserted, it went to work immediately giving me waves after waves of pleasure that rendered me into a state of total bliss.
For me, the ‘do nothing’ method does absolutely nothing. On the other hand, as soon as I start diddling my nipples, I’m catapulted into the aforementioned state of bliss.

I’m not sure which one I will select for tonight’s session but my body usually whispers a suggestion just before the event.

Happy vibes to everyone.

MGX Classic Night

Everything I mentioned about my Progasm Ice in my yesterday’s blog entry could be repeated here for last night’s session with my MGX!

In fact, I feel that every one of my massagers are performing as my very favorite lately. My prostate does not seem to care which toy to kiss, it just accepts it and reciprocate by giving me endless pleasure waves.

My next session will be Wed or Thur this week. Until then, I will enjoy my daily aless and edging sessions.

Broken Helix Syn

Last night, I had my first session with my broken Classic Helix Syn. The hard plastic inner core of the perineum arm broke while washing it last week. The only thing holding it in place is the outer silicone coating.

I lined up my Eupho Syn just in case the HS was rendered useless but to my surprise, I did not have to swap. The session was excellent even with greatly diminished pressure on my perineum. The classic Syn models are already weak in that area. #

The abutment part on the perineum provided great sensation as it acted more like a tickle than hard pressure. This proved to me that very light pressure, to the point of just touching, produced excellent results for me.

I wouldn’t go as far as suggesting to break off the arm on a Syn unit to anyone but if it does happen, it’s not useless. This one stays in the collection!

External prostate massge

Hi guys,

When I had those Aneros breakthroughs with Super O’s and MMO’s those couple days in the middle of September 2016, that is when I believe I became fully rewired by my nearly four years of Aneros sessions since early June 2013 when I used the Traditional Helix Syn for the first time.

Since those magical nights in mid September 2016, my Aneros sessions became effortless and my nipples became alive for the pleasures of nipple diddling at any time of day or night, especially nights in bed.

Those of you who have read my blog here know of my intense jock and cup fetish which began in earnest when my 7th grade gym coach told us boys we had to buy a jockstrap for gym class. It was a required part of our gym uniform. I wore my jockstrap with pride underneath my gym uniform and also for the erotic feel it gave my genitals. The summer after 10th grade, I summoned enough courage to get my first cup and jock. It was a Black & Bauer Procup with cup jock holder. The cup itself was a traditional flat cup which was not comfortable nor did it fit one’s genitals well. Athletes in many cases shunned flat cups as a result and thus risked unprotected genitals. This was in 1965.

Forum problems

Can anyone access the Forum’s General Discussion? @BigGlansDC, I noticed you were able to ask the question today.
This morning, I could see that there were 11 members and 431 guests on line but I could not get on.

First blog post


This is my first blog post, although I’ve posted several times to the forums after especially great sessions. I’m a 70 year old on the journey for a year or so now. I’m having pretty great success, although not every session leads to the super O. My best sessions have been mind-blowing, with multiple SOs that leave me limp (in more ways than one)! My wife is on board, and we share our PureWand in partnered sex, while I also slip off for solo play in the guest room.

I have a pretty good collection of Aneros and nJoy toys; Progasm Ice, MGX Trident, Helix Trident, Eupho Trident, PureWand, and PurePlug large. I have a Lelo Hugo, but don’t really care for vibratory toys. I will typically cycle through several toys each session.

I use THC; 25 mg dose of edibles and 20 mg of THC oil mixed with my injected lube. I also use poppers to trigger the super Os. In a good session I will typically have a series of powerful SOs lasting for 30 – 60 seconds each. My best sessions are usually after a period of abstinence, when my arousal level is at its highest.

I have ED, which I use Cialis for, and typically am flaccid during sessions. Most sessions I am unable to finish with a TO. Thank god for prostate orgasms!

Anyway, thanks for all the great knowledge shared here in the blogs and in the forum. It has really helped my progress.

nJoy Pure Plug

I just picked up the nJoy Pure Plug, large size, and am really liking it! It is super comfortable to wear, and keeps my arousal level on high when in place. I plan on using it anytime I plan for a session later in the day. That should really help keep the arousal going as the hour of power approaches.

I would have bought the pFun instead, but reviewers said it slips out pretty easily. The Pure Plug doesn’t have that problem, but the insertion length is quite a bit shorter, so is not as direct on the p-spot. Still feels awesome, though. I’ll update in a few days when I see how my next session goes.

Frenulum talk : Aneros session for Wednesday September 18

Hi guys,

I am so grateful that Aneros tech support has restored or is restoring our site problems of late. This site is laden with helpful information for Aneros newbies and long-time Aneros veterans as myself. Plus it fuels my Aneros adventures with a vibrant eroticism that makes me feel young when I have an Aneros session or tap into my Aless, day or night.

This morning about an hour ago I had a session with MGX Classic and Helix Syn Classic. I value MGX for its ribbed stem which exercises my anal canal and musculature. I value Helix Syn for its sleek and velvety silicon. Both models fuel my vibrant Aless which lasts all day into nighttime hours when I diddle my nipples. Such powerful, sweetness!

In recent weeks, there has been discussion on the value of having intact frenulum. Uncut guys not only have a foreskin, but also frenulum which connects with their Glans. The Glans of course is chock full of sensitive sensations which give the male sexual sweetness when he has sex or masturbates. But the foreskin and certainly the frenulum both have sensitivity of their own which enhances sexual contact and the sweet power when they jack off.

Rumel`s Ruminations – Part IV

To Whom It May Interest,

Over the last few years I’ve posted numerous comments in other peoples threads and authored a few threads of my own. In hopes it would aid in the understanding of the Aneros Journey I’ve decided to consolidate some of the more salient posts of my thoughts here.

from “Do Nothing” What does that mean?

Hi Guys,

Frequently mentioned on this forum is the “Do Nothing” method but what does this really mean? It doesn’t mean stick an Aneros up your butt and stop thinking about it as you go about your daily activities, nor does it mean you should ignore its presence as if you were anesthetized or asleep. It is really about taking a very passive approach to your Anerosessions. It is one of the techniques found in the Relaxation group versus Sexual frenzy group.

From the Aneros WIKI The “do nothing” technique is mostly for the Aneros only. The idea is to dispense with thinking about holding contractions, controlling your breathing, conscious relaxing, or anything else for that matter, in favor of just lying there and letting the pleasure and Aneros do their thing. This technique is probably best after you have at least started feeling pleasure from the Aneros.

I’d like to expand upon that description a bit. Most descriptions of techniques one may employ during their Anerosessions are of the Sexual frenzy group and involve rhythmic (or mixed rhythmic/static) contractions of different pelvic floor muscles combined with breathing techniques and stimulation of “erogenous hot spots”. These are what constitute very active approaches.