Having aless pwaves/pgasms and cannot sleep

TL;DR I am currently on my second night of no sleep. Send help.

I’ve been at this whole prostate pleasure thing for many years now. Have a Helix Syn and love it to death; this sub was very useful for figuring out the techniques <3

About a year ago, I finally had a super O and also was able to experience Aless pleasure. Having spent years to get to the top of the proverbial mountain, I felt incredibly satisfied with myself.

Fast forward to two or three days ago. I hadn’t done any prostate play in a long time, and had reverted to jerking off. I think I overdid it though, because my prostate kinda stung sometimes.

Anyways, I had smoked some bud and was feeling pretty good but not at all in a mood for an Aneros sesh (had shit to do in the morning lol) when I was suddenly overcome by a massive Aless super O that came out of nowhere and blindsided me. When it happened, I was pleasantly surprised, but the thing is.. it was only the beginning.

It seems the progressive relaxation techniques are a double edged sword..

Now, whenever I’m trying to sleep, I get intense pwaves and I literally can’t sleep. It’s the second night of no sleep. I feel like absolute shit but God, it feels so damn good too.. fuck

Send help.

How close am I to a super O?

I was working through Mindgasm lesson 1 tonight while using my aneros helix. I had some really nice orgasms toward the end. Now, I’ve been laying on my bed shaking for 15 minutes or so. I thought I was cold, so I covered myself with a blanket. I’m still shaking…it comes in waves…

Should I buy Helix and MGX?

Hi everyone, just looking for people’s thoughts.

I have the Eupho Trident, Maximus Trident and the Progasm ice. I like these for their varying sizes, and they all give me crazy good times in their own ways.

I have the Helix and the MGX (both Trident) in my cart but hesitant to purchase in case they’re overly similar to the ones I have. Like, are the stem grooves noticeable on the MGX? Is there any need to get the Helix now that I’m perfectly proficient with the ones I have, knowing that the Helix can be known as the usual beginner model?

Any opinions greatly appreciated. Have a great day!

PO or super T?

Started two months ago with the helix syn trident and maxi trident. Started out with only slight positive feelings and more intense penile orgasms with Aneros in. Since then I now consistently get p waves and my prostate craves it. I usually end sessions with a penile orgasm, what I’ve noticed is that the prostate sensations are good but get much more pleasurable and intense once I start touching my penis. If I edge myself, I’m usually able to push myself over the edge with just the Aneros. This type of orgasm feels like it’s originating from my prostate and feels more intense and satisfying than a normal one. Is this a HFWO? Or am I triggering a normal orgasm because I am edging myself?

Helix syn vs MGX syn

I’ve had the helix syn trident and maximus trident (non syn) for about 2 months now. I’ve had the best results so far with the helix as the maxi sometimes feels too hard and intense. Just got the njoy pure wand and peridise as well, have had good results with the njoy but not much experience yet. I really like the look of the blue mgx syn, wondering if it’s worth picking up or if it will be very similar to the helix.

First week using aneros

Hello! Today marks one week since I got the Aneros and I am in love. Previously, I had no experience with anal pleasure at all, but now I feel like when I first discovered masturbation. I can’t resist the temptation to play with it at least twice a day. The thing is, as nice as it feels, I feel like I’m on a kind of plateau.

The first two days were nice, with feelings of tingling in the prostate, but no pleasure.
On the third day, I had the first involuntary movements and signs of pleasure.
The fourth and fifth days were really fun, with much more intense sensations that lasted for minutes, my breathing and pulse accelerated, and my dick got hard from the feeling. Now, the sensations start within minutes of inserting the Aneros, and when I’m not using it, I feel an urge to use it soon. It’s really nice and awkward at the same time.
The sixth day was very much like the ones before, but now my dick got rock hard, and at some point, I had involuntary hip thrusts. It felt like I was about to cum (high pleasure), but then the feeling subsided and started again, with no real “finale” like when you cum from traditional masturbation.

Cocoa Butter – as a toy lubricant?

I used Cantu Cocoa Butter – blend of pure organic cocoa butter, pure shea butter and coconut oil – with my Aneros Helix Trident today.

Did not need a lot to lube things up and seemed to last well.

Very good value if it proves to work and not cause any side effects.

Anyone else have experience of this?

Looking to get a 3rd Aneros model…. Need some help

I have the Eupho and the Progasm Jr. I MUCH prefer the Eupho over the Progasm Jr and it’s mainly due to the rigidity of the Progasm Jr in reference to the K-tab.

The Eupho is just comfortable and does a great job but am looking for something equally comfortable but will provide a new sensation/experience.

With that, I think going with a Syn model is wise. Was thinking the Helix makes good sense as it’s a proven model but maybe it’s too much like the Eupho and I’d get more contrasting sensations from the MGX.

So I guess what I’m asking is…. if you already had a Eupho, would opt for the Helix or the MGX?