Quiet, but nice

I'm meditating regularly. Yesterday I was circulating energy into my sacrum and up my spine, I suddenly got an immense surge in my lower back during the day, I thought at last the real Kundalini is on its way, and was able to meditate immediately and I concentrated on the feeling. It became very powerful but nothing broke through. I really think that I have to be careful.
My theory is that my original experience was forced in that I pushed energy up through my chest and into my head and triggered a partial Kundalini. It went through the wrong channel rather than rising up my spine.
The lesson learnt from yesterday is that you can't force it, much like trying to force an orgasm. If I am not ready for it, I am not ready for it. I have decided that it will happen naturally if I work on meditation, relaxation and positivity. It might take years but it will come when it is ready.

I'm also having slight difficulty with dry O's again. I'm sure it's because I tried to force a Kundalini yesterday and I have put things out of balance again. I certainly haven't got anywhere near a super-O again yet. I feel like it's a prize waiting for me once I have balanced myself sufficiently and it will happen when I have truly given in and accepted myself and that I'm not in control.

Sweet, powerful Aless now after sessions

Hi guys,

This past Wednesday I began my third year with Aneros. The session didn't noteworthy but rather right afterward, I came away with sweet, powerful Aless which lasted the whole day! It felt real good!!!

Also this weekend I am spending much time getting my apartment ready for workmen to repair parts of my ceiling from water damage. I stayed home today to do the necessary preparation.

We had a cloudy, cool, and damp week until today when the sun finally come out. So early this morning I had a session which lasted about two hours with the follow order of models:

Eupho Syn, Helix Classic, Progasm Classic, Tempo, and Maximus.

All models in the lineup worked superbly well this morning. Recently I have gone back to Eupho Syn. I like its direct, yet gentle massage action during which I use the "do nothing" technique. It amazing how it works upon me in its way without me doing anything, but just lay back and enjoy! In the future I hope to vary between Eupho Syn and Eupho Classic in sessions. Both models of the Eupho are superb as openers in my sessions.

What more can I say about Helix Classic? Just looking at it makes me super horny! I like its direct action on my prostate.

Still so close

I had several very intense sessions yesterday. Each one seems to be getting closer. Yesterday evening I had some very intense feelings start out of the blue whilst at the computer and they became unbearably good lasting for ages. I actually felt as if it was really going to happen again, I felt the waves just starting to spread but still it just didn't set in and eventually I had to stop.
I'm wondering if having a break would be good, but my sexual tension is building, I' not allowing myself to masturbate, and each session gets better, so for now I am pushing on. There is still a very significant subconscious block working, maybe it is just expectation, or it could be something else. I know the answers will come to me if I am patient. If I am honest I am still very disappointed that's it's not happening, I have to let that go and enjoy the journey. Everything happens for a reason, maybe the moment I truly stop feeling disappointed and am grateful for what I have achieved then I will progress.

I am practicing meditation and bandhas. Using the Uddiyana Bandha can amplify sensations quite significantly so I am using it a lot. I'm working towards being able to do Maha Bandha. I didn't realise how stressed I was. Meditation and being aware of stress and using concious relaxation is starting to work, changing the habits of 40 years takes time.

An awakening?

I woke up this morning and noticed that I was abdominal breathing whereas normally I have a very dysfunctional upper chest breathing pattern. I felt quite emotional as if it’s a sign that something is changing.

Everything is starting to make some sort of sense now. I think that I had a form of Kundalini experience when I had my super-super-O. It was no different to what many people have described experiencing on the forum, but for me it was more profound on an emotional level, and I wasn’t ready for it, or maybe it was given to me for a reason so that I would realise what I needed to do with my life and how I needed to change. It’s all very spiritual and I’m a very logical scientific person but somehow it just seems to make sense and I’m happy with that.

I am now reading all about Kundalini and learning about meditation. I always thought that meditation was simply about relaxing, and yoga was just about sitting in odd positions and relaxing. There is so much more to it and I wish I had learnt about this years ago. Someone put a link to this blog in the forum and it has opened my eyes totally and explained to me what it is all about. So I am now practicing breathing patterns, and trying to completely change my attitude to life, and already I am experiencing changes. I am starting from basics. I can see where I need to go with my life now.

Anal Orgasm

Friday night after an early dinner J went to my daughter’s house about an hour away to go to a late movie near her house and stay overnight. It’s been nice that the two of them have become movie buddies; they go to chic flicks on a regular basis. I am happy that my daughter is able to spare me from going to movies that I would rather not see. It was a 9:20 PM showing so J decided ahead of time to spend the night in my daughter’s apartment which is 10 minutes from the theater rather than drive the hour to come home. So I slept alone that night.

After chatting with some friends on line and doing some minor work related writing I headed up to bed. Alone time in the house or in a hotel is always time that I use for prostate massage. Most of my MMO sessions are done with nothing inside me with J in the bed next to me; the sensations from a massager less session are lush and deep and subtle. Massager-less sessions are lower to build up but they never fail to get my precum flowing profusely when they are in full bloom. I love doing them.

Blocked again?

I had sex with my wife for the first time in months last night. My erection was instant and harder than I remember it ever being even when I was a teenager, and when I came it was stronger than previously, she even commented on how strong it felt.

I haven't managed to have a prostate orgasm for a few days now. I have sort of lost interest a little bit in a good way )have to get on with normal life(, although I'm not sure how I feel really. It was so intense last week I'm almost pleased to feel a bit less addicted. I have tried to bring on an orgasm several times but not really succeeded.

I'm really trying to analyse how to 'cross over' into an orgasm. I can get so close within moments of trying but actually turning it into an orgasm is proving elusive. Thinking back to when I had my first super-O I had not cum for 3 days, and had masturbated several times without climaxing, so there must have been some sexual tension there to start with. I was then so excited about what I had experienced that it just sort of carried on and I didn't even question my ability to go into a super-O for a few days and on the second day I even had an A-less orgasm within minutes of trying.
Two nights of super-Os made me tired, then I couldn't make it work and I got over emotional about that and couldn't sleep, I was working long hours, and it's been hit and miss since and I haven't really caught up with sleep. I have had to lower my expections.

Another day

Woke at 4am feeling a bit turned on. Tried for an orgasm, couldn't do it and fell back to sleep. Woke at 7.30 again and started to let sensations build, again without the aneros. At last I broke through and enjoyed a wonderful pulsing orgasm gripping my pelvis with each wave. I tried my hardest to relax and enjoy it and let it take me. I have real trouble relaxing when in an orgasm I think it's the next thing I have to learn. This time was better than last night but it did fizzle out after only about 10 minutes.
I really feel that I need to practice meditation and learn how to fully relax, I know that there is more pleasure lying in wait for me and I am blocked somewhere.


Hi all,

I'm new to the Aneros experience. I don't remember how I learned about it, but somehow I did, and I've been lurking for the past few weeks, voraciously reading the posts of others. This is exciting! I'm really looking forward to diving in. I'm very grateful to the other men who have generously shared their experiences; I've already learned a lot about my own body and my sexuality/sensuality.

To repay this generosity, I thought I'd start an anonymous blog so that other curious beginners can have another data point to consider.

This first post is just an introduction so you can better understand who I am and where I'm coming from.

I'm in my mid-50's and have been in a committed relationship with my wife for 20+ years. We have 2 teenage children. I had a vasectomy about 15 years ago. I'm 5' 6" and HWP.

I had a pretty sexually repressed childhood, but feel that my mind is liberating itself as I get older; less defensive and more receptive.

I can still get erections, but they aren't as hard or long-lasting as back in the day. I want to see if Aneros can help with this.

I occasionally get hemorrhoids; too much kayaking in cold water. Again, what can the Aneros do about this? I'm considering getting a Peridise, but the reviews for Tempo sound more fun.

My Two Orgasmic Worlds Join

When I first started this journey, I stumbled into MMO totally by accident. It was a fortuitous and unexpected discovery made by reading the forums here in Aneros. Back then there was no chat. MMO brought together the tantric sex that I had been studying and enjoying with J and it even incorporated some of the Zen Meditation that I had been )and still am( practicing.

It is logical that MMO for me grew out of these cornerstones as MMO is a very solitary inwardly focused activity. Fucking J is very outwardly focused; it is an activity where we lock together, my cock deep in her pussy seeking extremely pleasurable sensation in the warm caress of her erotic feminine flesh. The focus for me is using my cock to bring her pleasure. The visceral desperate pleasure that we seek and achieve in fucking is like scratching a deep erotic itch, culminating in the anxiously sought relief of shared orgasm.

On the other hand when J and I make love it is a simultaneous locking of our bodies and our minds. As we look into each other’s eyes we are experiencing each other’s ecstasy. Her eyes and her face reveal to me the tortuously exquisite rapture that is boring into her pussy and squeezing her soul. I can see in her pleasure contorted expression the reality of my cock touching her erotic core coaxing her to experience deep erotic euphoria.

Aless foreplay, a hot Aneros session, Aless postplay

Hi guys,

Upon awakening this morning around 7 a.m., I was horny and hungry for a session. For many months, I have had Aless of varying intensities and sweet sensations. This morning I had an Aless in which my prostate and surrounding musculature felt that there was an Aneros tool inserted. But no! So I concentrated upon all this while still in bed.

Some minutes later I hoped on the Net and logged into Aneros Forum and found @neros's post on how to capitalize upon Aless as a way to reach Super-O's and MMO's as well as in sessions.

@neros gave the following three steps of harnessing Aless energy for greater use: [1] First use an erotic impression or fantasy to awaken Aless for service. [2] Then focus on the Aless sensations and energy as localized in your awakened prostate, anal musculature, anus, perineum, scrotum, and even in your penis. [3] Let the sexual energy permeate not only your groin, but also your abdomen, chest, and other areas of your body. Focus and meditate upon all these delicious sexual sensations. Once you have done those three steps, you are well on your way in your Aless toward experiencing Super-O's and MMO's.

I used this use of Aless to serve as foreplay for my session this morning.

I used in order Helix Classic, Progasm Classic, Tempo and Maximus. It seemed that my session was on a much higher level than ever before. All four models ride so intensely like never before.