“Underwear, Unmasked: A Sexual Fetish Meditation”

Yes, a most unusual meditation. But it developed quite naturally. Here are the details…

I awoke early morning with a stiff erection and decided to put-on my Mueller “chastity cup”. I went back to sleep but awoke again, this time near the PONR which felt so good. I really felt close to an ejaculation. That feeling lasted perhaps 15 to 20 minutes. Then the erection subsided and I decided to listen to some soothing, erotic tracks. As I began to listen, I seemed to fall into a most unusual meditation…


As I seem to have a fetish for jockstraps and now, hard cup jocks, it seemed only natural that this would become a topic of meditation. I began to dwell on the concept of jockstraps as underwear. And it dawned on me that, yes, both of these mundane objects are really nothing more than underwear!

A jockstrap is nothing more than a flexible “pouch” of elastic material that is designed to support the male genitals. It resembles male underwear in the way it is designed (give-or-take a few elements) and the way it is worn. But it is in the wearing of it that it becomes an object of sexual stimulation. A lot of guys (myself included) probably can’t help but get an erection while wearing one. And that tight, stimulating “support” only intensifies the feeling.

Session 7

I had a nice long session Sunday afternoon. Actually, even before my session I had some very enjoyable chats in the chat room, including one with a guy who was having a nice A-less session. He was kind enough to share what he was experiencing with me, and reading his descriptions created a sort of echo of the sensations in me. I wasn’t able to perpetuate them, but it was still enjoyable. I really enjoy hearing/reading about others’ Aneros/A-less experiences. I think it helps me learn. The human mind is very good at synthesizing little bits of information into something new and wonderful, and I hope the stories and experiences others relate to me will help me reach new and exciting places on this journey.

After some other interesting chatting, and lunch, I decided to start my session. My husband was out of town, so I had plenty of time to enjoy myself and experiment in different ways, and no deadline. One of the challenges I’ve had with my sessions is feeling like there’s an imaginary egg timer ticking away in my head. Is it time to get ready for work? Is my husband going to be home soon? I usually set an actual timer to make sure I don’t go too long, so I should be able to just relax and enjoy the ride while it lasts. But something in my head won’t just let go. I chatted with several people who said they have the same challenge, so at least I know I’m not alone.

“Anatomical Delights Of A Male”

No sessions for a couple of days now. I am in a new Day 3 of SR and just relaxing and enjoying my maleness. While in bed this morning, wearing my Mueller “chastity cup” I began to dwell (like a meditation) on a few things. They all seemed to have something in common: the male anatomy. So here is the essence of that story…..


Male Anatomy 101
Of course, we all have a penis, two testicles, a scrotum and a prostate. Males are very sensual creatures; we are sexually stimulated mainly by touch or sight. Whether we touch our own cocks or have that pleasure performed by someone (or something) else, we derive extreme orgasmic satisfaction from our erections and ejaculations. Need I say any more?

But there are other things unique to our male anatomy that can give us great sexual pleasure. Among them are prostate stimulation and perineal stimulation.

“Sometimes Sex Just Happens”

No session this morning. But I awoke fairly early and wanted to relax with some meditation tracks. I selected one: “The Timeless Sea 10 hr’s” and began to listen. It was very calming and relaxing. It wasn’t too long before I began a meditation…..

I began to meditate on sex. Not in the usual sense, but within the context of all reproduction of wild species. For example, how do insects mate? What about birds? And so on….

And the meditation turned-back on us humans. We certainly reproduce but in our own terms, no? We have “rules and regulations” galore—generally monogamous unions and all kinds of penalties if we are not. We human males then are not “free” in a sexual sense. We are usually committed to one single female for life. Is this the way it is supposed to be? Perhaps, but then the mechanics of sex becomes quite…..boring! There is no variety! Maybe that is why so many men have issues with ED? PE? DE? We rely more on artificial means (pills, etc.) to increase our arousal and our sexual performance. So there is a deeper-rooted psychological basis for the sexual maladies of the human male. Intriguing….

Effect with Aneros
The meditation then shifted to Aneros and our prostate pleasures derived from these simple devices. I read about men in the Forum having issues with arousal, erections and generally a lack of stimulating, orgasmic sessions. I too experience this from time to time. And I began to dwell on their cause. Of course, the usual explanation is that “our expectations are too high!” But I would like to counter that with “just let sex happen!” “Sex” in this context implies anything sexually-arousing such as an Aneros session.

“Re-Affirming My Maleless”

I had a nice late-night session (although too brief) with my HIH 950. It auto-f****d me for about 15 minutes. I moaned the entire time. I was only wearing my Duke swimmer’s jock. When the session was over, I took off the jock and just put-on my nylon shorts. Then I went back to sleep. Or so I thought!

During the time that I went back to bed, since I was not wearing a cup, I began to “feel” for my package. Nothing unusual about that. But I began to dwell on something that developed into a fantasy of-sorts, perhaps more of a meditation. Here it is….

[Warning: This description includes sexually suggestive and explicit language. Reader be aware. This is what I remember. I won’t hold back on the descriptions.]

As males, we must acknowledge our main purpose: We have a “duty” to make and deposit our semen.

We are designed to “leak”—that leaking of alkaline fluid paves the way for an ejaculation.

We must have erections—they are as necessary as our cocks. If they occur at an inopportune time, no problem! Let them happen! Don’t squelch them! Our cocks are designed for penetration into the female vagina. Don’t hold back, let it happen!

Are you in chastity? F**k it! Take-off that binding sheath and expose the male appendage with its raw power!

“The Language Of The Soul?…..A Meditation”

[Disclaimer: This is my interpretation only. No connection whatsoever to others’ interpretations of the “language”, either by music, feelings or other means.]

Perhaps a little bit off-topic, but it all started yesterday. I was brushing my teeth and looking in the mirror. And it suddenly dawned on me: I can only look at my face through the mirror! Think about it: “you” are never looking at “you” (like others see you) except through a mirror, another reflection, a photograph or a video monitor. That is because of the way things are.

We have a dog, and our dog never looks at himself in the mirror! Dogs are not vain that way! But he communicates just fine because our eyes meet and he understands what I am trying to tell him. Perhaps this is the way people communicate too?

I wore my Mueller cup overnight and settled-down this morning (quite early and after a nice session with the HIH 950) to listen to some relaxing, soothing tracks. I continued this meditation…..


It seems to me that the “best” way for people to communicate with each other is through person-to-person contact. When peoples’ eyes meet, there is a special connection there. If there is indeed a “sixth sense” I believe it is received and processed through this visual means of communication.

“Not A Session But A Meditation”

I am only in Day 2 of SR. That should mean low libido and low-T, right? Uh, somebody forgot to tell my body. Let me explain…..

I awoke not too early, only wearing my nylon shorts but no cup. I had a firm erection and began (almost without any forethought) stroking my male “parts”, almost like I wanted to ejaculate! I honestly felt like I could! And after a short while, I realized that I needed to “curb” this activity and so I decided to quickly put-on my Mueller “chastity cup”. And that put an end to that!

Now, in bed again with about an hour before it was time to get-up, I began to meditate on our male ejaculatory system and how complicated it really is. Of course, we take advantage of our prostates with our massagers. But the complete system is rather complicated. The process of getting our semen out of our bodies consists of many “layers” of fluids, each secreted by a different organ. There is, of course, the prostate. But there are others, such as the seminal vesicles and the Cowper’s glands, which contribute vital fluids as well. All of these must work together (with their respective muscle groups) when we reach the ‘Point-Of-No-Return’ and the climax of ejaculation.

The male reproductive system is truly a work of art. So many pieces have to come together for one purpose: continuation of the species! It is a “system” honed over many centuries, many millennia. Every human male (and most non-human mammals) have this capacity; it is a “wonder of the world” IMHO.

“Meditation: Frustration and Satisfaction”

Background and Session
I had a nice session with Eupho early this morning, lasting about 30 minutes. I did not sleep in a chastity cup overnight and so I decided on wearing one this morning while I chilled to some relaxing, erotic tracks. I didn’t select my usual XO or Mueller cups which are comfortable and non-restrictive. Instead, I chose my SD Ultra Pro Carbon Cup which is restrictive and very supportive. Of all the cups I have, this one frustrates me in the way it stimulates my entire package. It can accommodate my erect cock as well. I can’t cheat at all while wearing it.

While relaxing to some musical tracks (still wearing my cup) I began to meditate on the recent disappointment of some Aneros guys (in the Forum) with their lack of arousal and/or prostate stimulation. And it dawned on me: satisfaction with Aneros is not a guarantee! There will always be a give-and-take, ebb-and-flow of prostate sensations, including orgasms with our sessions. Thus, a prostate orgasm is not a “given” in any Aneros session. Rather, “satisfaction” should arise from other areas of our lives, our prostates are but one small facet of them. Yes, we magnify them because we want the great satisfaction of reporting about our Super-O’s or MMO’s in the Forum. But satisfaction with Aneros should be much deeper than just a fleeting experience during a session. When taken in the context of the “whole male experience” our Aneros sessions, however satisfying or not, become an integral part of us as males. And we should take great satisfaction in that!



I got up early this morning, before the sunrise, with a good night-time erection. Since it was getting too arousing for me, I decided to put-on a “chastity cup”. But which one? My erection was starting to go flaccid, so I decided on my SafeTGard “Cage Cup”. I put it on and, unable to get back to sleep, decided to put on headphones and just chill out with some relaxing, erotic sounds. It wasn’t too long before I started to meditate. Here is the essence…..


I began to meditate on what it means to be “caged-up”. I had a vision of an animal, particularly a lion, confined in a space that he really didn’t want to be in. But more importantly, he is caged-up against his potency, more specifically, his sexual potency. He is unable to roam, mingle and “service” the lionesses. More specifically, he is unable to penetrate the female with his penis.

Isn’t this the same approach, then, with us? Don’t “cock cages” and “chastity cups” perform basically the same function? Aren’t they taking away our sexual potency too? They both prohibit us as males to roam, mingle and “service” other females (or another partner). They prevent us from using our penises in the intended manner or for pleasure.


“Don’t Be So Eager To Ejaculate!”

Now in Day 9 of SR; wore my Mueller cup overnight. Early morning, decided to take-off the cup and replace it with a pair a silky boxers with a contour pouch. Went back to bed but couldn’t sleep; decided to lie-down on my comfortable sofa and settle-back with some relaxing massage meditation tracks. Also decided not to have a session this morning.

While listening, I honestly felt like I would edge, then ejaculate. But what developed was a very gentle scrotal/perineum massage that completely avoided my penis. I received all the erotic sensation of this “massage” without the expectation of an ejaculation. That was not to say that I didn’t want it. I did. But without the presence of “blue-balls”, there was no reason in the world that I should ejaculate!

I now have a semi-firm erection and my balls feel very solid. I am leaking precum too. I should ejaculate. But instead, I will let this erection settle-down until I go flaccid again, then (hopefully) I will make it through the day without the ache in my groin, signalizing to me that it is indeed time for a release! But I really want to progress to Day 10 and beyond in this “run” of semen retention! What a feeling to be at max-T!