Hi guys,
I had an enjoyable session early yesterday morning using the models above. Every went well through Tempo. However I had a big bowel movement coming on afterwards which forced me to use my bathroom. That event preempted using Progasm Ivory. Nevertheless, I enjoyed sweet Aless for hours afterward. So I was thinking of having an early evening session last night with MGX which I hadn't used in a very long time, followed by Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Ivory. Some distractions caused me to scrap the additional session, maybe later on today in the early evening.
Right now I am in a very deep afterglow of Aless after having perhaps one of my intense Aneros sessions ever this morning! Damn, I am so horny! Aless sweetness has pervaded my entire sexual apparatus, especially my testicles, penis, perineum, my entire groin or "man area" [as Mark Littell, inventor of the Nutty Buddy athletic cup, calls it], even my whole body and consciousness, but the sexual energy is centered or rooted in my prostate. Doing occasional Kegels pours fuel on this sexual fire in my loins which makes me glad that I am a man!
I will now speak in some detail about the Aneros autof**k which is mentioned in the Aneros Wiki and stated as one of the Aneros milestones. At age 65, I am still a virgin when it comes to fucking. I think I will remain virgin in this primal human experience of procreation. So I have never fucked or been fucked, male or female, in my whole life. STD's such as HIV/AIDS has deterred me from this one human experience, perhaps regretfully.