Aless a day following the breakthrough & Saturday midday session: Wow!

Hi guys,

My Aless in the hours following my breakthroughs in achieving Super-O’s and MMO’s with Maximus and Progasm Classic continued strong with many peaks and valleys of intense, erotic sweetness. What impressed me most is that my Aless was transformed. It is now effortless and seems to float. There is greater elasticity from my perineum through my manhole and the musculature surrounding my prostate which vibrates and pulsates with pleasure! I think also that my PC is especially elastic, yet strong. There are also surges of sheer pleasure that come out of nowhere. I can summon these surges of pleasure through Kegels, strong and subtle, or just by thinking about anything relating to my sessions, Aless, Super-O’s, MMO’s, or my various Aneros tools.

I slept well last night and finally rose for the day’s activities at 5:30 a.m. After bathing, shaving, and dressing, I set in my chair before my PC when it happened. I was “attacked” by a series of intense chairgasms! I had to go with them and just enjoy them.

I had to run a couple errands in the heart of Georgetown from 8:45 to 10:00 a.m. It has gotten humid again. I sweated during my long walk back to the apartment. However, I noticed on my way back home that there are “electrical energy” of a sexual energy in my legs and feet! Amazing.

Right now I am sitting bare-chested wearing an old pair of BIKE coaches shorts. I just how my caressing activates Aless, even intensifies it. It is so free and natural.

deep prostate?

So been doing it for a year now and when you think you’re somewhere it suprises you….

Just wondering I’ve been pushing my PC muscles alot recently and found it quite alot more stimulating than normal. but it kinda goes against the whole relax thing as I feel as though my muscles are tensing to try to force something. Also its pretty exhausting to hold. If I find that the best stimulation comes from holding my pc muscle does that mean my prostate is further up than most people? since contraction pulls the aneros further up? Should I try for something longer?

oh yeah I use the mgx…maybe I should go back to the classic. might give it a go.

More Milestones reached – the pleasure is getting stronger and stronger

I thought I would share some more of my experiences thus far. I have found the Wiki referred throughout this site, an extremely helpful guide and I would not have discovered this amazing wealth of pleasure without it, or the many posts on this site.

Although I have always enjoyed the pleasures of shoving things up my bum, I did not really know how deep the pleasure could go. I used to masturbate while objects were there. I knew there was pleasure in anal play, I knew about the nerve endings and the Prostate. But I did not know my body could be taught to ‘rewire the circuitry’ to achieve such amazing pleasure.

My journey started a few months ago when I decided to buy some sex toys. I had always wanted to buy these things but I was too embarrassed and didn’t really know where to get started. The change for me came when my wife was planning a business trip away for a few nights. I organised one of those Postal delivery services so I could go on-line, order what I wanted and have it waiting at the post office rather than delivered to my home. I was all set, so I went on-line and purchased a few toys – I chose the cheaper rubbery things and a plastic prostate massager – it looked like an Aneros but it wasn’t a genuine one. The stuff arrived and my wife went on her trip and I started to play.

Wow is all I can say!

I can only write a quick blog this morning as I’m pressed for time.

I had a session Wednesday night and tried a different internal lube (inspired by @BigGlansDC).  I injected 3/4 of a cc of Pure Virgin Olive Oil instead of my regular water-based liquid lube.  I lubed up my Helix-Syn as usual with water-based jell and went to work.  I should say, the tool went to work almost immediately.  This thing was floating and providing sensations I never experienced before.  Was it the lube or just natural progression of my rewiring process?  At this point, I must add that I performed a lot more Kegel exercises during the day, again inspired by my friends @BigGlansDC and @goldenboy. Who knows but it was great!

Last night, I repeated the process but with 1 cc of the oil and my Progasm Ice.  Again, the session was beyond any other I had before including the Wednesday one.  No Dry-Os but very very strong P-Waves where I thought ‘this is it, this is the night’.  Thinking about what @rumel wrote recently about over-analysing situations, I backed right down and used only very very very slight PC and Sphincter contractions and tried to relax as much as I could.  I finally had to end the session but my innards were objecting strongly.  They wanted more!

Thursday morning session, 8/25/16 ; Oh, the sweetness and power found in Aneros sessions, Aless and the Kegels!

Hi guys,

Like I said in yesterday’s blog post, I engaged with my Aless along with several sets of Kegels that felt more and more pleasurable as I continued to do them, along with sheer sexual power. This happened on a city bus on a way for business that I would hope would continue for much of the day, but didn’t. So I arrived back home before 10 a.m. and sat immobilized at my PC dazed just thinking what happened on the bus and occasionally performing sets of Kegels.

Last night, I went to bed at the usual hour and slept reasonably well. However, I woke up this morning at 3 a.m. and listened to programs on my walkman radio. I also did more sets of Kegels of many types and was getting more and more turned by them.

Finally I had an early morning session at 5:30 a.m. this morning with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Ivory which lasted about 1.25 hours. MGX really performed well this morning, especially when I laid on my right side and let him do his own thing. MGX massaged my anal canal/musculature and prostate in amazing new ways. When I withdrew MGX, I had a delicious, plump, semi-hardon! Maximus and Progasm Ivory also performed well, but they seemed anticlimactic compared to MGX. I engaged Progasm Ivory in several sets of direct Kegels which caused a copious ooze of precum from my dick Glans meatus!

One Step Closer – Involuntary Convulsions.

Since my Progasm Ice arrived 10 days ago, I haven’t really slept that much. Every night, starting around 11:30, I have inserted the beast and tried for the Big O. I know I am not supposed to chase it, but I can’t help myself. Reading all the experiences on this site have made me determined to try. So, I insert it every evening, I have practiced the breathing and PC muscle contractions – this I have learnt to do now and my muscles down there seem strong and responsive. I usually leave the Progasm in all night, which causes me to wake up several times and start the PC exercises again.

A few days ago, I left work early and went home. As I was alone with several hours up my sleeve, I thought I would do everything right. I bought a douche when I purchased my Progasm, along with some gel type lube. I had never used a douche before and found the experience interesting, but I was nice and clean. I lubed out, syringing heaps right up in-side me. I inserted the Progasm and spend several more hours, learning and enjoying – but no Big O.

Last night I continued again, lots of lube, (I am still clean from the douche a few days ago). I have read on this site by many successful members, that the Big O usually follows the anal muscles doing involuntary contractions and that this is out of the persons control – like the body takes over and knows what it needs to do. I had not experienced this, so last nights mission became – ‘I want to experience Involuntary contractions”.

Early morning’s Kegels, Thursday morning Aneros session, post session active bliss

Hi guys,

The current heatwave of the past week or so is slowly loosening its grip. Yesterday I had a commitment which took me away from the apartment from early morning until 6:30 p.m. last evening. It felt like a sauna walking back to my apartment seven blocks from the bus stop, and even more so when I got some refreshment from my neighborhood 7 Eleven an hour later. I was so worn out from the heat and humidity that I planned for an early bedtime.

At 8:15 p.m. heavy thunderstorms with abundant lightning rolled through the area. I had to exit the Net, shut down my PC, and disconnect my modem. At 10 p.m., the storms with their abundant electricity exited the area. I had a restful sleep last night.

This morning at 4 I woke up with anticipation of an Aneros session. My body and mind was excited at the prospect because that is what Aless does to you. All day yesterday and even last evening in my exhaustion, Aless was always there as a good buddy, hitting me at surprising times. Often whenever that happens, I will tap into my Aless with some anal contractions and some Kegels to let my Aless know that I am ready to engage it as my good buddy.

Sessions for Monday and Tuesday morning, 8/15 & 8/16/16

Hi guys,

The heatwave continues unabated here, but is expected to break for sure on Wednesday, with temperatures in the 80’s into next week. So after news headlines at 5 a.m. and nothing noteworthy for extended listening, I prepped for early morning session with began around 5:15 a.m. I used in order the following models: MGX, Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Classic. I rode them in manly fashion with Kegel sets on them all, especially Progasm Classic. Wow! What profound Aless of which I am Kegeling and Reverse Kegels in various strengths as I type this. Also MGX has become on my favorite models!

Update composed Tuesday morning, 8/16/16:

I had a good solid session early yesterday morning which produced lots of Aless. It was another hot day with a high of 94. These days mostly I stay indoors in the air conditioned comfort of my apartment. I devoted long periods of yesterday to a translation project while enjoying the Aless.

Thunderstorms arrived in the late afternoon with a big one here in Georgetown at 8:15 p.m. I had to log off the Internet, shut down my PC, and disconnect for the night. I slept reasonably well with several stretches of wakefulness. Finally I fell asleep at 4:10 a.m. and had a profound dream of attending Mass at the church I used to attend. I woke up feeling a little morose and confused. This was about 5:35. While listening to the newscast, I began a set of Kegels which began to feel more and more deliciously sweet. I did this in several sets for about ten minutes and was getting more and more aroused. My well Anerosed and educated man cunt urged me to have an impromptu session with Progasm Classic.

Saturday morning session, 8/13/16, with bating and edging sessions following

Hi guys,

I slept well last night and got up at 5 a.m. and promptly bathed and shaved because we are under an excessive heat warning until 11 p.m. tonight in our heatwave which should begin to abate on Tuesday.

Also when attending to my toilet duties, I had a fat erection which I should reward later today in an extended bate and edging session or more. So I sat before my PC looking at erotic pictures on tumblr while Kegeling and bating except my cock was not interested. So at 5:45, I began my session. I used in order the following models, MGX, Eupho Classic, Tempo and Progasm Ivory. I had perhaps the best ride with MGX today to date. This time he was not aggressive at all, but delivered a robust, yet gentle massage which I savored. Eupho Classic and Tempo rode well in their customary ways. I performed sets of Kegels and Reverse Kegels on the first two. I sat with Tempo inserted at my PC savoring his rhythm. I ended the session Progasm Ivory with sustained sets of Kegels and Reverse Kegels with him. The session was so sweet and powerful. It lasted about 1.5 hours.

After the session I donned a Champion cup and jock which is manufactured in Taiwan. The cup is somewhat contoured but has a thick cushioned gasket adding to its comfort. The cup and jock fits my junk perfectly and hence is ideal for the Kegels! This cup covers my groin from my perineum to my glans penis and hence my cock and balls are securely locked. Just awesome for performing the Kegels!

A couple of GGringo’s perceptive comments worth treasuring

I have enjoyed my interactions with GGringo on of late recently. He became an Aneros member in February 2016.

He has given me permission to copy the text of his Forum post last week. It is entitled: “Pushing Edging to the Edge.” He describes his masturbation and edging practice how all this relates to his Aneros sessions and Aless. I treasure his perceptive words and when he gave me permission earlier today, that really revved up my Aless! 🙂

“For weeks now, I was practicing edging or at least I thought I was. I would masturbate and when I felt I was getting close to climax, I would squeeze my PC muscle as hard as I could and stop ejaculation. I was proud of my progress but I never experienced any real orgasms in the process. It felt good and I was thinking, it will come with time and experience.

“In the last few days, I changed my process and finally discovered my way to multiple orgasm without ejaculation! I masturbate, sometimes aggressively and go as far as feeling the coming of eminent ejaculation and then I squeeze the base of my penis as hard as I can and at the same time, push in my perineum just as hard to suppress ejaculation. The first few times, I did not really feel the orgasm as I was more preoccupied with averting the spill. And then, with practice, I get the full orgasms on every set of strokes but without the spill! In one session, my prostate leaked some fluid but it was not semen and still no refractory. I can now achieve this several times (4 to 6 so far) per session and now I give myself at least a few sessions per day. It’s getting easier and with no refractory period, I am not drained of energy. In fact I feel more energetic all day!