I decided to take a break from Anerosing a few weeks ago, due to the fact that I didn't really feel like using the Aneros and mainly due to the fact there'd be no time for any sessions in the run up to Christmas. Over the past week or so I've been getting little feelings and twitches in my perineum but I've tried my best to ignore them as I'd only be torturing myself! On Christmas Eve I was laying down on a hard wood floor when my perineum started to flutter, I involuntarily bucked my hips and brought on some pleasurable sensations. Uh oh. Suddenly very horny but absolutely no chance of a session! I managed to get through Christmas day without too many feelings and THANKFULLY found myself in a completely empty house on Boxing Day morning )bliss(
I woke up extremely hungry for a session. Knowing I had four or five hours to myself I took my time in getting myself ready for a session. Since it had been a while I was just savouring the old familiar feeling of arousal in my pelvic region and taking pleasure in the feelings and excitement of knowing I was finally going to be able to slide my Helix in and enjoy myself.