A glimpse into the abyss?

Let me start by saying last night was my best session so far. I’m not sure if it was my uninterrupted night at home, my new shower gel, my newly found audio to listen to, my 4 days of abstinence, or my freshly minted Brazilian but I was hot to trot last night. Showered, relaxed and crawled into bed. Watched one porn clip which really got me going. Headphones on, lights out and within minutes my involuntary contractions were pumping me. Deep breathing and focusing on not clenching kept the waves going and then whack! the hfdo’s started. Rolled through about 6-10 of those and was starting to notice some weird sensations, like someone was sitting on my chest and then involuntary clenching of my eyes! I started to notice that the eye thing was possibly linked to the audio, which was super weird, like I was being controlled by the music. Whole session lasted about an hour and I was done. Magical night (and morning actually, I backed it up again this morning).

I get what people say about super o’s now. I think I caught a glimpse of it last night. Hopefully I can build on it next time (aka tonight!)

https://youtu.be/ULls1aPcAgk this is the audio I was listening to.

Helix Trident Classic.

No drugs.

Re-wiring question

So a little bit about me, I’m 26 and have been using my aneros for years now. I’ve come really close to experiencing what I imagine being a super o. I’ve had amazing full body sensations and have been at the point of breathing heavy and heart racing. I’ve deff made really good progress over the years. However I know there is more to come and I feel as if I can’t get past a certain point.

Tbh, even an amazing session, I tend to crave an orgasm and up until now, have always ended my session with porn and jerking off. From what I’ve read and experienced, porn doesn’t help as it puts you into “overdrive” and jerking off can hinder, if not stop the re-wiring process.

My question is for those that have been able to cross the bridge in to super-o land…Did you cut out porn and masturbation completely along your journey? And if so, did it make a big difference?


Like many people here, I’ve been struggling to hit the elusive hfo for about a year. Here is some info:

1. I use the helix syn trident mostly, but I also have the pure wand and a dildo (both of which don’t do too much). Im trying to use what I have instead of buying more toys. Budget conscious to a point
2. I’ve read multiple posts and the faq over and over as well as other research on other subreddits and forums
3. I’m not rushing the process, but trying to enjoy it (which I do)
4. I give at least a week between sessions with no release between
5. I do enjoy the process, but would like to take it to the next step
6. I must admit many times I finish a session “manually” because I feel like I need a release to end
7. I know many people here get hfo within days, others after years
8. Poppers and other similar options are not possible at this time
9. I’ve used mindgasm and other tools
10. Not watching porn during sessions, etc.

Are these my only options:
1. Buy other toys (looking at progasm or eupho trident, but I’ve read other posts where buying a ton of toys may not necessarily help)
2. Just keep trying until it happens?

Admittedly i get frustrated but trying to keep an open mind and just “let it happen”. I also know there isn’t 1 golden solution that works for everyone but any additional tips?

First Super O Today

Yup, I deff unlocked something amazing! Wow!

26 years old and in great shape. I’m guessing that a combination of fitness and never giving up Aneros practice helped me get here today.

The other day, I had my and made a post on here about my first HFWO. It felt great but I knew there had to be more.

Today, the kind of pleasure that I’ve been imagining finally happened.

I’ve never experienced pleasure like this so as far as I know, it was deff a super O.

I started just like my last session. Deep breathing and watched some porn to get me more in the mood.

Lubed up my eupho and slipped it in.

This time, I tried using a few different muscles that I felt. I was using more of a “push and pull” gentle kind of motion.

I started to feel waves of pleasure. After sometime, my dick suddenly got super rock hard and was constantly leaking clear fluid.

The pleasure intensified not by clenching, but by resisting the urge to clench and pushing out gently. This went on and on for sometime. I actually lost track of the time.

Finally, it hit me. Dick still super hard and leaking. I felt like I was going to cum. The orgasm hit but never ended. It literally felt like I was coming.

What the hell was that!

What’s up guys a long time lurker but haven’t really had anything to add, especially compared to some of the great sessions you guys seem to have. So anyway on to the reason I’m here..

I’ve been using Aneros and other toys for a long time but never really had any luck with them, small little hints of pleasure and I know these things take time but today was different, I knew I’d finish work early today and had my mind set on a session, so quick shower get set up with a few clips of porn and the helix trident came out, I used a silicone lube today as I felt the water based stuff I use dries out too quickly. All seemed to be the same old for a while but I wasn’t ready to call it quits, I was about an hour into it at this point when suddenly my prostate came alive, the feelings weren’t overwhelming but they were good! This went from good to great and I my stomach felt like it was rippling and twitching as the aneros was bouncing off my prostate, I was shaking and moaning as the feelings got stronger, this went on for about 30 minutes before I accidentally brushed my hand against my sack and before I knew it I was hard as a rock hard having a long drawn out wet orgasm, holy shit it was amazing, I didn’t get hard the whole time until I came but I have never experienced anything like this before, not sure if it was a super o or not but it felt good. To the point I’m now wondering when I can skive off work early again lol. sorry for the long drawn out post but this was a big step for me

Orgasm after radical prostatectomy

This is my first blog ever. I had nerve sparing radical prostatectomy about 2.5 years ago. A great deal of time is spent talking about erections, but I was at a loss when it came to information on pleasure and orgasm. The only results I got from Cialis or Viagra was partial erections while urinating while sitting down, for a few days following. I also tried pumps but was not a big fan. Through it all my wife has been supportive, but I was left feeling that she was more on the sidelines waiting for me to figure it out leaving me frustrated and unjustifiably angry with her. The stress on our marriage has been extreme. I was given very little support from my doctor other than erection pills, penis injections or surgery to put a pump in my testicle sac to pump up an erection. Nothing addressed sexual pleasure other than being told the only kind of orgasm I could have would be a dry orgasm. “WTF” does that even mean.
After 2 years of trying, failing, and doing my own research to address the fact that there seemed to be some correlation between my erections and stimulation of the internal nerves that were spared during the surgery. I researched prostate massagers to if any might stimulate the spared nerves even though the prostate was removed. I discussed the possibility of benefit with my doctor’s office and had a very difficult discussion with my wife. I was so relieved when she responded that she loved me and would work with me to figure it out. I settled on the Helix Syn V and Progasm. I found the Progasm comfortable enough to wear while slept. Within a week or so of leaving it in all night every night I started getting erections while peeing sitting down even though I hadn’t taken any erection medication.
I have been able to give my wife orgasms without having an erection, but I was denied any form of physical pleasure myself. One night lying in bed on my stomach facing away from my wife, my legs spread and the Progasm inside me, I asked her to roll over and put her leg over mine. When she did I my body responded and did it ever. Every muscle in my body was contracting, my toes curled, I started panting and maybe even whimpering. This built up for several minutes until I was able to catch my breath and relax, but not for long before I started to blast off again. I not sure but I think this rolling orgasm lasted more than 30 minutes. We were traveling the next day and that night it happened again. So much of my frustration and anger was feeling that sexual pleasure was something that I would never experience again. I can honestly say that I have never had an orgasm as intense or satisfying. Any more my wife can roll over and rub my ankle and get me fired up. I feel the sensations when on my own but never to the extent as I do when my wife is with me.
At this point I’m looking for some counseling. I’m still frustrated with the medical community for their lack of help finding quality of life solutions for their patients. I shouldn’t have had to spend the amount of time I did in pornography to find medical information that the medical community is to squeamish to talk about. Grow up already!

Doing other stuff to not get frustrated

I’ve been finding a mild amount of success with putting in an aneros for an hour, porn on in the background but more for the sound and occasional glance. I then proceed to read for class or do other homework. I’ll go for an hour and then either take an hour off or pee and switch to a different model (I have a progasm and the euph). Gotten some very pleasurable sensations and can go for several hours without the frustration and desire to jerk off that I get from listening to shibby tracks.


Progress, maybe?

Hi there!

A few months ago, I bought myself a Progasm Jr. I haven’t had much success with it so far, just mild anal pleasure. That said, I kept trying in the hopes that my body would eventually get used to it, taking from the accounts of people on this sub and other websites. Here and there, I read that refraining yourself from masturbating the usual way for a few days would make you more sensitive to pleasure in other parts of your body.

So I gradually started to space out my masturbation sessions for longer and longer periods of time, and when I felt like I wanted to jerk off, I made sure to always plug in my Progasm Jr, and only ever use my hands when the frustration really got to me. Eventually my toy began to move on its own while I was watching porn and I did start feeling some other kind of pleasure from that, but nothing too substantial. However, something different happened today.

As I usually do before any session, I went to the bathroom to empty my bladder. It would seem, however, that I did a poor job, as I felt the urge to pee half an hour in. I didn’t want to end my session that early, so I pushed on despite the risks, and I began experimenting with that feeling. I tried to concentrate on the area where the urge to pee was coming from, and little by little, I switched focus to a spot right under it that felt really good.

Success?! (Aneros Progasm Ice)

So I’ve been playing with my prostate every now and then for a few months, I tried the Aneros Helix, but I couldn’t feel it when inside me. I’ve had p waves before but nothing more.

I bought the Progasm Ice on sale last month and tonight was the first time I got to use it.

Once I got it in I just laid back and put on some porn to listen to. I have a small bullet massager that I was using on my nipples that was like okay, but nothing crazy.

After about 10 minutes of just laying there on my back with my legs up doing kegels, I had my first p wave, shaking, heavy breathing, the whole deal.

This happened a couple of times, it was going like how all of the other sessions went, p waves and leaving me questioning what the next steps feel like.

Then, I started moving my hips up and down, I remembered that I liked this motion and that it got my going last time.

Then, I started to feel intense pleasure in my head. I could almost feel a line being drawn from where the toy was touching me inside to my brain.

There was a buildup of pleasure in the front of my head, just above my forehead (idk if that makes any sense, but that’s where I felt it lol).

Helix v Progasm Jnr : a 48 hr road test

So I picked up a Helix Trident Friday after having a Progasm Jnr for a little while. I tossed up between bigger and smaller toy and after some consultation here decided on smaller. Wow 😮 Big isn’t always better.

I had the weekend to myself so it was time to make some progress and I wanted to compare these two toys. I’d had some success with the Progasm with what I’m assuming was a mini o. It was time to see if I could replicate it or better.

I don’t do much prep. No drugs. Not a lot of porn. I just get turned on by my sense that anal play is a bit of a kink for me. I jumped into bed albeit tired from the week and not sleeping very well. Popped in the Progasm, got into usual side position and relaxed. As expected, it didn’t take long to replicate what I’m calling a mini o. Pressure building from my source and then a wave of intense contractions in my abdominals. Then another smaller less intense wave. Then I think I fell asleep and was awoken some time later by another smaller wave.

That was pretty cool. Time to try the new helix.

Same deal. In, side, relax.

What happened next was incredible. 45 min of wave after wave of these intense abdominal contractions until they started getting less intense and less frequent.
