
Planning my first session for tomorrow evening….keeping my expectations low but still excited. Have downloaded a number of erotic soundtracks to play while I experience my first session. Schedule a workout and an massage right after work to relax me before experiencing.

Aneros shipped device today instead of yesterday just delaying and building the anticipation…so glad I paid for overnight shipping

Aless session while wearing a jock and cup

Hi guys,

Today I could not control myself. Around 11:30 a.m. this morning, I slipped that Champion Deluxe Jock and Cup I told you about in an earlier blog entry today. This jock and cup fits my "junk" perfectly in such comfort as I Aless. In fact, such contact with my genitals Alessing magnifies my Aless, its pleasure and sweetness. Gee, I have been on the verge of cumming for the last hour or so riding the edge of ejaculatory inevitability. I will have to get some relief or so! :-]

Aneros session for Thursday June 18, 2005

Hi guys,

I have been blessed by some really pleasurable Aneros sessions lately which have left me with really amazing Aless!

This morning I tried in order the following models: Maximus, Helix Classic, Tempo, and Progasm Ivory.

After a brief jaunt to a neighborhood to get some food, I started with Maximus. Maximus and I this morning interacted well, but not well enough as in other sessions. So I went on to Helix Classic which hit all the right places today. Abundant pleasure resulted which spurred me on to Tempo and Progasm Ivory which continued the upward trajectory of Aneros pleasure!

The reason why I use multiple models in my sessions is that where one model may not perform up to expectations, another model can fill the bill!

This morning my Aless feels like my body is in a continuous, yet minor boil. I am savoring the sweetness of this Aless feeling like my body is riding the edge of ejaculatory inevitability. Take care!

1st Experience with the VICE

Since my last blog i have had some great times using the Classic and being rewarded by Awesome SUPER "O's".mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
I would get the hunger for a SUPER "O" and it would feel to me as if my prostate was "gagging" for the Classic! Most certainly when it was inserted there was no stopping events that culminated in strong breathtaking SUPER "O's". The classic broke my prostrate virginity and awakened inside of me a kind of dormant monster! A monster that has the strength to push home the most intense orgasmic feelings that i have ever felt! However "as man's destiny is never to be happy" i wanted to try in another prostrate plug. I decided to go for "The Vice" with the vibrating bullet! This is a larger plug than the Classic and its a beautiful design.
As i say it is larger but i find that as with the
Classic if you squat down as i do [like if you were pushing out a stool] then insert the plug fully home.This way for me it doesen't hurt that much! My normal session position [which i find best]is on the bed lying on my back lifted by 2 Large pillows with knees in the air and legs open wide. On my 1st session with the Vice i lubed it up well and went into my squat position on the floor. As i inserted the plug it instantly went in and fully home. I could feel the Perineum tab make contact just below my scrotum! The plug going in took my breath away and felt delicious. I was about to make it onto the bed when suddenly i was hit by a BIG pleasure
Wave! I was on my knees at this time and it stopped me in my tracks! I rode out the wave and as it was subsiding i again tried to make it onto the bed but i was caught again by another BIG pleasure wave and at this stage all i could do was stay on my knees at the side of the bed. I gripped the covers and sank my head into them. This 2nd wave made me shake and i felt i had lost control of my legs! So there i was kind of "pinned" on my knees to the side of the bed gripping the covers and going into a kind of spasm! My shaking legs appeared to be causing a
forced and uncontrollable contraction of the Vice
inside me! I moaned. Another wave hit me and i could feel it was more intense than the last one's. I was going no where so i said i would ride this out to the end on my knees! There was no let up on the PW's. The waves were now causing more spasm's and i could feel the Vice tight and fitting so full inside me.
It was beautiful! With each PW i let my erotic thoughts enter into my mind. I then broke out with a rock hard erection! It was the uncontrolled body spasm's that kept contracting the Vice and subsequently setting off more PW's. I moaned, man did i moan. At the peak of the waves i was biting into the bed covers! I felt parched for a drink but all these feeling's were much TOO GOOD to give up now! The last most pleasurable wave seemed to pass and things settled and i felt so good -when suddenly out of the blue i was feeling this massive build-up in my anus! It felt like a massive HOT explosion that rapidly shot into my pelvis/genital area. It sent me into an uncontrolled convulsion. I felt unable to breath! With a contorted face i screamed and at this spasmick moment – i just knew this was a SUPER "O" but what a SUPER "O". Its erotic power shot right thru me!! It PEAKED SO MUCH!! It PEAKED & it PEAKED!! Fookin hell…….. there is absolutely NO WAY a wet orgasm will come anywhere near what my 1st experience was with the Vice..believe me… Since that 1st try ive been having some fantastic SUPER "O's" with the Vice.
Its just sooooo good reaching the SUPER "O" and it goes into a multi orgasm that sometimes it feels like "an out of your body experience" There is only some precum after them- as yet no cum. My hope is that i could experience a wet orgasm brought on [with no hand's] by the Vice! Maybe its time now to try it with the vibrating pellet fitted? mmmmmmmmmm

Maximus . . . Optimus

braveneworld's review and endorsement of the maximus classic ( convinced me to buy one. As I imagined, the maximus and MGX have a lot in common because of their similar shapes. Both have an assertive presence; I can't forget either of them is in there. The main difference I feel is the MGX is more insistent. It demands attention in a way the maximus doesn't. braveneworld succinctly described it with the phrase “hugs you inside and out.”

I 've been using the maximus almost exclusively since receiving it. I've had fewer dud sessions than before, and the non-dud ones get cooking faster and get into super-O territory more frequently. Maybe I'm getting more adept at lighting the fuse on my orgasm, and getting the maximus simply coincides with that. Or maybe the maximus is 100% responsible for my increased success. More likely it's some of both.

Increased success brings increased confidence. I used to see my orgasm as a precious, delicate thing, and I avoided doing anything that might disturb it. Now I find myself more willing to try flexing internal muscles during the incipient or in-progress orgasm. An inept squeeze might ruin everything, but it's never more than a temporary disappointment. I still don't have an orgasm cheatcode, but the first levels of the game are familiar.

The Road to Enlightenment Is Not Always Paved, Even, or Straight

After my excellent Peridise experience at work, I was hoping for some advancement with my Progasm. But I had a pretty uneventful bedtime session )2+ hours( following steps that had been fairly successful previously. The next night, I opted for the Peridise and experienced another unrewarding session. I was going to lay off for awhile, but I couldn't resist trying another work session with the Peridise and had only limited response from my body. Disappointed to say the least! But that night, following my workout, I inserted my Progasm at bedtime, fell off to sleep, and was awakened with an erection great p-waves. The intensity ebbed and flowed for at least an hour with the best sensations I can recall.
I took my Peridise on a my weekend trip and inserted it on Saturday night with no meaningful results. Upon arriving home from my trip, I followed the same steps that have been successful with my Progasm two nights prior. Some ok sensations, but nothing memorable in what would have to be classified as another step backward.
Oh well, Rome wasn't built in a day, and clearly neither is my rewiring and enlightenment.

I felt every drop

Hello my fine gentlemen. I write this still with a smile on my face from last nights session. So In a previous blog I wrote I was doing the 21 day challenge of not having a wet orgasm. I have doe it before but with a few years of prostate play under my belt I wanted to see how different not coming for a long period of time would effect me. It was hard trust me it was hard but yesterday was today was date between me and my glorious hard rigid penis to finally have the big bang of a orgasm.

It all started by me coming to the site ust to relax with my aneros brothers. I got into the chat and saw all of my old buddies i started here with IE Brine DJblackknight & the teacher Runel. Even a few new guys that I have been seeing recent was even there too. We were all just chatting when someone brought up who will be riding tonight. It was 11 pm then. So we all join in and said we were. So instantly we all just pulled out our toys and began to ride. I actually had to clean out so it took me a few minutes to get started but when I did It felt amazing. Maybe it was cause I was so at the edge that my prostate was just ready to finally push me over to cum or was it riding imaginary with my brothers.

Quiet, but nice

I'm meditating regularly. Yesterday I was circulating energy into my sacrum and up my spine, I suddenly got an immense surge in my lower back during the day, I thought at last the real Kundalini is on its way, and was able to meditate immediately and I concentrated on the feeling. It became very powerful but nothing broke through. I really think that I have to be careful.
My theory is that my original experience was forced in that I pushed energy up through my chest and into my head and triggered a partial Kundalini. It went through the wrong channel rather than rising up my spine.
The lesson learnt from yesterday is that you can't force it, much like trying to force an orgasm. If I am not ready for it, I am not ready for it. I have decided that it will happen naturally if I work on meditation, relaxation and positivity. It might take years but it will come when it is ready.

I'm also having slight difficulty with dry O's again. I'm sure it's because I tried to force a Kundalini yesterday and I have put things out of balance again. I certainly haven't got anywhere near a super-O again yet. I feel like it's a prize waiting for me once I have balanced myself sufficiently and it will happen when I have truly given in and accepted myself and that I'm not in control.

Almost super-O again

I'm managing to get to orgasm again easily now. I had forgotten how intense a super-O was until tonight although I still didn't actually have one I was on the verge of it for ages – it was painful feeling the full intensity of one just about to happen, it reminded me of how good they were, but it just didn't quite get there.
Whilst I would have loved to feel it burst out and I'm sad that it didn't, I really could feel the power there and I was probably willing it too hard rather than just allowing it to happen. It's exciting that I have got so close again and I'm sure next time it will happen. It's strange that I thought I was having super-Os again but this has made me realise that without any doubt I am not.
This is really exciting. I feel a bit like I did when I just couldn't even to into an orgasm at all, but not so disappointed just excited that there is so much more just about to happen.

Disappointment followed by Euphoria at the Tony Awards

2 days since previous session: After attending a play )One Man Two Guvnors( Saturday night and a relaxing shower, I was ready for further progress toward significant stimulation. I went to bed with the Progasm inserted; relaxed; tried several positions; then contractions. All this resulted in only minor responses. I fell off to sleep several times and tired again each time I woke up. But finally, with substantial disappointment, gave up after waking up 3 hours from the start.
I thought about the Progasm regularly all day Sunday and was going to wait until Monday evening to give it another try. But after a work out, I thought maybe a two day layoff isn't the answer. Was I ever right!
After my workout, no shower )TMI?(, I just inserted the Progasm and laid down on my side on the couch not far from my wife to watch the Tony Awards, and enjoyed two plus hours of bliss that I did not want to end. The Tony Awards have never been so wonderful! I even watched the local news afterwards just so I wouldn't have to stop.
After just relaxing and I was rewarded with some nice sensations. I did just a few contractions before things got going on their own. For nearly two hours I enjoyed wave after wave of prostate/anal rushes that periodically caused shocks that made my leg or back jump. I spent much of that time just mentally saying "OMG, don't let this stop" and hoping that I didn't verbalize this thought or start moaning. )My wife was unaware that I had inserted the Progasm before laying down to watch the show. My wife knows of the Progasm and has somewhat begrudgingly accepted that if she has a vibrator, why shouldn't I have something. But we are in our sixties and sexual communication has never been one of our strengths. Me being receptive to all kinds of fetiches and her being of strict Catholic upbringing(.
So after the news, I reluctantly removed the Progasm, showered, and went to sleep. I woke up three hours later with an erection )first in a very long time( and lots of wonderful prostate/anal sensations! I enjoyed the waves of sensations and occasionally encouraged more with a contraction now and then. After a substantial period of time, I fell asleep and woke up 20 minutes before my alarm to more sensations. What a great evening. I'm not sure that any of this qualifies as an orgasm, but whatever it is, sign me up for more, more, more.
Still enjoying the "afterglow" at work right now.
I can't wait until I can embrace my Progasm again.