In the first post in this series, I gave some general advice about how to approach learning to have prostate orgasms and talked about the easiest way to try to stimulate the prostate: manually. In this post, I will talk about the use of probes, prostate massagers, and vibrators.
Tag: Prostate Massagers
Stimulating the Prostate to Orgasm (III): Dildos and Thrusting
In the first post in this series, I gave some general advice about how to approach learning to have prostate orgasms and talked about manual stimulation of the prostate. In the second post, I talked about the virtues of probes, prostate massagers, and vibrators. In this, the third and last post, I will discuss the use of dildos.
What Prostate Orgasms Are
As I recounted in the first post in this series, it took me several years after I first discovered prostate orgasms until I learned to be able to have them on a regular basis. But what exactly is a prostate orgasm?
For that matter, what exactly is an orgasm? It is important to understand, first of all, that, even in men,* orgasm is different from ejaculation. It is possible for a man to ejaculate without experiencing the sort of pleasure we associate with orgasm, and it is also possible for a man to experience the pleasure of an orgasm without ejaculating. Importantly, these “dry” orgasms typically are not followed, as ejaculatory orgasms usually are, by a “refractory” phase, during which sexual arousal is essentially impossible, no matter how much additional sexual stimulation one receives. That is, while “dry” orgasms do release some sexual tension, they do not release of all of it. Additional stimulation will increase arousal, and one can have another “dry” orgasm very shortly afterwards. Men who have these sorts of orgasms are thus able to have multiple orgasms, much the same way that many women are.
There is a good deal of debate within the medical and psychological community about how orgasm should be defined. Everyone agrees that orgasm involves both physiological and psychological components: certain sorts of rhythmic contractions of muscles in the pelvic region, and an intense experience of sensual pleasure. The debate centers on which of these really is the orgasm: the physiological part or the psychological part? We know the two can come part. So the question is: Can you have an orgasm without feeling it? If the orgasm is the physiological response, then you can. If it’s the psychological response, then you can’t.
For our purposes, it doesn’t matter very much how this question is answered. What does matter is that the two components of orgasm are closely related. Part of what feels so good are those rhythmic muscular contractions. Who knows why, but we humans experience them as extremely pleasurable. Anything that triggers such contractions, then, will thereby trigger at least part of the experience of orgasm.
And it turns out that one way to cause such contractions is to stimulate the prostate. A prostate orgasm, then, is simply an orgasm that is brought about through stimulation of the prostate.
My own experience is that prostate orgasms feel very different from ejaculatory orgasms. Part of the reason, I’d guess, is that many groups of muscles are involved in orgasmic contraction. Probably one of the reasons different orgasms can feel so different is that different groups of muscles are involved on different occasions. It wouldn’t be surprising if only some of the muscles that contract during ejaculatory orgasms do so during prostate orgasms. That does not mean that they feel less good, but only that they feel different.
More interestingly, many men say that prostate orgasms have a “whole body” quality that ejaculatory orgasms usually lack. Indeed, men often describe prostate orgasms in ways that sound very much like how women describe their orgasms. In my case, prostate orgasms are not centered on my penis and testicles, the way that ejaculatory orgasms usually are. Rather, they feel as if they start deep within my pelvis and then spread throughout my body, enveloping and enfolding me with waves and waves of pleasure.
Many men also report that prostate orgasms last longer than ejaculatory orgasms. Scholarly consensus is that ejaculatory orgasms, for most men, last about 10-15 seconds. A typical prostate orgasm, for me, seems to last about 20 seconds, and it is not at all unusual for them to last 30 seconds or more. I have had prostate orgasms, in fact, that lasted for over two minutes, and some of these ended only because I felt so overwhelmed that I had to stop.
And, as said earlier, most men find that they can have multiple prostate orgasms, because there is no, or only a very little, “downtime”. In my case, I often feel as if I need a rest, simply because the orgasm I’ve just experienced has left me somewhat drained. But sometimes, it leaves me energized, and I am able just to keep stimulating my prostate, so that a second orgasm may follow the first within thirty seconds or so. I don’t think I’ve ever had more than three orgasms in a row like that. )By then, I really was ready for a rest!( And I often find that, even if I do pause in between, if I’ve had a few orgasms from one kind of stimulation, I need to switch to something else if I’m going to continue. Fortunately, there are a lot of different ways to stimulate the prostate, so you have a lot to choose from.
There’s another kind of anal orgasm I’ve experienced as well, and which is worth mentioning here, especially because it is a kind of orgasm that women too can enjoy, since it doesn’t involve the prostate. I call it a “peristaltic” orgasm. Peristalsis is the process through which contractions conspire to move something through a tube. It’s peristalsis, for example, that moves food and then waste through the intestines. And it would seem that at least some of the muscles that are involved in peristaltic processes in the rectum are also involved in orgasm. So, again, if you can find a way to trigger those sorts of contractions, you thereby trigger at least part of the experience of orgasm.
Blown away!
So I did it again last night! Almost four months since my last mini-O, I had another one. Oddly enough I was somewhat surprised it happened. As my Aneros sessions as of late have been really uneventful. And on top of that I've been struggling with life issues. The only thing I can really say that may have played a part in it, is that the prior day before, after my Aneros session, I fucked myself rather thoroughly for a long time with my Feeldoe More. Now there was no orgasmic events from this. But it felt really, really good. And as always, it massaged my prostate much more aggressively than my Aneros prostate massager's such that it typically wakes up my prostate much quicker. Where as it would otherwise take many daily Aneros sessions to get it to that point. And it teaches me to relax much more due to it's size, and to comfortably insert and enjoy the thrusting of it in me. This once again reinforces the belief that other forms of anal penetration and thusly prostate massage that is not Aneros products, can be helpful to move one along the path towards achieving super-O's.
On top of that when I started my Aneros session last night, I noticed when pushing chunks of shea butter inside me that I had an irritated hemorrhoid from fucking myself the prior day. And while inserting my Progasm, I thought to myself, “This may not go anywhere with this discomfort and pain from the hemorrhoid.” But once it was fully inserted and I relaxed the pain and discomfort went away.
My Breathing Meditation
Guided breathing meditation
)I've edited this blog after getting feedback from my Tai Chi teacher.(
I've started my sessions recently with this breathing exercise that I put together from several sources. I do it with any model aneros prostate massager. I like it because it gets me aroused from within without any stimulation. It may be of interest to men who have trouble getting aroused. I don't know if it will work for anyone else but me. Let me know if it works for you.
stage 1 oral breathing – to relax and circulate oxygen
Breathe into your abdomen relaxedly with your diaphragm, don't use your chest muscles.
With your mouth closed pull in air smoothly and slowly and gently through your nose.
Feel it as it flows down your throat into your chest.
Pause briefly, and then push the air out while saying"ahhhh" deeply so you feel it in your belly.
Exhale slowly and feel the air flow up out of your chest, up your throat and out your lips.
Pause briefly again and start over.
If you feel uncomfortably light-headed, slow down and take smaller breaths.
If you feel shortness of breath, take a deep breath and adjust your breathing so you're getting enough air.
Do this as much as you need to feel comfortable and natural doing this.
The Awakened Prostate : A Celebration of National Masturbation Month
)I composed this blog entry a few days ago for BateWorld, a social website for guys into masturbation. It was at BateWorld that I met a few guys in September or October 2011 who use the Aneros and encouraged me to get my first Aneros models(
I am a red-blooded American male with a normal sex drive. Like most guys when I entered puberty at age 11, I began noticing subtle changes in my body. First, I noticed a spurt growth in my body. My genitals began to get large and I saw the sprouting of my first pubic hairs. While all this happened, my voice began to get lower and deeper and soon afterwards I had to learn to shave. But most of all, I began to get those irrepressible erections.
All this began happening more than fifty years ago in the early 1960's. In September 1963, I entered 7th grade. PE )Physical Education( was a core subject in those years. We had PE three times a week. I grew up in a small town in Northwestern Connection. In those years, both Junior High and Senior High occupied one campus. Our school gymnasium had modern, innovative architecture in those years. My deep consciousness gave me the impression that our gymnasium had the quality of religious shrine. In fact, it was a shrine to athletics. Our school system had one of the best programs in both academics and athletics in the State of Connecticut during my impressionable years.
So I don't know where to begin so I'll start with last Thursday, 1/24/13. I went to a my local shop and looked around in the butt plug aisle…looking like I needed help because I paced that aisle twice. I was looking for the Aneros line up but it wasn't there.
A woman who worked there asked me if I needed help as he could tell I was looking for something but not seeing it. I asked her where are the prostate massagers? She lead me to the next aisle and there was the MGX and the Promax. I have to say the sheer size of the Promax gave me immediate pause. I opted for the MGX. But I left wondering about the Promax.
I got home and immediately lubed up with Uberlube and inserted the MGX easily. I was on my side as the little guide suggested. But I have played with anal by myself so I new laying in one position was not going to work. So I started wiggling around a bit. The MGX responded well but the P-tab was too firm. I didn't notice it till Sunday that my P-tab was getting sore. I had been grinding on the for a while.
I didn't experience a super O the first few times but the ejaculate was amazing. I was going for total horse loads and I got'um. Then I hit a new level. I started convulsing and making the most gutteral sounds. And I couldn't control it nor wanted to. IO bucked all over my bed and gasping for air. I know to breathe but this literally took my breath away. I don't think this experience is a superO but it lasted for over two hours and was the most powerful sexual orgasm I have experienced. I barely touched my penis. I didn't feel the need to ejaculate at all.
By then, my curiosity in this product was fully piqued.
I checked out the Aneros website and immediately checked out the VICE when I saw it. Remember, I walked out of that store thinking about the Promax.
After reading the ad and doing a little reading of BMayfield's review of the Vice, I decided that this would be the one for me. So I ordered the Vice immediately. I continued to enjoy the MTX the rest of the weekend.
Yesterday, 1/28/13, I got the Vice in the mail. I live in Alaska so everything comes second day air-always go through the Post Office if I can.
I opened the package and was immediately was disarmed. From the pictures the vibe looked like a huge beast to me. But holding it in my hand and lubing it up…I had a feeling I was gong to be okay.
I have to admit the first two times I tried to insert the Vice I was too tense. I remembered to push on my sphincter and the head of the Vice slipped in. I caught my breath and pushed against the Vice to get the mid in. I was worried that my sphincter wouldn't hold the base in. Then it locked into place…and all I can say is that BMayfield hit the nail on the head…the Vice feels "delicious".
I started without the Muse to get the feeling of this incredible device. The comfort was beyond comparison to the MGX. I immediately started to wiggle and thrust. I bought the Vice for just this purpose. I have to admit the, first few hours my sphincter couldn't move this beast much. I had only experienced the MGX which has a coffee stirrer base. Then I began to loosen up to the Vice and the feeling was unreal. I was able to rub the head of the Vice across my prostate with the wiggle. Then I added the thrust while rotating my hips. This sent me over the edge. I felt like I was getting pleasured by something other than myself.
I did this for about an hour and decided it was time for the Muse. Wow…this bullet is incredible. I went through the settings one by one and decided for most contractions I like the wave medium for grinding, pulse high when I want my socks knocked off and constant high just to change it up! This vibe is amazing. If you think you're getting desensitized then you can use it low or turn it off. I have the Vice in me as I write this and NO Muse in at all. I just put it in an hour ago lol. It feels so good just by itself. I saw somewhere on here that you can't put a price on pleasure!
As many have posted, the journey to self enlightenment…must include self discovery. Remember…if you can reach it…play with it. You'll be glad you did.
It's a different experience every time
I'm relatively new at using a prostate massager. Ever since I received my aneros helix )12/17/2012( I've been using it regularly )about three times a week( and every time is different. Because of these mixed results I thought I might put them here, to kind of document the journey.
The First Week,
Its was probably a typical first week like many others had gone through. It seemed very odd to me. what should I be focused on? what should I be feeling?how do I prevent myself from jerking off? I didn't receive any involuntary contraction that first week, but I did feel some sensation growing every now and again that would swell up to something that felt like a potential orgasm, but would dissipate. This little device showed me it had potential, I just need to give it time and try different things.
The Second Week,
This week continued on like the first. I kept feeling the occasional onset of an orgasm which faded away. This always frustrates me. How do you push yourself over the edge? Why all this build up with no reward? I shouldn't complain, I'm new at this and there are others who have been at it longer then I. Still I continued and later in that week a, few days before new years, It happened. How it happened I don't know, but it was amazing. Nothing comes close to it. It all happened fast though and it was over. I already made a post about it here), but I didn't want it to end. If it was a super O than people say that you can have one after another. I experienced something great for a moment and now I know what this thing is capable of.
My Aneros Team: A Show and Tell
Hi guys,
A good buddy who lives near me and I had a telephone chat early this morning mostly to exchange belated New Year's greetings and just catch up on our lives. He has used the Aneros some years ago and still has a couple of the prostate massagers in his possession. He has expressed an intense interest in my Aneros sessions.
As a promise to him and as a benefit to all who read my blog, but especially to those who haven't gotten into Anerosing yet, tonight I will have a show and tell of my good buddies on my Aneros Team. I have become so fond of all my Aneros buddies that I have both personified and sexualized them. In a way, they are like a hunky baseball or football team. Thinking about my Aneros tools in this fashion helps me anticipate my working with them when I have my Aneros sessions every other day. In fact, I get horny just thinking about them!
In this blog entry, I will hyperlink to each Aneros model I introduce. Hence, you will see and study each model for yourself, perhaps even purchase one or several Aneros for yourself.
A year ago, I purchased my first Aneros models from Amazon at discount. They were the MGX, Helix Classic, and Progasm Classic models. They looked so formidable that they sat unused in my closet until this fall.
A New Year! : Aneros Session for January 2, 2013
Hi guys,
We had a gloomy New Year's Day yesterday with gray, dark skies and cold weather. I stayed much of the day here at the apartment in deep reflection as to what 2013 will bring us. Living in Georgetown in Washington, DC, USA as I do, I see close up our federal government in action. I am glad that the U.S. Congress and President Obama has gotten its act together on the budget at least partially and avoided the Fiscal Cliff, at least for a couple months. But much, much more needs to be done for our country, yet I still have faith in our democratic political process.
After chatting with a few friends on the Net last evening, I went to bed shortly after 10 p.m. I rose this morning refreshed at 4:30 a.m., got a couple chocolate crescents and an extra-large cup of coffee from our neighborhood 7-Eleven. After my unusually early breakfast, I had a good BM, bathed and shaved, and set up for my Aneros session whic promptly at 6 a.m.
Sequence of models used: Maximus — Progasm Ice — Helix Syn — Progasm Classic.
Duration: 2.5 hours.
I worked with Maximus this morning for a good 45 minutes. This morning I focused my attention on how he massaged my prostate. With this type of Aneros focus, I am reaping just tons of pleasure. This morning I really Got in the Zone of Pleasure with Maximus. It seems that as I do this more and more that someday soon right out of blue, I'll achieve my very first Super-O's. This I expect very soon in this New Year of 2013.