Hi guys,
Monday yesterday morning I observed my first anniversary of working with the Aneros. But before that event, in September or October 2011 some guys on BateWorld, a social website for guys into masturbation, introduced me to the Aneros. They were devoted Aneros users and saw how it enhanced both their prostate health and their sexual wellbeing. They encouraged me to buy my first models. So in late December, after seeing some hot Aneros videos on Xtube, I purchased the MGX, Helix Classic, and Progasm Classic models. However they looked so formidable, even menacing. How could I insert them, especially the HUGE Progasm, into my anus?!?! Thus they sat unused for many months.
Then in late March 2012, Aneros.com began marketing the Helix Syn model which has a soft silicone overlay. I was one of the very first customers to order one in early April, a few weeks later. But still it laid unopened and unused in its box for about three months.
Finally, I summoned enough courage to use the Helix Syn for the first time a year ago, early Sunday evening, June 3, 2012. I was amazed at how easily it inserted. Three weeks later I began experiencing my first P-waves and involuntaries. A few weeks later last July, I began experiencing my first walkinggasms, chairgasms, and bedgasms as my prostate began to waken up. During these weeks as I began to participate in the discussions on the Aneros Forum, I purchased the Maximus and Progasm Ice models, some weeks later the Eupho Classic.