Hi guys,
I decided after last Saturday afternoon's session to take a break of two days. Last Sunday there was church and a holiday luncheon which I attended afterward. I also had several conversations on Sunday which caused me to do much thinking. As some of you know, I also live in Washington, DC, USA, our national capital. Like many Americans, and as one recently "retired," my attention these days has been fixed worryingly upon the budget negotiations between our newly reelected President Obama and Congress. Washington, DC and environs is also a company town consisting of many federal workers. If an agreement is not reached by the end of this year, come January 1, 2013, we will fall off the "Fiscal Cliff." Some federal workers and quite a few contractors may lose their jobs. This may produce a recession in our local economy.
Needless to say, all day Monday my mind was other places. Plus we have had several days of gloomy overcast, foggy weather. Thus I was not up for an Aneros session yesterday morning.
Early this morning, I woke up at the usual time near 5 o'clock from a curious dream. I dreamed that I was being stung by a bumble bee or similar insect. In my dream, I pulled the insect's stinger out before I could be injured. However, I woke up with a delicious erection. I promptly went to the toilet to urinate. I admired my deflating, engorged boner. I told my good buddy, "Perhaps later. We have some serious Anerosing to do!" He and two bros readily agreed. While taking my leak, I stimulated my tits and hairy pecs. My body was thrilled as a result of my approaching session with my first team of Aneros good buddies.