Bit tired

Despite almost being at the point of falling asleep standing up last night I felt turned on and had to try to get a quick orgasm before I went to sleep. I did quite quickly slip into an Aless orgasm. It was a very subdued affair, my frazzled brain was not able to concentrate on keeping it going and it felt a bit like a 'quickie' very nice in its own way, and it ticked a box. I am still amazed how these prostate orgasms are so satisfying despite no ejaculation.

Lack of sleep and long hours at work make it impossible to have a really good orgasm. I just can't wait until I have a week off work next week, catch up on sleep, get some exercise, and feel more normal because then I will be able to actually enjoy some proper super-Os again )well I hope so anyway(.


Yesterday was a very intense day. My first dry orgasm for ages, a state of ecstacy during the day and almost a full Kundalini experience out of nowhere.
Then it went quiet. I felt very stressed as if all my progress over the last week was for nothing. My children were misbehaving, one developed a fever. I tried for another orgasm last night but couldn't relax into it. My wife was very stressed and I could feel it and that didn't help, disappointment set in again.
I couldn't sleep and now I'm tired at the start of a 60 hour work week.
Yesterday I was flying and progressing, now I'm grounded but not in a spiritual sense. Time to relax and see what happens it's probably all for a purpose.

Lurid Fantasy

There are certain things that just go together, things like milk and cookies, beer and pretzels, baseball and peanuts and movies and popcorn to name a few. But beyond food there are also experiences that seem to be elegantly matched to certain mood setting actions. The combination of the enhancement and the action makes the experience profoundly pleasurable and at times very moving. Examples might be sitting by the warm crackling glow of a campfire in the black of night, or enjoying the flickering golden hued intimacy of candles surrounding a hot tub. For me it would definitely be candles making dancing sinuous shadows as I lie between J’s thighs savoring the sensual eroticism of her hot pussy sucking on my cockhead. Or it could be soft music and scented candles in a dimly lit room creating a relaxed sense of sensual privacy while my oiled hands explore her body and stroke her intimate places as I give her a massage. This marriage of mood and experience is perhaps one of the most magical aspects of our human psychology and experience of pleasure.

For me MMO and fantasy are one of those pairs that are just made to go together.

It happened at last!

Last night I had my first proper dry orgasm for over a week! Emotionally it was the most satisfying I have ever had and I felt euphoric I couldn't do anything but lie and think 'wow' when it finally settled down. I just lay there the whole time thinking 'thank you, thank you' and enjoyed the wonderful sensations take hold of me again. Whether it was a super-O I don't care it was just beautiful whatever it was.
I'm not going to analyse any more. It happened again, at last, and I think I deserved it, and I appreciated it more than anything. Whether they will start happening regularly for me again now I don't know.

Yesterday I found out about the Kundalini Syndrome and realised that this is what I had after a super-O where I had purposely pushed the energies up my body and into my head. I was playing around really keen to try other things but had stumbled into something I was not prepared for. Ultimately it has led to me going through a big spiritual awakening and I know now that I put myself totally out of balance.
I have posted about this on the forum ad nauseam.
I know that I was very frightened of re-awakening Kundalini energies, and I know that for me this is dangerous. I know that this is a big part of why I was blocked.

Beginner Prefers Progasm to the Progasm Jr.

I purchased a Progasm Jr. a couple of weeks ago. I based that purchase off of comments on the forum and reviews of the products. After three sessions of nothing, I was disappointed but undaunted. It seemed as though the Jr. was providing very limited stimulation to my prostate. I had tried the passive relaxed method along with multiple positions and contractions, but hardly felt any sensations. I decided that because I am 6' 2" that perhaps I needed more length and girth (I'm slim, but the Jr. was so easy to insert and didn't seem to result in any particularly full feeling).
So I ordered the larger Progasm and was rewarded with much improved results. After a shower, I had no trouble inserting the Progasm. It provided a much fuller feeling and the urge to urinate that I had not experienced with the Jr.
I used the relaxed right side approach and after a period of breathing I moved to some contractions. It took awhile but after 30-45 minutes I was rewarded with some very pleasant sensations that intensified with additional relaxation and contraction cycles.
I did not experience an orgasm, but I had an excellent session with the promise of an orgasm on the horizon. And in any case, the sensations were some of the best I've felt in who knows how long.
I think I disagree with the concept that the Progasm is for experienced users. With the right lubrication it was easy for this beginner to insert and provided better feedback than the Jr.
I'd advise beginners not to shy away from the larger Progasm from fear of its size. Size may be just what the beginner needs. I'll probably give the Jr. another try after I have really mastered the Progasm. But for right now I am going to be concentrating as much of my time as possible on the Progasm.

An awakening?

I woke up this morning and noticed that I was abdominal breathing whereas normally I have a very dysfunctional upper chest breathing pattern. I felt quite emotional as if it’s a sign that something is changing.

Everything is starting to make some sort of sense now. I think that I had a form of Kundalini experience when I had my super-super-O. It was no different to what many people have described experiencing on the forum, but for me it was more profound on an emotional level, and I wasn’t ready for it, or maybe it was given to me for a reason so that I would realise what I needed to do with my life and how I needed to change. It’s all very spiritual and I’m a very logical scientific person but somehow it just seems to make sense and I’m happy with that.

I am now reading all about Kundalini and learning about meditation. I always thought that meditation was simply about relaxing, and yoga was just about sitting in odd positions and relaxing. There is so much more to it and I wish I had learnt about this years ago. Someone put a link to this blog in the forum and it has opened my eyes totally and explained to me what it is all about. So I am now practicing breathing patterns, and trying to completely change my attitude to life, and already I am experiencing changes. I am starting from basics. I can see where I need to go with my life now.

Not sure what to call this one

This now feels slightly out of place in a blog about using the aneros, but the journey started when I opened that box, and it has taken me in a very unexpected direction.

I have read about spiritual awakening and I can recognise a lot of it happening in myself. I am letting it happen to me. Emotions and thoughts keep washing over me. I imagined myself telling my father that I loved him )it's complex( and broke down in tears as I drove into work. It struck me how similar it was to having an orgasm, the process was out of my control, my breathing seemed to push it further on and my body convulsed slightly and I felt a tension being lifted. I didn't crash. There is some circularity to everything that is happening now.

After this morning it all went quiet. I had a calm day at work. There's probably more to come I just need to wait.

Then I read more about chakras. I'm still slightly confused about them. My friend knows a lot and is keen to guide me, and she knows people who know even more. I will be asking her for more guidance soon as things progress.

More thoughts

I’m going to analyse again as I'm still blocked.

This experience has touched me deeply. I feel as if I have triggered something very profound.

I was sent to boarding school at 13 and bullied badly, I was made to feel worthless and had no friends for years. I have felt very angry with parents for letting this happen to me ever since, and never resolved that feeling. I remain as angry with them now as I was 30 years ago.
I coped by studying hard and becoming a doctor as I wanted to help other people, and by starting my own family so I can look after my children, give them lots of love, and never let them experience the pain I experienced at the hands of the bullies. I work hard. I exercise obsessively at times. But I have never resolved the underlying issues around my bullying and my relationship with my parents. I felt like crying about this as I drove into work this morning.
I have had low self esteem and probably mild depression all my life, and find it difficult to form close relationships. I appreciate that I have done well and succeeded in life in every way except for this. I have a very loving wife and children and couldn’t ask for more.

Unique Sensations

I was born and raised in New York City. At 9 years old I learned how to use the city bus system; at 10 I learned how to ride the subway and figure out where it took me. From that point on the greatest city in the world was my oyster. Almost every week from 10 until I was 18, I used the magic carpet of the subway to take me to some new neighborhood, street or destination in the big apple.

For all the hundreds of places I was in the City in those 8 years and the hundreds more that I have been there since then, there are still many, many more that I have yet to discover and visit; it’s a large city and there are thousands and thousands of neat places. Even today when I go to NYC I am always finding someplace new and exotic to experience that I have never been before. The complexity and never ending opportunity to experience something new in the city is a great metaphor for my experience of aneros driven anal pleasure.

I have been writing about my experience of Super O, MMO and anal pleasure for years. The result is hundreds and hundreds of entries. Yet despite the similarity of approach to start them each session is as different as two people are; each session deserves its own description and appreciation.

Still blocked

Things got worse.

Its been several days now since I have been able to 'cross over' into an orgasm. I can still bring on good feelings but I'm getting less and less inclined to even try now because it's so disappointing and I expect failure. Today I have only tried a couple of times. I have posted on the forum and had some reassuring comments but it's my problem and no-one can really help.

I have been very low about this. The last time I can remember feeling anything like this was when I split from my first girlfriend and I had huge pangs of loss seeing anything that reminded me of her. I feel like that reading about peoples successes on here or when I think about my experiences last week. That alternates with feelings of positivity that I can do it or simply just trying to forget about it.

This is truly psychological. I can do everything else and get so close I'm actually slipping into an orgasm but my mind sabotages it every time. I get to the point of starting to shake, I feel as if the feelings are spreading, I keep breathing into it, and last week and would have been off on a super-O, now I have a feeling that it's not going to happen and it doesn't.

I have lots of theories for why I am blocked, or it could be a combination: