I think I've had a major breakthrough in my rewiring. Yesterday I was able to have Super O's with just nipple play whenever I wanted! It was incredible!
Tag: Super-O
Probing for ecstasy
After reading the Njoy reviews I was anxiously waiting for it to arrive, really excited about some of the claims made. When it did I quickly lubed up and tried the smaller end first, it was ok nothing special. Then I tried the bigger side. Being new to this device it took a long time to get it in, at times I was gasping from the effort and it really felt when it was nearly in that I was going to rip my asshole open with it. Then I finally got it in and I was a little disappointed. I expected everything from 10 x pleasure than with the Aneros to male squirting.
All I got from the few hours I was using it however was a need to be truly satisfied, I realised even then I was on the cusp of something but I couldn't quite get the release.
Hence I do what I always do when I want to experience a Super O or an otherwise mindblowing orgasm, I bought some mj.
First I inserted the Eupho, got some decent orgasms, but nothing really out of the ordinary in my years of Aneros use, if anything it was quite a tame session… until I brought out the Njoy box.
The second time it was easier sliding the bigger side in, the third time was even easier..I just bend over and squat down on it then it just slides in.
Anyway, before I used the mj I didn't properly understand how to use the wand, perhaps I was overthinking it or I was using it in the same way I'd use the Aneros. With mj however it's like you instinctively know how to use it to get best results, namely as a probe. Yes I'd read that's how it was categorized but I hadn't realized how apt that description was. Also some of the reviewers were saying how heavy it was, which to me showed the didn't know how to use it, a red herring when I first started using it, but things became completely clear with mj. It's not heavy, it's a probe that you guide thru your anal channel using your fingers while the ball on the outside stimulates the outer perineum. So unlike the Aneros your manually guiding it to all the pleasure points along your anal cavity and then, like with the Aneros, you hold it on a pleasure spot and intensify it by stimulating it. And while your doing this you can use the outside ball to stimulate your outerprostate, i.e. perineum
IMO this very simple design, that could have easily been around in Egyptian/Roman times is the future of anal/prostate/g-spot stimulation. No problems with it being the wrong size or the p-tab sore on sweet spot etc. There's nothing high tec about it but it more possibilities than you can imagine
I don't think I could use it as often as the Aneros though, it really takes a lot out of you and it's really going to make you scream with pleasure
I had a session last night that was hopefully another step in my rewiring.
I didn't have as much alone time as my last mind blowing session, so I knew it was going to be a H-Syn overnight session. It is always a nice feeling to have my Syn in me. I had a couple dry O's before I went to bed and some pleasant feelings throughout the night.
I think it was a step in rewiring though, because when I had my usual A-less session in the car on the way to the gym this morning, something new happened. I was able to have a Super O sitting in the parking lot waiting for the gym to open! I was listening to some relaxing ASMR, and the waves started rolling over me, my leg and butt muscles were contracting, and it felt like I was coming over and over. Nice way to start the day!
Unforgetable Syn Experience!
I was on Day 10 of the 21-Day Challenge, although I was already on day 7 before I ever saw the Forum posts about it. I hadn't had an Aneros session in about a week as well, but had been edging myself and having A-less sessions during this period. Needless to say I was very horny.
I started the session with the Syn, with every intention of moving to my Progasm Ice to rock my world, but the Syn started Super O's within a minute of insertion. I had the house to myself, and I just lay on the floor having orgasm after orgasm. After about 15 minutes, I was able to go upstairs and get in bed, where I went back into Super O's over and over.
As I said, I planned to use the Syn as a warm-up for the Ice, but the Syn just kept rocking my world over and over. I decided to just keep the Syn in since I can sleep with it inserted. After about 4-1/2 hours, I had to make a conscious, or semi-conscious, decision to stop the orgasm cycle or I wouldn't get any sleep! I couldn't believe how easy it was to start Super O's over and over, which I have never been able to do before.
Back To Tantra Practice
The intensity of the Kundalini energy produced by my daily SuperO's is mind boggling, and I need to get it under control.
Tantra practice, for me, is the best way to do that. So I'm returning to the Tantra teachings that I took a course in years ago. I'm back in contact with a teacher as well as a local 'mentor'.
Back in November, unrealized by me, my heart chakra blew open wide. After that happened I fell in love with someone I should never have let into my heart. Breaking it off was devastating for me and made me realize that I need better personal skills to deal with a number of personal issues I'd let go on too long.
It has also made me realize that Tantra is the way for me to continue to have this Kundalini awaken in a manner that is comfortable and manageable.
I know we all have our definitions of tantra, kundalini, etc. I also know there are members here who reel at the suggestion of these ideas.
Hopefully I will keep this blog active with updates about the Tantric practice and how I am adapting to the massive kundalini production.
if you are curious about what version of Tantra I am practicing you can find their website here:
Alternate Blog Location
I created this because the aneros blog is not storing the older pages. I found all of it , I think, on the Super-O Blog.
I feel we are all trying to share these new experiences with each other and learn. Even though they are vastly different. That makes it even cooler actually.
Erotic Sexual Spasms
Hello all. I'm writing this after just reading one of my brother Lingamans hot and sexual blog post. He talked about the sexual gagging spasms that he get. I never could name it but I always wonder how my body did it. To explain it a little better its like when I feel a orgasm approaching whether its a mini o or super o or full body o I get these gagging spasms that shoot through my back side. Like when your brushing your teeth and the tooth brush goes to far deep and you gag well its the same feeling. Its just that the felling is coming from your anus.
I was just having a a-less ride reading some blogs and they start up so quickly. Like my whole body jerks and my ass is regurgitating the orgasms but they don't hurt and they feel awesome. They give me confirmation that my session is on the right track and that a orgasm is vastly approaching. I mean my whole body just can't keep still and has to alert me that a orgasm is coming and that I better take hold of something cause its gonna be a big one.
I am also on another one of my crazy challenges and trying not to touch my dick or jerk again. To confess I was cheating with the last challenge. I did not come for 22 days but I was still edging and jerking for over 3 hours but just no release. I am dick hungry whether its mine or someone else's. So this time no touching and I'm already 1 day down.
Fueling for the race
As I've probably mentioned I often use the Peridise for a little while )15-30 minutes( before switching to the Helix in most sessions. Friday evening wasn't any different. I did have one thing planned to try this time. Previously, I had had one of my longest super-O's in a Helix session where I'd stimulated my nipples quite a bit in the Peridise session before, but not at all with the Helix. That's what I planned on this time.
The nipple stimulation almost always brings me to an orgasmic state in short order if the Peridise, Helix, etc. is inserted. I was hoping that something about doing the nipple stimulation with the Peridise would carry over to the Helix. Things went as I had hoped.
I don't know if I did the nipple stimulation all that long. I still had the Peridise in for several minutes before starting in on the nipples. I switched over to the Helix, got myself situated and waiting in hopeful anticipation.
I don't think "waiting" or "doing nothing" is really what is going on even though outwardly it would look like that. I find myself actively keeping certain muscles in my pelvic area from getting tense. It's easier than it used to be, but there's focus needed to maintain this. There's a nearly automatic reaction at times for these muscles to tense up when a wave of pleasure hits, but it really prolongs the pleasure to keep those muscles from clenching.
In a Haze
It's been a while since I've blogged. I actually wrote a blog a week or two ago, but my Internet connection cut out and I lost the draft. I just didn't feel like rewriting it.
There haven't been any real big developments lately. Once in a while I still have a super-O or two, but sessions can be fine for me without them. I'm trying to dig deeper into different aspects of the experience. Specifically I'm trying to see if there's more to this haze I feel in my head when I have any type of Aneros inside or partially inside me. I can have a Peridise halfway in and already feel something starting in my head. The prostate isn't even being touched at this point.
It's a little like I have a head cold where my ears and equilibrium are affected. I'm not dizzy, but it sort of feels similar. I've tried getting lost in the sensation, but I don't seem to get too far. I can sort of separate myself from what is going on at the prostate, etc. The p-waves may come on their own or not, but I'm less actively part of the equation.
The biggest success I've had is using my mental focus when I'm beginning or in the middle of an orgasm. Focusing on the pleasure has really amplified it on a few occasions. Yesterday evening was probably the most intense sensation I've had during a super-O. Normally the duration of the pleasure is what makes a super-O so intense. Last night was probably the closest to having the sensation of a traditional orgasm during a super-O.
After my last two sessions with my progasm ice, I was eager to see if there would be any changes with my syn. I lubed up and inserted for an overnight session. That's one thing I cannot do with the Ice. It felt good going in, and as usual it felt very good as I walked around and up-and-down the stairs during normal activities. I fell asleep with it in me and twice during the night I felt the stirrings and movements that turned into Super-O's! I have slept with the syn numerous times, but this is the first time I've reached Super-O during sleep! It was very exciting, but I had to temper my enjoyment so that I didn't wake my wife who was sleeping next to me.
Although this was very pleasurable, and it was during sleep, I don't think my syn will ever give me the body-racking, convulsive Super-O's that the Ice gives me. Hopefully, I will be proven wrong.