Lying on my Right Side, with a Variation

Hi guys,

I am so glad that I have discovered as one of my now preferred Aneros positions, Lying on my Right Side in the Fetal Position. It is a position that is preferred by many Anerosers. For me, it is my preferred position for sleeping. Hence I will use this position in a month or so when the weather here warms up for wearing my Aneros models to bed. Quite a few Aneros guys have reported that they have experienced their first Super-O's in this position at night.

Lying on your right )or left( side in the fetal position is certainly a passive position in contrast to the other positions that I described in my previous blog entry. In this position, you can do almost nothing except breathe lightly and shallowly and let the Aneros sensations develop naturally. I have been absolutely amazed what I have experienced so far in this position. Mostly exquisite sweet, autof**k action from all my Aneros tools, most particularly Maximus and Progasm Classic which previously have delivered a really rugged, at times an uncomfortable ride. Now both Maximus and Progasm Classic are sweet, tender lovers of my anal musculature and prostate. I have never experienced this kind of loving in the eighteen months I have Anerosed, until now!

Also this morning, I used exclusively this position. Eupho Syn, Progasm ICE, and Tempo also performed admirably. But I believe that Tempo works the best sitting with him inserted, even standing, or walking which I hope to try very soon for a brief stroll in my immediate neighborhood.

First possible Anerosless Super-O last night!

Hi guys,

I may have had my first Anerosless Super-O last night. I believe that this Aneros blessing is a consolation for the excessively cold weather we've had here in recent weeks.

Yesterday morning my apartment was very cold due to temps in the teens, even though my radiators were running full blast. The icy conditions caused me to bring my session to a sudden end before I could have some quality time with Progasm Classic in the fetal position on my futon.

Fortunately early last evening, there was abundance heat which made my apartment comfortable. I went to bed shortly after ten last night and fell into a restorative deep sleep.

About three or so this morning I awoke to what felt like an Anerosless Super-O! Warm sexual energy was coming from my groin, but the center for all this was my buzzing prostate. This warm sexual energy came from that area in waves which suffused my body.
The amazing thing was that in my semi-dormant state was able to control my sphincters and musculature surrounding my prostate and ancillary organs!

This may happen more and more in the future outside of sessions! But oh, would that Super-O's and MMO's happen in my sessions for sure soon!!!

[Blog entry composed with Tempo inserted and autof**king away!!!]

Take care!

Do Nothing Aneros Technique and Two New Aneros Positions

Hi guys,

From almost the very beginning of my Aneros sessions more than eighteen months ago, I have been using the Aneros position of lying on my back with a folded pillow to support my butt. I also used four pillows to support my upper body and head. That position has worked very well as training for my Anerosing. I say this because this position works especially for active Anerosing.

Then shortly after Thanksgiving last, when I began using Peridise and Tempo in my sessions, I discovered that I could use these two models comfortably inserted while sitting at my PC. Soon after, I discovered that Progasm Junior works equally well in this position. The sitting position utilizes both active Anerosing and just letting these models work by themselves without doing much of anything. These three Aneros models produced new pleasurable feelings never experienced before. These new feelings are centered in the autof**k action of these three models which produce an insistent rhythm closely akin at times to a drumbeat.

I applied the rhythmic f**k action of Peridise, Tempo, and Progasm Junior to my other Aneros models which both enhanced and transformed my Aneros sessions.

Finally just about a week or so ago, I discovered the lying on your right side in the fetal position with my Aneros models inserted. I found that Maximus and Progasm Classic works very well in this position. Lying on your side makes for passivity in Anerosing. It is closely akin to the Do Nothing Approach. It is amazing to see and feel both Maximus and Progasm Classic autof**k me with slow, long strokes which are insistent. All this may lead me toward my first Super-O's very soon.

Progasm Lover

First blog, I have been using the Aneros Progasm for about 3 weeks now and I love it. My wife has played with my ass for over 20 years and she bought me this for Christmas. I have had many Super Os over the years. But i have never had one without touching myself, until recently. I didn't like the way it felt when I was sitting down. The upper knob always hurt me, so I tried to bent it a little and it broke. So I got the end off of a air hose that goes to my C-Pap machine. And it slid right over the broken piece…I stuck the other end back into the other end. Now when I sit down it feels very nice. It also goes a little deeper into my anus and is easier to keep it buryed in my ass when I wear it in public.I can tighten my anal muscles and can move the Progasm one to two inches back and forth. I had at least 11 orgasms today in 2 hrs. Good exercise…lol

Back to the helix syn

Well, I had a chance for a session with my wife away … I thought I'd try going back to the helix after using the eupho for the last few.

This time I was not trying to run a commentary; just letting the ride drive on.

It's a much more solid ride … Put on the smooth jazz channel and I started involuntary thrusting after about ten minutes …
minis built into supers, and I was howling at the moon. On my belly, I was thrusting, but without the hallucination of being female I've been experiencing with the eupho. I had a lot of trouble keeping it in; almost lost it several times and had to reach back, barely keeping it from popping out. Onto my back after an hour, and went for a superT. Jeez, that was a good feeling! Still, I didn't really get an ejaculation. Although I built through about four increasingly severe supero's, and I finally got the hit of endorphins that just about knocked me out. I did manage to get it together enough to clean everything cleaned up and snuggle under the Pendleton blanket.

I have been inviting three or four aneless O's maybe up to a super, before I fall asleep. Maybe I should join the blue ball club for a week or so and see whether I've actually lost the capability for a full wet one. Does anybody know the sensations of a retrograde ejaculation? For the last year or so I'd been getting a mild pain in my balls just before ejaculation. This has stopped. Rewired, I guess. But I sort of had that nice empty day-after feeling in the morning.

Blown away!

So I did it again last night! Almost four months since my last mini-O, I had another one. Oddly enough I was somewhat surprised it happened. As my Aneros sessions as of late have been really uneventful. And on top of that I've been struggling with life issues. The only thing I can really say that may have played a part in it, is that the prior day before, after my Aneros session, I fucked myself rather thoroughly for a long time with my Feeldoe More. Now there was no orgasmic events from this. But it felt really, really good. And as always, it massaged my prostate much more aggressively than my Aneros prostate massager's such that it typically wakes up my prostate much quicker. Where as it would otherwise take many daily Aneros sessions to get it to that point. And it teaches me to relax much more due to it's size, and to comfortably insert and enjoy the thrusting of it in me. This once again reinforces the belief that other forms of anal penetration and thusly prostate massage that is not Aneros products, can be helpful to move one along the path towards achieving super-O's.

On top of that when I started my Aneros session last night, I noticed when pushing chunks of shea butter inside me that I had an irritated hemorrhoid from fucking myself the prior day. And while inserting my Progasm, I thought to myself, “This may not go anywhere with this discomfort and pain from the hemorrhoid.” But once it was fully inserted and I relaxed the pain and discomfort went away.

Fa la la la la aaaah I'm Cummin'

Happy Holidays guys. What a day. So today was the day. The day the pipes will be cleaned. So I have went 11 days with out having a wet orgasm and the last four days went with out riding my toys. So today was the day to get my most best gift of all a beautiful long wet orgasm.

So I opened my regular present with the family and we cooked and just had a relaxing time. I knew they were leaving to go to the county to visit my other family and was staying over night so I was gonna have the house to my self. All alone well it was me and my toys and the bottles of lube that I bought. So they left and I jetted to the bathroom to shower and prep for this great occasion.

As I'm leaving the bathroom I hear the house phone ringing. I know a bill collector could not be hassling me on this day. But no it was just dad to make sure that I refrigerate all the left over food and to be safe. He did not know about my awaiting sessions so he did not understand my urgency of trying to get him off the phone. But he did tell me that I had a surprise in my room in my sock draw that was from the heart and he hoped I liked it.

This and that

I've noticed that for me the butterflies in the stomach can mean either I'm aroused or I'm scared. If I focus on breathing, I can either calm myself down or explore the arousal. Yesterday I tried for the calmness but got the anxiety instead. There was nothing sexual at hand and I was being hit by bad vibes )from my spouse while I was driving tho car LOL(.

I don't know why the body energy thing isn't discussed much here. To me it's at least as important as multiple prostate orgasms.I am using my hands to move body energy around and to stimulate contractions. The energy feels like a feather that follows my hand if I hover it an inch or so over my skin. The energy that starts contractions is more powerful, like a mild e-stim. This is totally amazing to me and seems like magic but it's real. Maybe you have to experience it to understand it. I wasn't interested until I was shown that I could feel it.

I'm at a nice plateau now, calm seas for a long time, and learning new things about myself every day. I feel trapped in it sometimes when I become jealous of other men having super Os on the first day. I try to believe that if I continue exploring, I'll eventually land in a super orgasm. I'm learning to trust my body more. But seeing someone experiencing a super orgasm scares me, IDK why.

Wicked fingertip

My wife was out for an specified shopping trip, and I was feeling a bit horny. Not wanting to go through the entire hoo-hah of clensing, prepping, and cleanup for the time, I just tried putting the fingertip of my left hand onto the golden spot on the perinium that the tab sits on, and seeing what happened.

Relaxed with a moderate pressure on it. I caught a pwave that developed a mild supero … the next one filled the room and extracted a howl from me. I called it a success and tried for a T, but was not successful, probably owing to a lack of available fluids to eject.

But I got an erection and about three more super-o's trying. And I did get my shot of endorphins when mhy body tried to ejaculate. I do get that unmistakable full relaxation and blissing.

Super O in a Hot Wet Pussy

As I have written in a number of these entries, MMO’s are a solitary experience for me. Last night a few guys asked me how I made the transition to MMOing with my lady. It has always been really hard for me to do them with my lady participating as they require my concentration to be focused on my body and the mental exercise of guiding pleasurable sensation As much as I love performing for her, having her involved can be a huge distraction, as I tend to focus more on her as opposed to focusing on what I am feeling. She is such an incredible turn on for me it becomes very hard to keep from abandoning my orgasms and focus on her lush body and thinking of her response as opposed to my own. Even though we are both mature she has maintained her beautiful figure, her breasts are more soft and elegant than they were when she was younger and she has the most luscious vagina; the icing on the cake is that she is more sexually confident and relaxed which is a huge turn on for me.

In the last three years that I have become particularly accomplished at inducing MMOs without inserting anything in my anus. Yet I have only had them with her participating twice. On one occasion she was a passive participant, the other she was involved with an occasional pat and sexy comment. Admittedly both times her witnessing my intense sustained orgasm was sufficient fuel for my exhibitionist tendencies; having her watch me provided the motivation for two nice sessions, but those sessions were not as intense and deep as some I have had.