The well spring of my sexual response flows both from the depths of my aroused mind, from deep in my anal canal and under the base of my cock inside my groin; the desire that inspires those responses is a result of real time visions, recalled images, personal intimate memories and imagined fantasies. My desire and response are fickle. Orgasm may choose many different paths as it exerts its power over my body. The mental images may be a memory of a friends erect penis in my mouth or J’s sodden – hot vagina sheathing my own cock and sucking it lasciviously or it may be of my cockhead rubbing against a cockhead, oozing my precum on him as I straddle him and hump him to ejaculation. In the peak of MMO it is often the image of me frotting a guys cock until we both ejaculate on each other that inflames my MMOs to incendiary levels. All of these images will indeed cloak my mind in eros, stiffen my cock and make my anus twitch hungrily.
In the tempest of MMO I often fantasize about the extreme possibilities such as being vulgarly penetrated by a long hard cock; as orgasmic rapture clouds my mind I imagine I am being fucked by a handsome younger man. My mind is often filled with all kinds of lascivious thoughts as my prostate pulses and my anus flexes in anguished euphoria. The paths my sexual ecstasy chooses to expresses itself inside me is one of the wonders of my sexuality. Each sexual journey is a mysterious event that leaves me wondering when I will settle down and be “normal”.