1000 Kegels and the Eupho Arrived

Over the past 48 hours I have completed 1000 kegels. 500 per day specifically. Those sessions have led to some awesome PWaves. My Eupho Trident arrived yesterday and I was very eager to take it for a spin. I woke up this morning, lubed up and stuck it in. Two things happened. I got to a Super-O just as fast as with my Aless sessions and my time in between dry-Os and Super-Os was less than any other Aneros model. I love how this thing bounced around and kissed my prostate. Gave me such an energized feeling heading into the office.

While in the office I had an all day training which meant I could close my door. Every hour in this training I had a dry orgasm. Just doing kegels and feeling that wave.

After work I went and attended a hockey game and sitting right there in the cold arena focusing on the pleasure from doing kegels…I had the fattest and wettest dry orgasm I’ve ever had in front of people. No one knew…but I got up to make sure I didnt cum all over myself…it felt like I did but when I checked my cock…dry as a whistle.

The best part was when I came home tonight. I laid down on the couch and I could already tell I was super aroused. I played with both of my nipples and noticed my prostate was responding to the nipple play. For the next 3 hours I averaged a Super-O every 20 mins and I had one last over 10 mins. It was amazing.

Interesting couple of days

Yesterday was a pretty good session. Started out with the PS-New and switched to the Progasm after about an hour and a half. Did not quite hit the highs I hit a couple sessions ago but, nothing to complain about. I take what I get and am happy with it.

Today was a change. Did about thirty minutes with the PS-New before switching to the Progasm. This session I hit some new highs. I’m finding sessions involving more traditional O muscles and O’s getting close to feeling like TO’s. After an hour I had some things to take care of. Got some coffee, sat on the deck a bit, took care of business all this time feeling VERY horny. Finally gave in, got out the oil and rubbed one out. TO’s do NOT feel like they used to. I’m finding I prefer super O’s. Not sure how I feel about this.

Got up, cleaned up, and took a shower. Still had my Progasm sitting in the sink waiting to be cleaned up. Decided to give it another go. By now it had been an hour since my earlier session. After masturbating I really did not expect much in trying another session. Let me tell you, I hit some highs this second session I’d never hit before. Took about forty minutes to get there. Session was pretty good anyway up to this point. Was going to stop this session at thirty minutes. Glad I kept going! Maybe it was the post-masturbation buzz. Certainly wasn’t semen retention!

Are those the right feelings?

Hi folks!

35, anal beginner. Wanted to share some doubts also in case somebody passes on this post later 🙂
Got a helix trident. Went to toilet, waited a bit, lubed abundantly with pjur’s silicon lube. The little guy slid in quite nicely after a few trials. No pain, feeling full. Started breathing and relaxing started feeling a light pleasure every now and then like it were at the base of the penis. So far so good.

I notice keeping the set of muscles by which you can also bring slightly up your testicles made things more pleasant. Great. But the more I did it, the more the little plastic guy went to position itself in a more “vertical” way (I was lying on my back, curled legs). In the end, it really felt it was trying to push through my colon a bit (I felt a bit of pressure) and at the same time, the center feeling of pleasure moved more down. I could feel the frontal part of the aneros (the zig zag) touching also some internal stuff.

Anyway, went over for ~ 1hr, didn’t get too far, but was interesting anyway. Question is: am I doing it right? I know the prostate is not exactly attached to the colon so I understand it may have to push a bit, but is the right thing? Or was it going “too vertical” and there was actually some danger for my rectum? Also at some point it really felt like it was pressing on a nerve a little bit, like a buzzing sensation.. damn, they should put more instructions with this thing 🙂

A smooth operator.

In a recent post I asked about people’s favourite model and which one they simply couldn’t part with. I mentioned that there were a couple that I hadn’t particularly hit it off with. One of these is, or as I should say now, was my MGX Trident. It has lain in my box among the others with only a couple of outings since I bought it. As I was looking at it a few days ago I began to compare its slightly dull and marble-like finish to that of my Progasm Ice and Junior that are highly polished and shiny. Thinking I had nothing to lose I proceeded to smooth the MGX and polish its surface until it too had a nice glossy finish. I tried it out for the first time last night not really knowing if it would make any difference, but by the end of the session I was convinced it had. From the moment of insertion it felt super slippy so I just lay back to await the response. After a few minutes I felt the first anal contraction begin, I always feel this at the start of a session, it’s like my body has acknowledged that the Aneros is there and begins to work with it. That first contraction was long and slow, I thought it would never end. When it did end my anal muscles relaxed and I felt the MGX moving back in the opposite direction. The pressure of the P-tab is the strongest among all my models I think. I was not in control of the contractions and offered no input. Slowly and rhythmically the tool was drawn in and then slid back again, the ridges at the base being felt with each cycle. By now my penis was rigid and spilling so much pre cum that it had began to pool on my stomach and trickle down my side, glad that I had the foresight to protect the bedding. I was anxious to try face down position as it has been quite new discovery for me, it was rather difficult given my arousal but eventually I managed to persuade my penis into a 6.00 o clock position somehow. Once settled, lying nice and comfortable, legs slightly akimbo, the rhythmic feeling of penetration and withdrawal began again. I have experienced the “auto-fxxk” sensation before, but it has always been quite a rapid fire action while this one was slow and gentle. Before long I drifted into a fantasy and scenario, the details of which are best kept to myself I think : ) I am grateful to Monstermash256 for bringing face down sessions to the fore, I am finding it a most relaxing position. The only slight problem for me is that my erections seem to have become quite persistent during a session for some reason. But I have a plan, @goldenboy, if you read this, a strap and cup are on order!
By the way, the other model that I have reservations about is my Maximus Trident. I have given it the same treatment as the MGX, it is also now shiny and polished. I have yet to try it but I will report back when I have.

Aneros Progasm How I have Missed You

Last night I came home from work to an empty house for a couple of extra hours and knew it would be a good time to have a session. I went to my box of toys and dug to the bottom and pulled out the Progasm. I have had this toy for a few years and its been a long time since it last saw action. The Progasm took my Aneros virginity. l was fairly new to prostate play when I made the purchase with the thought that it would for sure hit my prostate. I figured bigger was better at the time. Fast forward to last night, I knew what a little nimble toy like the eupho trident was capable of and also well aware that the more time I spent with the little eupho of how much control and strength my PC muscles have developed. I lubed the Progasm up and slid it in, about half way I let it go and wham my body pulled it in and right to the spot. As I laid on my bed with the progasm in. I thought of all the time we had spent together, from my first sessions feeling something building but never able to keep it going while my throbbing erection dripped precum in mass and knew for the night I made the right choice. I really forgot how good this toy felt. The wonderful pressure my prostate felt the minute I put the toy in. And the size, im normally not a big fan of size. As a straight male nothing goes in thats not an Aneros these days. The size, the shape and the length all come together to fill me and have me thinking holy fuck this feels so good and I feel so full. With contractions the feeling only grew. Simple and straight forward, every twitch and every movement my I made moved the progasm tighter against my prostate. I had a handsfree full body orgasm about thirty minutes after I started and I decided to keep my session going. 10 minutes later without even touch my penis I came forth like a fountain. And once again the progasm is on the top of my toybox.

“There When I Need It The Most”

What is “it”? And where was “it” when it was needed? Of course, I am referring to my “chastity cup” which I wore to bed last night. It was my Mueller Flex Cup, one of my favorites. I am now in Day 6 of semen retention and feeling the effects of increased testosterone. One thing about wearing a cup to bed is the interaction of my erections within the cup: the top of the cup rubs nicely against my erect penis and especially the frenulum; this action almost keeps the erection going for much longer than normal, when, without stimulation, the erection would begin to subside. With stimulation from the cup, an erection can last 30 minutes or longer. And because when I wear a cup all night, I can have an almost constant “stream” of stimulating erections (NPTs that all normal males must experience) when I am aware of them.

Of course, all these erections make me very horny. In fact, without the protection of the cup, by Day 6, I would be so horny that I would need to ejaculate. Since I usually develop blue-balls any day after Day 6, the pressure is mounting for me to ejaculate!

first aneros toy for an experienced bottom?

I’m very comfortable with having things in my butt from small to very large. however I’m still looking for that anal orgasm, super, prostate or otherwise. I’ve been reading alot of reviews and they all seem conflicting. some people say that the smaller toys like helix and trident are better some say they’re too flimsy. on the other end I’ve heard some other people say the progasm is a great pick but others say it’s too girthy and long to really get much play out of it. I really don’t know what to do and I’d like to (fingers crossed) pick it right the first time.

I’d be exceptionally to get any advice but especially from other experienced bottoms would be wonderful, many thanks in advance!

“At Day 7, Anything Can Happen!”

I made it to Day 7 of SR and I slept in my Mueller “chastity cup” overnight. It could be a coincidental T-thing, but I seemed to have multiple erections during the night. Towards morning, I was awakened by the usual “PONR” feeling within the cup. But this time, I felt like I was further-along towards an ejaculation. Somewhere deep in my mind, I knew that an ejaculation was forthcoming. But I didn’t know when and where. I must have stayed in this realm for perhaps 20 minutes or more.

Binaural Listening Session
Still erect within the cup, I wanted to augment the PONR “feeling” by retiring to my comfortable couch and start listening to some binaural beats for orgasm and ejaculation. I was ready for both. The one I selected (and the one that worked) was:

“DOUBLE ORGASM – COME TWICE – Binaural Audio Stimulation – Hands Free Beats + Isochronics Tones”

I listened twice to this 14-minute gem; the first one got me wet with precum and the second one finished me off. I almost didn’t need my hands to finish the job! But towards the end, I was so ready for the ejaculation that I “helped” to accelerate it! Man, it felt ever so good to cum!


Note (from WebMD.com):

“Erections depend on testosterone, but the relationship between the two is complex and not fully understood. Some men have healthy erections despite testosterone levels well below the normal range.”