How to avoid frustation in a session?

I bought the helix trident 2 months ago and used it 1-2 times a week. The first sessions were great and i enjoyed the new experience but now im getting frustatated mid a session. After 30 min in im getting frustated that and bored. Also i have the problem that i have to much expectations which lead again to frustation. How can i get the proper mindset for a session? How do you guys do it?

Sessions 11 and 12

Hello all. I’ve had a couple sessions since I last found time to write. I won’t take a lot of time to write out all the details of each session, but I would like to state some observations I made.

With both sessions, I started out laying on the couch. I like the natural positioning of my body when laying there. It lends itself well to using the Aneros. I have noticed that the angle of my hips and/or the curvature of my lower back affects the sensations I feel. Specifically, it usually seems like having a straighter lower back helps. It feels almost like it aligns my rectum with my anus and allows freer movement. Or it brings my prostate more in contact with the device. Who knows? Sometimes I think that the things I feel are actually not at all what they feel like.

I also have found that I am getting better results lately with the Eupho Trident than with the Helix Trident. I don’t know why, but for now I’m just glad that Aneros had that sale in September and that I got myself the Eupho even though I’d only just purchased my Helix. It seems that things change over time, and I expect that there may be times when the Helix does better for me, or the Progasm. I’ve found that something that works well once won’t necessarily work great the next time, or the time after that.

Its not called Eupho for nothing

I haven’t had much time to update my blog recently. But I have still been quite active and have a bit of a backlog of events I would like to share with you all. At first I wrote one big bumper edition but decided it was too lengthy. I have split it into three episodes and will post them individually.
It must be almost a year now since I began this exciting venture into Aneros use. Never for one moment did I expect things to develop the way they have. Pre-Aneros, my solo sessions consisted of a quick wank, probably on a Friday night, more out of habit than anything else. Once out of the way I rarely gave it another thought until the next Friday came around. Contrast that with the present, where rarely a day goes by without me engaging in some activity or another, enjoying feelings of heightened arousal and frequent erections. Not to mention my collection of Aneros devices and related paraphernalia. I have the sort of sexual energy that I do not recall enjoying even in my youth, and that’s a while ago!
So after almost a year’s use I have learned never to have expectations, just go with the flow and enjoy whatever happens. So far this has served me well but I have still had lots of surprises along the way. A couple of my more recent sessions however have taken me completely unawares, with results at totally opposite ends of the scale. Let’s start with this one.
My choice for the session was my Eupho Trident, the smallest in my array. Thinking back I remember I had been a bit off colour with some stomach cramps and felt a bit yuck! I began the session making a conscious decision to ignore the urge to tense up my my abdomen as I usually find myself doing when the waves of pleasure build, I did not want to aggravate my tummy. Instead I lay completely flat on my back with legs outstretched and, relax, relax, r-e-l-a-x. It is very difficult to relax every muscle, even if you think you have there will still be tension. So with every exhale, I concentrated on individual limbs etc. It became like a meditation and I had the sensation that I was sinking further and deeper into the mattress with every out breath. This all took a little time, and while there were some pleasant sensations from my prostate I knew an orgasm wasn’t coming. I actually hoped one wouldn’t happen and disturb the serenity that I was enjoying. I was floating, enjoying the larva lamp-like display that I could see behind my eyes. Eventually, reluctantly, I had to come back to earth and settle down to sleep. What greatly surprised me was that the next day I was still floating on cloud nine and in a totally relaxed state. The cares of the day, of which thankfully I have few, meant nothing to me. World War might have broken out overnight and I couldn’t have given a shxx! The milk has spilled all over the floor, the washing machine has flooded the place, the next door neighbours music is so bloody loud? Ha ha, so what, who cares man. I glided through the day in this condition, it was strange. In a great sort of way. Sadly the day after, this all evaporated from whence it had come and I had returned to my usual, occasionally irritable, shouting at the tv self.
Over the next week or so I still had some nice therapeutic sessions, my tummy trouble was settling down and I was well into a spell of SR. Then into the mix came edging! Due to the terribly bad influence of one or two members on here I began reading posts on the subject and checking out various links. I have previously dabbled with what I thought was edging but I soon realised I was going to have to up my game. So I embarked upon regular edging practice but still maintained my run of SR. By now I was absolutely rampant for most of the time with persistent erections and a good supply of pre cum. It was then that I had my second only encounter with my Progasm Ice.

Sometimes it’s just right

Layed down with the intent of only doing some nipple stim and giving the Aneros a break. Things got so good after 20 minutes I popped in the Progasm Black. Another mind blowing 40 minutes of heaven. Tonight I’m taking the night off, really. It’s been four days in a row and I need a break. Ass and prostate are feeling just a bit tender. There’s always tomorrow 🙂 Tomorrow I’m going out of town with the Helix Trident. I did order a PS-New from High Island.


Sessions 8, 9, and 10

It’s been a while since I posted. I have had a few sessions since my last post. I’ll call it “three” sessions, but two were on the same day. I’ve just been too busy to write about them.

Session 8 was last Wednesday. It was not particularly exciting. Very relaxing, but no particularly powerful sensations. I also fell asleep. I tried some of the things I’d tried in the past and didn’t manage to spark anything exciting. Toward the end of that session, I thought I might be making some progress by just trying to maximize the motion of my Helix Trident using kegel-like motions, but then my time was up and I had to get to work.

Yesterday I decided to try riding my helix incognito on the couch. Usually I wait for alone time, but I didn’t feel like waiting this time, so I tried to ride in the afternoon while pretending to read/nap. It didn’t really work out that well. I did feel some things, but there were just too many distractions. I couldn’t really focus. I did find that the positioning while laying on the couch did have some benefits, so maybe in the future I’ll try laying on the couch again. Something about the angle of my hips or the slope of my back seemed to help the Aneros hit some nice spots.

I went places today I never expected

Been using these for a little over a month. Bought the Helix Trident first and the Progasm a week later. Had a great experience with the Helix from the start. Bought the Progasm because I thought bigger would be better and it is, in different ways.

It’s been six days since anything orgasmish, no masturbation, no sex, no Aneros. Been planning this session all week so I’ve read some erotica and listened to some erotica to start getting aroused. Started with the Helix. Took about 30 minutes to really get things going, at 45 minutes the world shook. I knew there was another level to get to from where I was but this was just far beyond what I expected. Like others have described, it was like the instant before a regular TO but it peaked and dropped and peaked and dropped repeatedly over about a minute or two I guess. Each peak held at least the same level of intensity as the previous one.
Figured, after that, the Progasm would be a good choice. Got up, peed, put the Progasm in. Took a couple minutes but it hit again. Not as good as before but still pretty darn good. Took a while to get to the next one. Things progressed kind of slow. Got up and peed, went back to the Helix. Took a bit but got back to some very intense pleasure waves and SO’s. Not as good as the first round but still pretty good.
After about 45 minutes I got up and peed (lots of coffee today) put the Progasm back in and WHAM! back to almost max in a few minutes. Didn’t have many of them at that level but they were all still good.
One thing I’ve learned, whether you have to or not, get up every thirty to forty-five minutes and at least try to pee. I think this kind of gives your prostate a break. I have found after peeing and getting back to it the next wave is usually along pretty quick and pretty intense too. If you cannot pee at all you’re probably dehydrated and need to drink more which from reading the forum is counter-productive.
Another thing, Helix or Progasm, both work best when I’m lying on my chest with my legs spread about a fourth of the way to maximum. Would rather be on my back but, whatever works.

Progress updates

So I believe that an open blog like this, where I can talk about my progress and stories in an aneros-centric community, will help me with changing my mindset to not judge my sessions as “successful” or “unsuccessful” and to simply be mindful of what occurred.

I had found myself a little over 7 days abstinent going into this weekend. On Friday, I also met a cute new guy who’s going to be coming over on Monday to see me 😀 In our talking, I mentioned that I had been saving up my loads (in my own head for an eventual Aneros session), but he seemed to really like the idea of me being all horny for when we meet up.

Anyway, I was pretty busy Saturday with a concert so Sunday was my me time. I spent the morning running errands on my bike, but once I came back from doing my laundry my interests started getting naughtier. I was looking into buying a latex catsuit (since I’d love to try latex), and realized I was starting to get myself horny. Eventually, after browsing online long enough, I decided to lock myself in my Holy Trainer v2 chastity cage and go run an errand. Once I got back however is when things started to get hot.

I realized that I hold a lot of tension in the muscle that raises and lowers my balls when I put my chastity cage on. I had also discovered in previous aneros sessions that relaxing the tension in this muscle made for a good session, although I struggled putting it into practice.

5-month journey

My 5-month journey to the super-o included lots of reading and careful attention to details. I’ll be as brief as possible. I started with the Helix Syn for about 3 months and did lots of fine tuning — I never got to the super-o with the Syn. When I upgraded to the Maximus Trident things got really interesting. Here is my personal recipe: thorough cleaning/irrigation, about 5ml of glycerin-based liquid lube (syringe), then a light coating of gel lube on the MT. My routine in bed includes: lying on back with knees up, binaural beats (with or without moaning sounds…recommend, slow belly breathing (pausing before exhale), then 3 rounds of belly panting (15 pants each). Panting really kicks things off and you can find this on YouTube under tantric breathing. I do some nipple play, focus on maintaining a continuous 25% clench, and do 30 second rounds of stronger clenching. I also try to balance PC clenching (pulling in) with pushing out. Lastly, and this took me a while — there’s a “middle ground” of tingle, and I hold that for as long as I can without giving in. That sets off the waves and eventually the super-o. I’m to the point now that I can get into multiple super-o climaxes within 45-60 minute session. And I usually end by masturbating in the middle of my 3rd or 4th super-o. Wow!

“Sheer Heaven: Helix Trident and Edging Sessions”

Now in Day 8 of SR, I awoke early and decided on an Aneros session. But which model to choose? It didn’t take long for me to decide on the Helix Trident. I like the larger head and the ability for auto-contractions.

I lubed-up with an overly-generous amount of Slippery Stuff Gel and got underway. I purposely was not wearing a “chastity cup”: my erect cock was exposed during the entire session. An ample amount of precum was visible and I began to experience some nice auto-contractions. I could feel my heartbeat through the Aneros.

Should I or shouldn’t I? That was the question and I answered it with a resounding “Yes!” Of course, I am referring to the possibility of an edging session to induce a well-deserved ejaculation. I thought about binaural beats stimulation but instead opted for an online X-rated edging challenge. After about 10 minutes, however, I switched to ‘’. I did not use any lube for this edging session and it was fine. I generated quite a lot of precum and after about 35 minutes, I was ready to cum. But on the first attempt, I got a “No-Cum” notice. Since I needed to cum due to the probability of blue-balls later on in the day, I decided to queue-up once again, this time begging to cum. It worked and I ejaculated with a hearty orgasm that left a large white cloud of semen on my stomach. I never felt better!