Things are moving fast

Last night was unbelievable! I felt so stressed that the moment I got the opportunity I meditated and sank into a deep meditative state nothing like I have achieved before. I added some Mula Bandha and felt an immediate intense feeling of being on the edge of orgasm. My wife came to bed and I was feeling electric, and sank very quickly into a lovely Aless orgasm that lasted about 20 minutes, again very controlled and maybe not hitting any major highs but otherwise intense and satisfying.
I thought I would go to sleep but of course I was feeling alert and euphoric and could not sleep. I allowed myself to have another orgasm, and found that using the P spot really helps in fact it was fascinating feeling everything spasm as I entered orgasm. It didn’t last long it was slightly different to anything I have had before my whole body tensed, stayed tense, and just orgasmed for several minutes. I was so tired I couldn’t concentrate any longer and masturbated and ejaculated for the first time in about a week. I still felt electrified and couldn’t sleep.
I woke at 4am feeling very turned on after only a few hours sleep. I stayed on the edge of orgasm for ages but it didn’t happen, I was probably too tired, then I fell asleep for an hour. When I got up I was completely euphoric, I couldn’t help smiling and laughing maybe slightly inappropriately but I felt great.

Disappointment followed by Euphoria at the Tony Awards

2 days since previous session: After attending a play )One Man Two Guvnors( Saturday night and a relaxing shower, I was ready for further progress toward significant stimulation. I went to bed with the Progasm inserted; relaxed; tried several positions; then contractions. All this resulted in only minor responses. I fell off to sleep several times and tired again each time I woke up. But finally, with substantial disappointment, gave up after waking up 3 hours from the start.
I thought about the Progasm regularly all day Sunday and was going to wait until Monday evening to give it another try. But after a work out, I thought maybe a two day layoff isn't the answer. Was I ever right!
After my workout, no shower )TMI?(, I just inserted the Progasm and laid down on my side on the couch not far from my wife to watch the Tony Awards, and enjoyed two plus hours of bliss that I did not want to end. The Tony Awards have never been so wonderful! I even watched the local news afterwards just so I wouldn't have to stop.
After just relaxing and I was rewarded with some nice sensations. I did just a few contractions before things got going on their own. For nearly two hours I enjoyed wave after wave of prostate/anal rushes that periodically caused shocks that made my leg or back jump. I spent much of that time just mentally saying "OMG, don't let this stop" and hoping that I didn't verbalize this thought or start moaning. )My wife was unaware that I had inserted the Progasm before laying down to watch the show. My wife knows of the Progasm and has somewhat begrudgingly accepted that if she has a vibrator, why shouldn't I have something. But we are in our sixties and sexual communication has never been one of our strengths. Me being receptive to all kinds of fetiches and her being of strict Catholic upbringing(.
So after the news, I reluctantly removed the Progasm, showered, and went to sleep. I woke up three hours later with an erection )first in a very long time( and lots of wonderful prostate/anal sensations! I enjoyed the waves of sensations and occasionally encouraged more with a contraction now and then. After a substantial period of time, I fell asleep and woke up 20 minutes before my alarm to more sensations. What a great evening. I'm not sure that any of this qualifies as an orgasm, but whatever it is, sign me up for more, more, more.
Still enjoying the "afterglow" at work right now.
I can't wait until I can embrace my Progasm again.


Yesterday was a very intense day. My first dry orgasm for ages, a state of ecstacy during the day and almost a full Kundalini experience out of nowhere.
Then it went quiet. I felt very stressed as if all my progress over the last week was for nothing. My children were misbehaving, one developed a fever. I tried for another orgasm last night but couldn't relax into it. My wife was very stressed and I could feel it and that didn't help, disappointment set in again.
I couldn't sleep and now I'm tired at the start of a 60 hour work week.
Yesterday I was flying and progressing, now I'm grounded but not in a spiritual sense. Time to relax and see what happens it's probably all for a purpose.

Lurid Fantasy

There are certain things that just go together, things like milk and cookies, beer and pretzels, baseball and peanuts and movies and popcorn to name a few. But beyond food there are also experiences that seem to be elegantly matched to certain mood setting actions. The combination of the enhancement and the action makes the experience profoundly pleasurable and at times very moving. Examples might be sitting by the warm crackling glow of a campfire in the black of night, or enjoying the flickering golden hued intimacy of candles surrounding a hot tub. For me it would definitely be candles making dancing sinuous shadows as I lie between J’s thighs savoring the sensual eroticism of her hot pussy sucking on my cockhead. Or it could be soft music and scented candles in a dimly lit room creating a relaxed sense of sensual privacy while my oiled hands explore her body and stroke her intimate places as I give her a massage. This marriage of mood and experience is perhaps one of the most magical aspects of our human psychology and experience of pleasure.

For me MMO and fantasy are one of those pairs that are just made to go together.

so close…..

Last night I felt like trying again. It felt as if something had changed. I had identified guilt as a possible cause of my blockage and was determined that I needed to enjoy myself and not care what anyone else thought, so even though I didn’t know if my wife was asleep I started to build the feelings and sink into an orgasm.

I didn’t have an orgasm despite an hour trying with and without the aneros. It did feel good, and I was close for a long time, I even felt the sensation of falling into an orgasm starting twice the first one within minutes of starting, a real pleasurable orgasm, different to the weak watery orgasms I have had in the last week which were more just like a release of muscular tension without any pleasure waves. But they didn’t actually happen. I didn’t quite fall over the edge, in fact I think I was a bit nervous of it. It felt a bit like trying to start a petrol engine, it fired a few times but never actually got going on its own.

I don’t feel totally devastated about this as I might have done a few days ago. It was actually good and I can feel something lifting. I regard it as another step on the journey and I feel that I can be patient because I really think it will happen again.

Not sure what to call this one

This now feels slightly out of place in a blog about using the aneros, but the journey started when I opened that box, and it has taken me in a very unexpected direction.

I have read about spiritual awakening and I can recognise a lot of it happening in myself. I am letting it happen to me. Emotions and thoughts keep washing over me. I imagined myself telling my father that I loved him )it's complex( and broke down in tears as I drove into work. It struck me how similar it was to having an orgasm, the process was out of my control, my breathing seemed to push it further on and my body convulsed slightly and I felt a tension being lifted. I didn't crash. There is some circularity to everything that is happening now.

After this morning it all went quiet. I had a calm day at work. There's probably more to come I just need to wait.

Then I read more about chakras. I'm still slightly confused about them. My friend knows a lot and is keen to guide me, and she knows people who know even more. I will be asking her for more guidance soon as things progress.

More thoughts

I’m going to analyse again as I'm still blocked.

This experience has touched me deeply. I feel as if I have triggered something very profound.

I was sent to boarding school at 13 and bullied badly, I was made to feel worthless and had no friends for years. I have felt very angry with parents for letting this happen to me ever since, and never resolved that feeling. I remain as angry with them now as I was 30 years ago.
I coped by studying hard and becoming a doctor as I wanted to help other people, and by starting my own family so I can look after my children, give them lots of love, and never let them experience the pain I experienced at the hands of the bullies. I work hard. I exercise obsessively at times. But I have never resolved the underlying issues around my bullying and my relationship with my parents. I felt like crying about this as I drove into work this morning.
I have had low self esteem and probably mild depression all my life, and find it difficult to form close relationships. I appreciate that I have done well and succeeded in life in every way except for this. I have a very loving wife and children and couldn’t ask for more.

Blocked again?

I had sex with my wife for the first time in months last night. My erection was instant and harder than I remember it ever being even when I was a teenager, and when I came it was stronger than previously, she even commented on how strong it felt.

I haven't managed to have a prostate orgasm for a few days now. I have sort of lost interest a little bit in a good way )have to get on with normal life(, although I'm not sure how I feel really. It was so intense last week I'm almost pleased to feel a bit less addicted. I have tried to bring on an orgasm several times but not really succeeded.

I'm really trying to analyse how to 'cross over' into an orgasm. I can get so close within moments of trying but actually turning it into an orgasm is proving elusive. Thinking back to when I had my first super-O I had not cum for 3 days, and had masturbated several times without climaxing, so there must have been some sexual tension there to start with. I was then so excited about what I had experienced that it just sort of carried on and I didn't even question my ability to go into a super-O for a few days and on the second day I even had an A-less orgasm within minutes of trying.
Two nights of super-Os made me tired, then I couldn't make it work and I got over emotional about that and couldn't sleep, I was working long hours, and it's been hit and miss since and I haven't really caught up with sleep. I have had to lower my expections.

Back on track

I had promised myself that I was taking a rest for a day yesterday, but I'm not very strong willed and thought that I would just have a quick try last night, A-less as usual. I'm very glad that I did. it wasn't the fastest onset ever but considering how tired I was and how upset I had got over this whole thing yesterday, I was amazed tat anything happened at all.
The super-O built up nicely and I had a few nice orgasmic waves, each one getting stronger and more intense. It was going well, but I was expecting my wife to come to bed at any second and was slightly distracted for that reason. Then I made a beginners mistake. I squeezed my PC muscle really hard, trying to wring a bit more out of one wave of contractions, but I held it far too long and when I released it had all gone and it was over – I like the child's swing analogy someone has made – you need to keep giving the orgasm a little push every now and then to keep the swing going, I just gave a long push and stopped it swinging.
Had a reasonable night's sleep last night for the first time in a while.
Next thing is to tell my wife. I have decided I need to.

It's working!

One my wife went to bed last night I easily managed to go into another orgasm, again sitting at my computer. I have worked out exactly where I need to focus to bring on my orgasm – along the underside of my penis and I can amplify this quite quickly now to the point where I can orgasm easily.
This orgasm rapidly became INTENSE! It felt like I had gone up a gear. The orgasmic waves felt more powerful than I have ever had before, in fact I really did wonder if I could take it, and my prostate was contracting so hard it felt sore )not too unpleasant(. After a few minutes of this I had to stop and rest.