Helix Syn: help with sweet spot, contractions, and lube

I’ve had the Helix Syn for 5 months and have about 15 sessions. I’ve had some success with milestones such as pleasure through contracting, feeling the prostate, sometimes on the sweet spot, occasional involuntary muscle contraction, overall enjoyment, jerking, pleasure by blood pulses internally, and moaning during the sessions.

I’m feeling blocked, although i’ve spent a dozen hours reading wiki and forum posts for ideas. I seem to be the most successful while standing or sitting / over slouched on the couch with my butt hanging from the edge. Challenges:

1. I’m unsure where my Sweet Spot is. I’ve tried the tests in the Wiki, but I can’t seem to nail down. Sometimes during a session I reposition the p-Tab and know it’s the right place, because I immediately begin involuntary muscle contraction, but soon quit if the p-TAB moves. I try to secure it with my fingers, but it moves and I lose track of the right position and have trouble to find it again.

2. I often get the most pleasure from the combination of moderate to severe rectal contractions with anal and clower pelvic/kegel contractions. But pleasure seems mostly to come from when the Aneros comes out and the p-tab is an inch or two from my perinium. As if my body wants to push it in and out, but if I’m not careful it ejects and I have to keep a hand there to keep from coming out. Does this mean that my prostate is more shallow than the Helix Syn and I should try another model?

3. I usually do a filtered water enema and then 2-3 tsp water-based lube (tried many brands). I apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly on the Aneros then a layer of water based lube. The lube dries up appears within a few hours so I have to inject more. I’ve had pleasing Adderall + weed sessions of 6 hours and I have to interrupt to add lube. I’m considering to cut the handle so that I can try to use a condom with the Aneros and also try to sit with it or leave it in while going for a walk.

I suspect that other things I have to work to stay by using what I’m to be switched on and spend more time Explorer waft easily focused on feelings rather than distracted.

Any suggestions?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/4qd67q/helix_syn_help_with_sweet_spot_contractions_and/

1 comment

  1. More relaxation before insertion of aneros and more relaxation after first inserting.

    Have you tried taking a nice long relaxing shower or bath before a session? I would always advocate for some breathing exercises after you get it inside you. No contractions yet, just try to fully and completely relax. Just try to melt into the bed/floor and let your body be 100% soothed. Imagine how you would sink into relaxation if you were on a tropical beach with no worries, concerns or troubles on your mind. It can help to hit the gym or go for a run first if your mind can’t let go of stress.

    I doubt you need a different model honestly. It seems like your on the right track especially if your getting a few of the milestones. Good on you for reading up on the wiki, but at this point just explore different contractions, the “do nothing”method and different positions. Remember to enjoy what’s happening, not what you think you *should* be feeling, if that makes sense.

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