Sucking in Abs / Tummy pleasure

Anyone have a feeling of sucking in / tensing your tummy / ab area. It feels good but I feel like I stop breathing and hold my breathe doing it and it gets very exhausting also.

Not sure if its totally wrong and you should be relaxing more.

It’s almost the feeling of a huge wave of pleasure building in the lower abdomen, but then it tries to move above my tummy but then I run out of breath due to not breathing and it goes away.

Anyone had any problems like this and ways to move past it? It definitely is me suckling in my tummy while doing it and pleasure building behind it.


1 comment

  1. Totally normal.

    I got these every time now. The key is to let your body breathe for you. Do not force breathing in or out, just let your body in control.

    It took me some time before I dared doing it but it was worth trying.

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