New penis like sensations?

If I don’t have a very productive session, I’ll gently rub the aneros side-to-side over the prostate. I’m finding the more I do that, my prostate is becoming more sensitive, and rubbing it is starting to feel more like rubbing the frenulum of my penis. Have any others experienced that? The prostate starting to have more penis-like sensations?



  1. Yes, one of the things than playing with your prostate can do is making you cum more intense. It enhances it.
    (lots of people enjoy having a finger touching it while blowjob).

  2. Hmmm can’t say that I have. Love my prostate being rubbed, but can’t say it is the same as the frenulum. I wish it were…. I have no problem having prostate orgasms, but have always struggled with HFWO. Only had one so far and it was fairly recent. Maybe I’m doing it wrong.

  3. What I’ve started to do as I’m riding my aneros is to imagine I’m rubbing my frenulum. Seems to help. I’ve had some small pwaves but to pgasm or super o

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