Soft cock during anal/prostate play – a question

Hi. This question is for all those who get rock hard when they’re playing with their ass. Has it always been that way or is it something that evolved? I love anal play but I don’t get hard from it. Occasionally, I’ll swell up and get a semi but it usually goes away quickly. I’m wondering if that’s just the way I’m wired or if it’ll evolve into something else. Overall, it’s not that big a deal because the sensations are wonderful regardless of my erection, but I just think it would be so hot to have a raging hard cock while I was playing with my ass. Any thoughts?



  1. When I was first starting to get strong p waves I would go between soft to semi hard during sessions. Now that I am having sessions with pretty consistent dry o’s I’d say the first half dozen or so I get I am hard as a rock and then the rest of the session I go back to being either soft or semi hard while getting intense dry os

  2. I’ve noticed when I’m using with my GF I will go soft…and I don’t really know why either…I’ve never used it solo i just love it with her though

  3. The blood is going to your ass that is why your dick goes soft.

    (Had super O’s… never hard during them).

    Remember prostate play is to do with the prostate not the penis.

  4. It’s just how you’re wired. Fortunately, there is little to no effect on your ability to have an orgasm from anal stimulation – there should be no difference between you and a guy who gets hard, except for the default hardness of your penis when you are being anally stimulated.

  5. You should be mindful of your dilemma. Prostate stimulation will cause ED in some men.

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