Aneros Autof**k Stroke Focus: Sessions for January 5, 7, & 9

Hi guys,

Late this afternoon I had an Aneros Saturday matinee during which I achieved a breakthrough. I believe I achieved genuine Aneros autof**king with each of the models on my Aneros First Team.

Saturday Matinee, January 5:

Sequence of models used: Helix Classic — Progasm Ice — Helix Syn — Maximus — Progasm Classic
Duration: ca. 4 hours.

My session began finally at 4:30 p.m. with the intention to go slowly, gradually, and gently in my Anerosing. So I began with Helix Classic upon which I performed three or four 60 second Kegels. Then I laid there quietly with the head of Helix Classic lying directly upon my prostate. I used the softest and gentlest massage strokes as possible from which pleasure developed ever so slowly. And then, BANG! The autof**king began from Helix Classic! I let the autof**K action have its way which continued for a good hour! I was amazed in that I did so very little, hardly any Kegels, and the slightest of breaths. The Helix Classic very nearly did everything! I let the autof**king lead me wherever it would go. All I did was observe and was alert to such f**king action! I was regaled with crescendos of autof**ks galore! Very gentle Kegels and/or breaths would cause a crescendo of great pleasure! I also discovered that I could let the autof**king diminish toward nothing, and then restart the process again and again! It appears that I am developing control over my Anerosing, even when it is automatic. I worked with Helix Syn for a good hour in this fashion late this afternoon.

An Amazing Athletic Cup for the Kegel Exercises and Anerosing

Hi guys,

This blog entry may be peripheral to the Kegel Exercises and the Aneros and Anerosing. But it is central to my sexual development as a male from my pubescent and adolescent years. In one of my recent blog entries, I had spoken in detail of an important event at age eleven when I discovered my dad's jockstrap. I will say once again although briefly that men and boys wore athletic supporters as a matter of course in the 1950's and 60's for sports and even for leisure wear. A year or so later in September 1963, I had to buy a boy's jockstrap for 7th grade PE. It was a required part of our gym uniform. Slipping on my jockstrap for the very first time was a sexual awakening for me. It led me six months later in April 1964 to my first successful "wet" orgasm which I discovered accidentally through masturbation. During that time, I acquired an intense jock/cup fetish when I masturbated looking at Sears and Montgomery-Ward catalogs selling jockstraps and athletic cups. Men and boys during those years wore jock and cup combos for contact sports. )I got my first two such combos in tenth grade. I felt so male wearing a jock and cup. I still do!(. While many males do not wear athletic supporters much anymore, there is a loyal following of men, such as myself, who derive erotic pleasure from wearing a jockstrap. Jockstraps have developed in style and sophistication in the last couple decades. There are still fathers who introduce their sons to athletic supporters for sports. The jockstrap will not die.

I'm an Aneros lovin' it! Session for January 4, 2013

Hi guys,

I had one of my best Aneros sessions earlier this morning. No Super-O's, but just waves of unbridled pleasure, even an hour after finishing my session! It is a typical winter's morning here in DC in early January, just cold, but with blue skies and brilliant sunshine.

Sequence of models used: Maximus — Progasm ClassicHelix SynProgasm IceProgasm Classic.
Duration: ca 3.5 hours.

After hearing news headlines on the radio, I got up, bathed and shaved, and set up for the session. I do not know if I began the session at 5:30 or 5:45 a.m. I began with Maximus who now inserts easily to the hilt. I performed with a good seven or more 60 second Kegels on Maximus and just let the pleasure build. Oh, it felt so good what those extra long Kegels did to me as I started working with Maximus. This big guy, I've discovered recently, massages my prostate directly, but in a real big way. Isn't just wonderful when you have Aneros focus as you feel every back and forth stroke upon your prostate with such a big guy as Maximus?!?! I worked with Maximus a good 45 minutes.

A New Year! : Aneros Session for January 2, 2013

Hi guys,

We had a gloomy New Year's Day yesterday with gray, dark skies and cold weather. I stayed much of the day here at the apartment in deep reflection as to what 2013 will bring us. Living in Georgetown in Washington, DC, USA as I do, I see close up our federal government in action. I am glad that the U.S. Congress and President Obama has gotten its act together on the budget at least partially and avoided the Fiscal Cliff, at least for a couple months. But much, much more needs to be done for our country, yet I still have faith in our democratic political process.

After chatting with a few friends on the Net last evening, I went to bed shortly after 10 p.m. I rose this morning refreshed at 4:30 a.m., got a couple chocolate crescents and an extra-large cup of coffee from our neighborhood 7-Eleven. After my unusually early breakfast, I had a good BM, bathed and shaved, and set up for my Aneros session whic promptly at 6 a.m.

Sequence of models used: Maximus — Progasm Ice — Helix Syn — Progasm Classic.
Duration: 2.5 hours.

I worked with Maximus this morning for a good 45 minutes. This morning I focused my attention on how he massaged my prostate. With this type of Aneros focus, I am reaping just tons of pleasure. This morning I really Got in the Zone of Pleasure with Maximus. It seems that as I do this more and more that someday soon right out of blue, I'll achieve my very first Super-O's. This I expect very soon in this New Year of 2013.

Year End Sessions for December 27, 29 & 31, 2012

Hi guys,

I didn't have my regularly scheduled session for yesterday, Wednesday December 26, because I had to clean and straighten up my apartment for the exterminator who came by later in the afternoon. It took him only five minutes to make his applications in my kitchen and bathroom. I was relieved when he left speedily afterwards.

So it was with great anticipation that I got up early this morning for my session. I began my session at 6:35 and concluded it at 8:35, only two hours.

I used the following sequence of models: Progasm Ice )45 min.( — Helix Classic )30 min.( — Progasm Classic )45 min.(.

I cannot say how much love and adore both Progasm Ice and Progasm Classic. It has gotten to the point that I savor both large dimensions of these two big guys for two reasons: )1( The thick stem of these two models give my anal canal and sphincters are good workout. )2( Their huge heads massage my prostate in a big way. All I can say is that I revel in full, big sensations they deliver. Most sessions I work with both Progasm Ice and Progasm Classic by devoting large blocks of time to them.

Sandwiched today between with my Progasm buddies was dependable Helix Classic which again massaged my prostate in direct fashion.

Unfortunately I was not able to include both Maximus and Helix Syn on in the action this morning. But the morning was slipping away and I had errands to run.

A Vital Connection: Christmas Eve a.m. Session, 2012

Hi guys,

I am composing this blog entry Christmas morning just after sunrise. I woke up this morning just after 3 a.m. and listened to the radio for about an hour. Then slept for an hour and listened to news headlines before getting up to hop on the Net. Finally I shaved and bathed at around 7 a.m. Now fully dressed, I am going out to take a short walk around my neighborhood. But before that, I would like to say that this morning when I awoke, I had a quivering prostate and a delicious boner. This is one of the fundamental spinoffs of my Anerosing. But more about this later.

Also I am admiring darwin's photos of male penis in his blog, Cocks for Male Pussy. Darwin is a long-time regular on Aneros Forum. This morning I am wearing my Nutty Buddy Cup package underneath my jeans and am Kegeling away. It feels so damn good!

8:30 a.m. Just got in from my Christmas morning constitutional about my neighborhood. So wonderful to see Georgetown so quiet on a morning as this. Washington, DC, being a company town of federal workers, generally clears out for the holidays most years.

Sequence of models used yesterday morning: Progasm Ice (30 minutes) — Progasm Classic (45 minutes) — Helix Syn (30 minutes) — Maximus (45 minutes) — Progasm Ice (30 minutes). Duration: ca. 3 hours

Aneros Focus: Sessions for December 19, 21 & 22

Hi guys,

I have been having a terrible time with Internet connectivity with my ISP ever since last Thursday. I haven't had this problem since August a year ago at least. Tech support at RCN, my provider, was able to resolve the problem of difficulties dialing up to RCN and sudden connection drops. Today was especially troublesome. So at the suggestion of RCN tech support, I contacted Verizon, my phone provider this afternoon. A capable lady representative at Verizon hopes one of their linemen will come to my apartment building Saturday afternoon to check out my telephone connection.

Also next Wednesday on December 26, the exterminator will be coming for a routine visit, coupled with an "inspection." I hope that too goes well.

Yesterday morning, Wednesday, I worked with the following sequence of Aneros models: Maximus — Progasm ClassicHelix ClassicProgasm Ice. I began my session at 6:45 a.m. and concluded it at 8:15 a.m. Duration was 2.5 hours.

I am getting really adept at using all my Aneros models in my collection. Now I can focus and concentrate upon how each model feels. These days I take great delight in focusing upon how each models massages my prostate. I worked with Maximus for a good 75 minutes. Now I am focusing upon how this good buddy massages my prostate. It feels like Maximus is massaging the full length of my prostate. It is just wonderful to a good six 60 second Kegels with Maximus and just let the pleasure build. That in itself starts my time with Maximus. I have gotten to the point that a light, subtle Kegel directs the massage action in ways across my prostate that make me swoon with pleasure.

The Progasm is Absolute Pleasure!!! Sessions for Thursday December 13

Hi guys,

I am composing this blog entry early Thursday afternoon to tell you that I had one of the best sessions I have had so far with the Maximus, Progasm Ice, and Progasm Classic. Normally I write about my Aneros experiences a day or so after a session, perhaps several days following. Blogging immediately after a session gives the impression of vividness and freshness otherwise denied if I delay my recording my impressions a day or several days after.

Today was supposed to my a day devoted to my volunteer work at a large church library here in DC. But the director that library couldn't come to work today, so we delayed my volunteering to next week sometime. Right now I am savoring the afterglow of what occurred this morning. I have been Kegeling off and on and right I am stimulating my nipples and hairy pecs through my Under Armour T-shirt and caressing my penis through my Munsingwear Kangaroo Pouch briefs. Ah, it feels so good!

Getting into the Zone of Pleasure: Aneros Sessions for December 15 & 17

I woke up at 5:30 a.m. Saturday yesterday morning in excitement with a delicious, vibrant boner, much like a stallion at the gate at a horse race. I looked forward to a long, leisurely Aneros session. Saturday mornings are ideal for such because it is a day when there is very little going on. Most fellow tenants at my apartment building are fast asleep early Saturday mornings. Hardly any staff around at that hour. I can focus on having stupendous sessions, leisurely savoring all the sensations of my Anerosing.

Sequence of models used: Progasm IceHelix Syn — Maximus — Progasm ClassicHelix Classic (ca. 3.75 hours)

I began my session promptly at 6:30 a.m. with Progasm Ice spending a good 75 minutes with him, then 30 minutes with the Helix Syn, then 75 minutes with Maximus, a good hour with big bruiser Progasm Classic, and finally 75 minutes with Helix Classic. Yesterday morning, I focused my attention on each model's massaging my prostate. What impressed my yesterday is how far I have come in relaxation as I Aneros and also in how I have become adept in using each model.

Other reflections:

A Really Good Time With the Maximus: Session for Tuesday December 11

Hi guys,

I decided after last Saturday afternoon's session to take a break of two days. Last Sunday there was church and a holiday luncheon which I attended afterward. I also had several conversations on Sunday which caused me to do much thinking. As some of you know, I also live in Washington, DC, USA, our national capital. Like many Americans, and as one recently "retired," my attention these days has been fixed worryingly upon the budget negotiations between our newly reelected President Obama and Congress. Washington, DC and environs is also a company town consisting of many federal workers. If an agreement is not reached by the end of this year, come January 1, 2013, we will fall off the "Fiscal Cliff." Some federal workers and quite a few contractors may lose their jobs. This may produce a recession in our local economy.

Needless to say, all day Monday my mind was other places. Plus we have had several days of gloomy overcast, foggy weather. Thus I was not up for an Aneros session yesterday morning.

Early this morning, I woke up at the usual time near 5 o'clock from a curious dream. I dreamed that I was being stung by a bumble bee or similar insect. In my dream, I pulled the insect's stinger out before I could be injured. However, I woke up with a delicious erection. I promptly went to the toilet to urinate. I admired my deflating, engorged boner. I told my good buddy, "Perhaps later. We have some serious Anerosing to do!" He and two bros readily agreed. While taking my leak, I stimulated my tits and hairy pecs. My body was thrilled as a result of my approaching session with my first team of Aneros good buddies.