Prostrate waves or an orgasm?

Last nights session I felt a vibration start probably from my prostrate and end somewhere near my stomach. Wtf was it? Prostrate waves? An orgasm?

P waves

What do p waves feal like? I have heard so much about them. Are they different for everybody? Tonight I felt an on and off kind of vibration feeling coming from my prostrate area. It didn’t go all through my body just part of it. It was kind of a large area too kind of from my prostrate almost up to my stomach area that big.


I felt good things even without hypnosis but tonight I got into a deep state of hypnosis and that’s when I felt things I never felt before! I even felt myself getting lighter in my bed was that first stages of an oobe? ? I got scared when I realized what it was and that is when I got heavy again. Anybody else get things like this?

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Too much?

How much is too much use? I know Aneros says 2-3 times a week but, some blogs I have read I get the assumption that some people do it a lot more. I have done it more than 2-3 myself and have not had any draw backs yet from it but at the same time I’m thinking of taking several days break from it to let my body have some rest from it.

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Anerosing highs and lows

First couple times I used my progasm I could feel my body shaking and then about a week later I did not have the shakes but I could feel the energy in my spine several times but it never moved. Fast forward another week till today and there are times I get those shakes and times I don't I feel like a couple sessions were duds. I know I'm still at a noob status only doing it for a couple weeks but sometimes I feel like I lost the new ness of the ride. Maybe I have my expectations too high? Maybe I should get another model? Maybe I should try it for a couple more weeks? I have been doing the do nothing approach so far. I'm not new to anal play but I am new to the Aneros. I have tried different positions maybe I should change positions and see if that works

Rewire your brain

I have heard some of you guys say you need to wait till your brain rewires. What does that feel like? Lately I've been feeling these tingling sensations in my head from time to time is that it?

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What are your guys favorite position during a session? I have a progasm and seems for some reason I get the best results laying on my side (my left side) I've tried other positions but not without the same results