Aneros is way too time consuming

Out of the maybe 100 sessions I have had, only once have I had what I think was a prostate orgasm. It was enjoyable, but it is very inconsistent. All of the variables have to be in check. I experience some pleasure, but its not really worth all the prep work. I don’t have a lot of personal free time and would rather “have a consistent quarter over a dollar every now and then.” I think the prep work would be worth it if I were having mind blowing pleasure on the norm, but its not worth it if its a 1/100 kind of thing.

I also am not a fan of aneros assisted ejaculatory orgasms (Super Ts). While it improves my erection quality, it weakens the sensations of orgasms. After ejaculating with the aneros in, it doesn’t have the same chemical reaction and I am left not fully fulfilled.

I only have the Helix Trident. I either want to try another model or just quit.

Any recommendations?

First Prostate Orgasm!

I have had an aneros for a little over 3 months and I just had a 10 minute orgasm last night. Its so hard to explain until its happened, but the closest sensation would be the feeling you get right before you ejaculate, except way more intense. Almost like a constant flowing electricity all throughout your genitals and even the rest of your body becomes hypersensitive.

My keys to success were arousal. I took several days off from any masturbation, watched about 10 minutes of porn, and then inserted device and laid on my back, legs up. I didnt have to any fancy kegel pattern, I pretty much just had to be super aroused and relaxed. I smoked some really good cannabis beforehand.

Within a few minutes, I was in pure ecstasy. I was breathing heavily, moaning and was full of warmth. I had an erection the whole time. It lasted about 10 minutes before my AC and fan kicked on which made me feel like I was freezing. I had to get up and turn it off. I laid around for another 20ish minutes before getting super tired (had been up all day long). I wasn’t able to get back to that point but I needed to go to bed anyways. Total session maybe 40 minutes total.

Just got to chain multiples together now but HOLY SHIT. Mindblown!

Whoever is reposting to superoblog, PLEASE STOP

I had to delete my main because someone is reposting everything to another website before results get deleted. I dont care about the content, but they are literally putting usernames and tagging links. Please have some respect

The fact that things are mainly anonymous should be respected. If someone deletes a post, then its because they didn’t want someone to see it.

Things like this make people less likely to participate in the community if they think their identity might be compromised.

I made some posts that were deleted because I felt they had some misleading information that might confuse someone trying to learn.

To everyone in this sub, please know that all your posts, usernames, etc are all being stored on another website by a user of this sub.

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