Ten sessions, two dry-O, variation and kitchen appliances

I now have had myself ten sessions with an Aneros over a period of 52 days. At least I think it is 10… There has been mostly Helix but also mixed in some Beginner Peridise; once with the larger and twice with the smaller. Each session has lasted 3 to 5 hours and they seem to play out differently each time. Many have been nice but calm. Some sessions I have fallen asleep with the toy (and always wake up cold), many times I have a bathroom break.

The eight session was a week ago during the night starting at one o'clock and not ending before six (sex, we say) in the morning. I prepared myself watching some good porn for quite a while seated in the armchair and then lubed for a moment with my faithful rod of beads. Having tried watching porn during one earlier session, I found out in the forum that I could try a slideshow of more or less naked women instead, giving more room for my aroused mind. I also added some relaxing 1-hour CD music, which I restarted three times during the night.

This was the first session after my Peridise debut, and the improvement was very noticeable. My involuntaries with the Helix had been rare before Peridise, but now they came way easier and also returned over and over during the entire session. After laying on my back for an hour enjoying these, I restarted the CD and turned on my left side instead, with my legs in a more restful position.

Finally – my first session

So, here I was, my body had something boiling, buzzing, pounding, swelling, arousing trapped on the inside. Relaxing helped a little but it still was intense and returned by itself. I even got myself an awake hands-free ejaculation for the first time in my life. This happened as I laid on my back and was using only my breathing. It felt good of course, being a new experience, like having a sex dream while still being awake.

My Aneros Helix arrived quickly on the Wednesday after my order was placed, but I didn't rush to pick it up. By this time I hadn't slept more than one nights worth for five days, so I asked a doctor about it. Luckily he was discreet on the topic and advised me to use my old insomnia medicine which I hadn't needed for many years. So I did, and after two nights with these pills, I fell asleep without it on the third night. I also picked up the Helix package the same Friday, and it had been delivered in good order.

I used the weekend and some more days this week to regain some lost sleep and avoided further anal or prostate stimulation. Today was Friday again, and I had the entire afternoon free, so I decided to finally try my Helix package. I took a twilight walk, prepared my bed with towels and stuff according to the wiki, and turned on a couple old porno movies in the background. I use these mainly for the nice moaning sounds, to get in a good mood. Already five PM, it was time for personal preparations.

Just ordered my first Aneros – why I decided to give it a try

I discovered the Aneros website just last week, so this weekend I haven't spent much time on anything besides obsessively reading up on the subject and having breaks for food, sleep and bathroom. Haven't left the house since Friday and it is now Monday noon. But let's start from the beginning of my end.

In 1998, when I was 23, after having tried some lubed backdoor fingering, I got my first anal toy. This was a rod of thai jelly beads with double ends, one larger and one smaller with five beads each size.

I have got myself ten or so different toys over the past decade. In retrospect, these probably were more for the female body even though marketed as they would fit both. Their effects often disappointed me, but with a few exceptions, so at least they made me curious to try other toys once in a while.

The rod of beads for example gave good pleasure while slow-thrusting and if left inside, they could make my ejaculation stronger. Sometimes I also could take my hand(s) off my penis right before the finish line and the beads inside would take me across, with less friction and more pure pleasure as a result. This is still my favourite toy, probably because it bends, which many other toys don't.