Is tensing up stopping me going further? And why is it better at the start?

Been at this whole thing a while.

I feel like the last few sessions I’ve had have been really good, but there’s two things I’m wondering.

I tend to notice when I feel a p-wave coming on that I tend to tense up my muscles, especially in my legs. When I release, the pleasure tends to dissipate. Should I be trying to not tense up or should I just go for it?

I’m also curious if anyone else has this experience. When I put the toy in I often find the first 15 minutes of the session are where the strongest feelings are for me. After that it kind of just tapers off. Does anyone else have this and maybe a suggestion for getting out of the funk and carrying the good feelings on?


Stiff feeling in perennium.


Wanted to ask, I’m not exactly sure what it is but, since I’ve been using my Aneros recently, even when the toy isn’t in, I sometimes get a stiff feeling around the perennium area. Almost like there were a small metal coin or something there. I’m not entirely sure what it is.

I don’t know if it’s a feeling I’m now aware of like as though my prostate was swollen, or maybe my muscles are just tired from use.

Does anybody else experience the same thing?

Random & on-demand a-less P-waves

I’ve made a couple of posts on this sub about my experiences with the Aneros, haven’t had anything especially mind blowing to share recently, but I’ve noticed something today and I wanted to ask others about.

It’s typical I find, a couple of days after an Aneros session, to get random p-waves. Typically when I’m sitting down, in fact a few of them have happened when I’ve just been bored at work.

I noticed today though, I was driving home (well I was stationary in traffic) and I just started thinking about my prostate and… In doing that… It just felt good. I’ve tried a couple of other times this evening and I think I can just generate p-waves by basically just thinking about it. I notice when it’s happening I tense up, and when I relax the feeling dissipates quickly, but the feeling is pretty damn nice!

Has anyone else noticed this? Can I consider this good progress on the “rewiring” front?


Progress report again, think I’m on the right path—what you reckon?

Hey there,

I wanted to follow up the post I made a little while ago to discuss new feelings and sensations I’ve been feeling with the toy.

One thing I want to mention, in case anybody new is reading this, **overuse is bad!** Prior to today’s session, I’ve had 3 pretty underwhelming sessions with the Aneros which were in quick succession, a day or two between them. Last I posted about it I said I’d take a break and refrain from using the toy for a week. I think doing that is why I’ve been able to have such a good session with it today, using the prostate too much leaves it feeling a bit sore, which isn’t fun.

I wasn’t planning to have a session this evening but I was laid in bed, struggling to fall asleep and I just felt horny. So I decided to pop it in.

I hadn’t been actively trying to do anything with the toy, when I put it in I was perhaps shivering slightly because it was cold but it didn’t take long to start feeling good. I realise I have tendency to hold my PC muscle at a certain point which seems to hold the toy in just the right spot that it feels like a pleasure spot is being pressed. It isn’t *intense* but it’s certainly a nice feeling.

The feelings were building, I don’t notice myself quivering the muscles around my bottom but I do feel a gentle body quiver, particularly my upper body and arms.

Progression? Just wanted to get some input from more experienced folk.

Hey there,

I had a really interesting session with my Aneros toy on Sunday and I wanted to post about it and see how it compares with others.

**Bit of background** I’ve been interested in this kind of prostate play for a good decade now, though it was only a couple years back that I bought an actual Aneros Helix Syn (rather than a cheaper alternative)—though I’ve been bad previously at keeping up use over time. I’ve been using it more recently having come off of antidepressants and found I can be horny again! I’ve used my toy 3 times over the past week.

**So on Sunday** I had quite a long session admitedly because I hadn’t… umm… *prepared properly*. So I had to take a break after an hour to clean properly after which I went another hour and a half. It was a pleasant, though not necessarily intense, session. I usually lay on my side but I’ve been trying to lay on my back recently (I’ve heard it makes life easier.

In general, by *doing nothing* I find it’s very pleasurable at first but it fades away within 20 minutes. I think because I’m excited when the toy goes in, and I feel my heart beat very strongly and it almost as though I feel my pulse with the toy but that excitement fades. So what I do after is use my rectal and PC muscles to nudge the toy gently. I actually worry I might be being *too* gentle with it, I can imagine a slight circular motion with the toy but the feeling is *very* slight.