Gradus ad Aneros Parnassum

Hello guys,

This is my first attempt at establish a blog on my Aneros usage here at I wish to thank CT, a big boss at, for restoring the blog section.

"What hath God wrought?" So said Samuel Morse typed i his first telegraph transmission between Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC in 1844. The telegraph along with the railroad was instrumental in bringing together the States of the rapidly developing American Republic in those years. Hence also this blog.

I chose Gradus ad Aneros Parnassum as the title of my blog here. Gradus ad Aneros Parnassum was the title of musical studies for students learning to play musical instruments in the 19th century. Learning to the use the Aneros for me and aiming for the Super-O and other wondering experiences from the Aneros is very similar to learning to play a musical instrument.

I have been using the Helix Syn since June 3. In the last few weeks, I have added to the Maximus to my repertoire. Later on today I hope to have an Aneros session after a hiatus of two weeks!

Gradus ad Aneros Parnassum

Hi guys,

I returned home from having breakfast out and a visit to our public library. I am now engaging in some foreplay before my Aneros session in a few minutes. Wish me luck!


Purchace Aneros and bits.

(please note I have had to back date my blogs as the blog section was down when I started).

Today I bought my Aneros Helix, 1L of Glyde lube and a
COLT Anal Douche from
This was the cheapest and I think only place in Australia to buy for at the time.
Cant wait until it gets here!

5th Session

Hello Everybody…

I Decide to stop a little from aneros and 2 evening ago I decide to do my 5th Journey.
I Used the CD and the whole session was 2 hour lenght )or just a little bit more(.

I reach some small orgasm during the relaxation phase, i found my ano's and pelvic muscles contracting involountary: some small contraction with some very pleasant sensation that build my cock to rigid for 4-5 times: during this phase I felt my belly with hot and pulsating sensation.

I never start to have legs shaking, but all of this smooth sensation was very good to me.

I move myself from a back to left and right side a couple of time and reach orgasm with voice moaning another couple of time.

At the end I was tired and i decide to relax just a little bit before removing the aneros. So I decide to gently massage my ball and cock and…. I got legs shivering, whole anal and pelvic contraction and moaning, feeling my cock more rigid than ever, reaching 5-6 continuos orgasm and finishing with a long one big ejaculation. I didn't do a rush masturbation but only a couple of shaking and then I only rest my hand on it. Everything come from inside… was fantastic.

The day after )yesterday( I wake up with my legs and buttocks muscles tired just like after a session in the gym.

Fourh Session

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Thanks to all who read my "journal" of progress.

I Just finish my fourth session: I must admit, I can't wait a day for using again my aneros device.
This time I focused much more to internal and anal sensation.

I will not explain this time all I did just told you in the past. I must say that I never found me moaning in this mode: I got a couple of orgasm, strange and dry orgasm, with my penis become erect during the period and then relaxed after.

And this time the p-tab was just a little bit more confortable… you are right rumel

To all of you, thanks and Happy "O"

>> Update after the night <<

I Would like to do an update to this post because this morning I found my muscle, in particular in the legs, very tired. I Think I "MUST" do a stop for a couple of days. In fact yesterday evening I was seeking for new sensation and the expectation was more than what I finally realised.

The Important thing that I found yesterday is:

Third Session

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Hello Everybody…

Let's talk about third journey with my aneros.
First of all yesterday evening I decide to listen again the CD, and to follow the sensual Alana's voice.

I did all of my session on my back and decide to start focusing on the breath, slow deep inhale )nose( – wait for a second – slowly exhale )mouth(. I found this very, very, very relaxing and after 10/15 minutes my legs start to have shaking motion, but this time I can't and I don't want to control it and go on focusing on the breath exercise: from this moment to the end of the session my legs starts shaking then stop for a while and start again a lot of time. I close my eyes.

More I breath and more my legs shake and also started my whole low waist to vibrate. I can feel this tingle sensation also inside my belly and I can feel my liquid starts to flow gently from inside out to my penis. But, as Alana says: "don't touch for now".

I continue to Breath and lost all sense of time: I never look to my player for understanding how long I was riding.

Second Try

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Hello to Everybody…

Yesterday evening I did my second journey with my aneros.
This time I decide to do it alone, without the training of the CD.
I inserted the SGX more gently than the first time, let him entering slowly and gently and this also was appreciated to my body that this second time didn't feel the Aneros so present in my anus.

The only strange thing that I'm thinking about is that when it slide in, the perineum tab presses my skin even if i don't contract my muscle. So my question is: do you think that sgx is too short for my body, or this is normal?

I lay on my back and afer a 10 minutes or more of relaxation i start to squeeze my muscle, but this time i try to focus the perineum muscle insted the anus. This was very pleasant and exciting for me. My legs start to have a slight shaking motion, but controllable my me.

I did this repeating a sequence of squeezing and time for relaxing and I start to feel now my prostate.

I change position a couple of time, on each side, on my back than I try a "doggy style".

I start to breath and I understand now that I can do another thing with my aneros: trying to release the tension from my anus after a squeeze. This thing move just a little bit outside the SGX and produce a more intense massage to me.

My First Try

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Hello to everybody.
After a long time, reading, seeing and thinking about having an Aneros device, last week I decided to order one.

After talking with a friend of mine that owns an MGX and the Hypnaerosession CD, I decide for the SGX, because I'm novice with anal play and so this will be the first time I will insert something in my anus.

So yesterday evening, after my friend gave to me the CD, I decide to test it for the first time.

I decide to follow all the instruction / advises that Aneros Learing Center can give to me.
I cleaned my rectum with a rectal syringe and did a relaxing shower, focusing on my cock, perineum and anus. Just for getting a little bit horny.

Then I went on my bed and applyed lubricant to the anus and on the Aneros Massager and the lied on the right side and pressed play to my audio player.

The first thing I feel was the presence of the device in my anus, probably because I never put something in it before yesterday evening.

I start to relax following Alana voice. And something happend, I don't know what it was but i feel my heartbeat very clear and going on with the session I feel it in my belly and anus. Sometimes seems that the SGX start to moving at the heart beating without contracting volountary the pc/anus muscles. This thing happend during all the first part of the session.

New Year, New Breakthroughs

To start off with I've never done a blog, so this should be an interesting experience. After chatting with many of you over the last month of so, and receiving an abundance of information for which I am grateful to all of you. I figured this would be the best place to share my most recent breakthrough.

Over the last two nights I have had two sessions on opposite sides of the spectrum from each other. Night one was my first session in over a month. This was due to the holidays, staying with family, and lack of time to devote to my toys.

To start off with I thought it would be a great idea to reaccuaint myself with my toys by not masturbating for a week. When I jacked off last weekend I told myself that I would not do it until after I had my sesssion. I later found out that this was not a great idea in that my first session back with my prograsm was a big dud. The first 30 minutes of it were great, but then it just fizzled out and my mind, penis, and testicles were too occupied with releasing. After facing disappointment I relieved myself, took out the progasm, and went to bed wondering what happened.

On Saturday, I came to the conclusion that I was probably too horny to have a session, there has to be a balance. I posted this question to the forum, and rumel was kind enough to redirect me to Brian's manual.

New Year, No Fear

Hello, yeah, it’s been awhile. I have been using regularly for over 17 months. The truth of the matter is, from where I stand on my journey today, I consider that my sessions are still getting better, month over month – incrementally. I don’t seem to have breakthroughs, I only have a more enjoyable session this week than last.

Recently, I revisited the idea of modifying my original Aneros, the Helix. Why not? It had fallen out favor due to the Eupho. So I cut the handle off and Vwallah, It’s like I’ve gotten a new toy! The Tailless Helix now behaves like a big Peridise. Mobility and comfort all achieved in one ‘snip and sand’ of the handle with no sacrifice in P-Tab placement or feel. As my prostate slowly wakes up it has found more uses for the Helix in my toy rotation – even the Progasm has made a small comeback. The odd man out now that the Eupho takes up over three quarters of my sessions is the Peridise twins.

My little pleasure spot glows brightly in session – I can generate numerous levels of involuntaries. My prostate buzzes. I can produce pleasure and small amounts of fluid outside of sessions. I can achieve a sort of P-wave – were I get a very exciting boiling spaghetti feeling in my pelvis. I can achieve, perhaps to the greatest detraction from my journey, hands free wet orgasms. I never have found a sweet spot on my perineum.