Anal Pleasure: My Sexuality Part 2

I have always found that there is something inherently erotic about being in a hotel alone. Don’t get me wrong, J and I have had some incredibly sexy times together but there is something decadent about being naked in a new place that is not home, and sexing myself up in quiet solitude as I view my body responding to growing arousal. Freed from any inhibitions I will murmur all types of lewd and lurid things and articulate all kinds of fantasies when I am sailing in chains of chilling ecstasy from cascading MMOs.

I have always masturbated in front of mirrors and watched porno when I traveled before. But ever since I have learned to MMO my solo trips have taken on a whole new dimension. I really look forward to the intimate alone time and the layers of complex, intense and chilling orgasms that I coax from my body in the dimly lit darkness of hotel rooms. Lying on my stomach with my anus exposed and penetrated by a ruthless instrument of sexual pleasure is not only lewd but it is vulgar and sensual as well.

Trying to Lose Control

I had already started trying to use less nipple stimulation in my session and wanted to discover a new aspect to Aneros pleasure. I don't know to what extent different men use their nipples in conjunction with the Aneros. I may be on one end of the spectrum in how I have tended to rely on my nipples to build up and sustain a Super O. I sometimes sneak a quick nipple rub in at work or while driving to feel a little pleasure on the side. It doesn't take very long and it has grown in intensity from where I started.

I've held off longer or not even used my nipples at all a few times in the last few sessions. I can't say my dry O's are as strong or that I've reached an all out Super O, but it's definitely a different experience. The first time I reached a hands and nipples free dry O a few days ago I was left alternating between moaning and laughing. I was having sustained muscle movements from the Aneros for the first time and it was driving the orgasm. I actually had the Peridise in for this session and it turns out that I was laying on my side which is not common for me. I'm usually on my back.


I was excited to write this entry! After my early success, I've been disappointed lately because I haven't been able to reach MMO's and Super O's. My sessions are always nice and enjoyable, but I just couldn't get that over the top experience for about the last month.

Last night though, I made a huge step in my journey to rewiring! I had my first Aneros-less experience. I had played with my Helix Syn the night before and wore it while having sex with my wife for a huge explosion. I also knew I'd be playing with it on Friday night, so I didn't do anything last night. I was lying in bed on my left side with my right leg bent talking to my wife while she read a book. All of a sudden I could feel something inside. I half consciously started thinking about the feeling and making contractions. It felt so good and I could "feel" my prostate like my aneros was touching it. I got rock hard and I was on the verge of a dry orgasm, but I made the mistake of moving my body pillow! I can't wait to insert my Helix tonight!


Things keep getting better. I had held off a day on using the Helix because of a little soreness. I was rewarded for my patience today. I got warmed up with the larger Peridise as I've been accustomed to lately. It was a little longer warmup than usual. I didn't have any dry O's; I just closed my eyes and felt a humming in my head as I occasionally added a little PC or anal movement at times. The humming had started almost as soon as I did. This lasted for half an hour or so.

After a while I needed a break to have a BM. I wanted to wait until I got that out of the way and cleaned up to switch to the Helix. I took my time in getting back to the session even then.

Once inside, the Helix had an immediate effect. I didn't have contractions or anything, but I felt a general wave of pleasure rise through my body as I got situated in bed. It was a good sign.

I've been keeping a T-shirt on during sessions so that I don't chafe my nipples and it has a side effect of limiting the amount of sensation my fingers can give my nipples. I think this is a good thing as it slows the progression a little and lets things happen more on their own.


I recently was thinking about the most popular topics I have written about in the various blogs I have posted. When I looked at the Word Press Analytics when I had the WP blog the top ten topics for me were cock, cum, prostate orgasm, balls, dry orgasm, anal sex, cockhead, penis and anal orgasm.

Clearly all of you here on Aneros and me as well have an interest in male orgasm and male sexuality. For me this last quarter of my life has been a discovery of my sexuality and sexual response. As it turns out it this period has been dominated by MMO and my rewiring. These popular topics are a reflection of my sexual life experience but more accurately they are a reflection of my self discovery.

Obviously J has been and still is a huge part of my sex life. What I have done in these last 18 years is compartmentalize my sex life; I have my intimate connection with her through fucking and I have my solo self directed MMO driven sex life. They exist in two different worlds. I have several entries that discuss this division in my sexual response and my sexual life. However to my great joy, very slowly, those two worlds seem to be moving closer together as discussed in a post prior to this one.

Dark Side of the Moon

No, I'm not trying to speak euphemistically with the title of this entry. I *really* am talking about the Pink Floyd album from 1973. It's one of my favorites and I currently have it in the alarm clock/cd player by my bed. I play the first few minutes as an initial alarm setting then have the beeper turn on 15 or 20 minutes into it to give me a chance at a gradual wakeup.

I tried one time to play music on this alarm clock during a session, but something unexpected was an obstacle for me. It wasn't that the music or words themselves were a distraction. It was the lack of words or music at times. Here's what I mean: I started to lapse consciously because of the effect from pleasure on my mind. I started hearing gaps in the words and music that I knew so well )I'm still talking about Dark Side of the Moon btw(. I'm used to the music fitting like an old glove and knowing what to expect at each turn. Now my focus was being pulled toward this deviations from the norm. I just decided to turn off the music to stay focused on the session.

The last couple mornings have been new experiences for me. I actually woke up before my alarm yesterday with a "morning wood" and had a nice mini O / dry O. It only seemed natural. Today I set my alarm a little later because it was a Saturday and still didn't get up until the alarm went off. "Get up" isn't really accurate though. I spent most of the morning in bed "exploring".

My Aneros Autof**k is now liquid f**k motion!

Hi guys,

I want to say that my Aneros sessions recently do not use as many models as I used in sessions for a real long time. So now, I may use just four models: Helix Syn, Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm. These four models have become in many ways my mainstays in most of my sessions in the last month or so. Yes, Tempo is a very recent model to my Aneros lineup, but he deserves to be put in the forefront with the other three models. All these four models have won their keep in this forefront.

The Tempo, along with the Peridise, have taught so much about Aneros rhythm. They have taught me about the Aneros autof**k like nothing before. In the last couple months, my sessions have taken a quantum leap.

The other catalyst and ingredient for this transformation is my discovery of the lying on my right side in the fetal position. This Aneros position, like no other is really good for the do-nothing technique in Anerosing because this position is so passive. Hence what I discovered this morning for sure in an utmost way is the Aneros autof**k just for what it is. My Aneros autof**k now is so automatic and is absolute free motion. I call my Aneros autof**k, liquid f**k motion. It is amazing to lie on my right now and just feel this stroking going on inside me over and over again without hindrance, or prompting, just in and out liquid motion so effortlessly. Absolutely awesome!

Mental trampolines and smoke rings in my mind

)Warning: the first part of this is sort of dry. The last three paragraphs are the ones things get deeper and more interesting.(

I've had two sessions since I got my first additions to my Aneros collection. I've used both in the same pattern as it turns out. I got the two set of Peridise and have used the larger one to begin and end each session. I've used the Helix in the middle. The results have been astounding.

I think the Peridise works well for me in warming things up without going over the top, then returning to it when it's real easier for me to get pleasure from more subtle stimulation.

The Helix feels a little different than my MGX. There's pressure in slightly different spots. I can't tell if anything is particularly different when I'm in the heat dry O's and super O's. It's certainly not keeping me from enjoying myself that's for sure.

Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised from the start at the subtle feeling of pleasure when putting the Peridise in. I move things around inside for a while, but don't quite make it to dry O's during the initial use.

surprise! – further steps

Yesterday I did my sixt session. Mostly I practice every fourth day so that there are 3 full days between a session. Often this fails because I have no time or aren't in the mood. So I had two weeks of abstinence between my last two sessions.

And I experienced the benefits of that! What this was I will describe a few lines later.

The first (right done) Aneros session I did, I experienced a Super-T (wrote a blog entry to that). All other sessions were similar, because I always ended up with a Super-T. The quality of the first Super-T was the best and reaching Super-T’s all the time began to bore me.
But yesterday I broke the wall of Super T's and gained a new level ;)
Instead of lying on the stomach or back, I spontaneous decided to do something new and chose the position lying on the side with the upper knee bent.
The second big difference to the other sessions was the technique. I didn't produced hard contractions, but tried to hold gentle sqeezes with light differences in strenght. After a while I contracted the muscles in a way, that caused little shavings. This was a the first sign of very small involuntaries and time by time I got better in holding the right sort of contraction for causing more of these involuntaries.
You have to play with the different muscles you have in the pelvic floor and need to level the magnitude of tension. The involuntaries were very slightly and disappeared when I relaxed all muscels, so it was not this strong kind of involuntaries, described by other members. But it was a beginning.

Erotic Cock Massage

It is usually the case with me that when I set out to learn something I wind up learning so much more about something else in the process. When I began this sexual journey the goal was to learn about female sexuality and sexual response. In the process I have not only learned so much more about my own sexuality but I have expanded it as well.

Ultimately I have pushed my orgasmic response and my experience of sexual pleasure almost to the limits of my ability to cope with it.

I have become so much more aware of my sexual proclivities and the nature of my sexual desire . Most importantly I have really enhanced my sense of the erotic and sensual.

One of the things that I have learned to do is to relax, perceive and give in to the sensations that my body can create. If my mind is still and my body is relaxed I can experience erotic pleasure that I never knew of previously and savor it like a rich burgundy or the silky sweetness of fine chocolate. One of the most intimate and intensely pleasurable experiences is the giving and receiving of erotic massage.

So for all you ladies here is what I have learned and taught J about how to give me the most exquisite and ball draining perineal and cock massage.