Variety Pack

Multiple Orgasmic Man )MOM( – It means so many things, really.

When I hear that term, I usually think of having a string of orgasmic pearls; they are on a thread and come along as pulses of bliss. Repeating in rhythm sending me up, and relaxing, sending me up, and relaxing.

But today, it took on a different meaning – multiple in variation.

This morning, while my wife and I were enjoying the miracle of giving and receiving mutual pleasure, I lost count of the number of orgasms I had as well as the nature of each. I do know that I had tons.

There were the -less orgasms I felt before initiating our play. I shivered with P-Waves and Mini 0s. I had a bunch of Dry Os during one of my favorite foreplay activities – pleasuring my lover's breasts. While she writhed in joy, I moaned with deep Dry Orgasmic pulses.

My thighs were convulsing )as they are doing right now as I write this( when she began to taste my body with her lips and tongue. My cock strained and tightened as she sucked hardness into it. Her tongue teased the glans and made me shiver.

My first two or so Super Os at last I think.

Last night my helix aneros session was different from the start.
As soon as I inserted miss helix she started massaging but the difference was the intensity and positiveness of her strokes.
The strokes did not wain when I got erections as they did in the past.
The pleasure was emence and I enjoyed it for 2 hours.
I then decided at 1:30am that I would sleep with her.
I had coated her with Vaseline and shot 5 ml of waterbase lube two hours ago but thought that it might be a good idea to add some more lube before going to sleep.
I took out the helix and shot 1.5ml of pure silicone lube in and then reinserted.
The difference that made was night and day, I could feel with each stroke the lube coating my insides and very soon it was silky smooth inside.
The aneros strokes did not feel as strong as before but I put that down to the silicone being so slippery.
I went off to sleep and to my surprise woke at 7am and had had a good nights sleep.
Normally I would feel sleepy after sleeping with the aneros.
I concentrated on the stroking that was going on down below while stimulating my nipples and the intensity grew and grew.
The intensity and positiveness of the strokes were even better than earlier at night.
The pleasure would come in definite waves,wave after wave.
The intensity was not as intense as some of my really really good sessions but the positiveness of the strokes was the best ever.
The waves of pleasure really started to build a sense of building to a climax.
I did have constant mini Os but did not have any dry O during this build up.
My breathing would sound like as if I was sleeping nice constant deep breaths.
This build to climax built and then dissipated a few times as it has done in the past until.

Eupho again

Well after a nice chrismas lunch and a sleep I watched tv and then it was time for bed again.
Early night and in with miss eupho.
I have to admit I was not realy ready for bed but the wife wanted to sleep so I had no choice as she sleeps in the lounge area where the tv is.
While watching reruns of StarTrek on the laptop the eupho massaged me quite vigorously. So much so that when it was time to sleep I was so horny I had to finish with a super T. This resulted in the aneros popping out by itself.
I went of to sleep and had a great sleep very satisfied.
TRhis morning I woke real late and my ass was very hungry again.
I resisted all morning as I have been getting a little sore lately.
My prostate said fine stuff you and went on its own quest and I really had a good anerosless session for hours on end.
When I did check I have actually been leaking precum during this long session too.
I dont get quite to a dry o but think I have a few mini Os.
Anyway its almost 2pm and the session is going to continue all day I am sure. Now my penis hole is hurting.
Now that I look back while I was at the relatives place having lunch this is the first time in a long time that I have not felt a party going on in my pants for hours on end.
As good as it is it was nice for a change. Maybe I need to get out more!

Quick progress

Quick progress.
I am a novice,or newbie as you call them, of just three weeks.I bought a Helix Syn and used that for half a dozen sessions. I must state here that if it had not been for the Aneros web site with its Wiki section and all the user comments etc I would almost certainly have put the Syn aside and felt I had completely wasted my money. My gratitude to all who have built a support and information infrastucture for us all.
Two concepts were my guiding principle: Its a journey and rewiring is a vital component for progress. I also was aware that lots of users indicated quite a long timescale to get positive pleasure results. By the time of my third session I was aware of some interesting and pleasant sensations that gave evidence to a path of progress which was encouraging. I also notice that every session produced more or greater sensations. I tried a number of techniques and hints, some of which were not productive and I discarded. I was curious to see if I got different results from an other model and a week ago purchased the MGX. I have noticed that this moves around inside much more than the Syn.
In this last week the sensations have been intensifying with each session. I have been a bit greedy and had daily sessions despite my resolution to space them to every other day. The feelings and sensations were so delicious and my will was weak!
Up until today I would say that I have only had p-waves and mini -o's. The session this afternoon was on my back and doing very little other than deep breathing now and again.Up to now I have lain on my side, as recommended but found my flexed leg became uncomfortable and stiff which is why I changed.
I had loads of p waves and mini o's and suddenly after around two hours I was engulfed in massive sensations twice which both lasted for minutes and left me clinging onto the bed rails and moaning with sensation. I don't think it was a super-o but almost certainly a dry-o. I pulled the plug after the second orgasm because I wasn't sure at this time that I could take any more.That will be part of the further journey.
I am surprised and pleased that I have such positive results from these lovely devices in such a short time. I must now exert my will power and refrain from abusing my prostate with overuse now that I have such confirmation of success.
I will blog again about some of the elements that have been effective in my journey so far.

Euphos back! Just like that!

Ok so if you have been following my blog lately you would know My helix has been working well but the eupho has been almost doing nothing for me.
Last night I decided to sleep with miss eupho all night.
Now I cant remember how good a session I had before I went to sleep but I suspect it was below average because I cant remember.Asleep by 1:30am ish.
Woke at 3am. I was not feeling sleepy either?
The eupho was feeling numb. Not a good start but I must of awoken for some reason…
The eupho was twitching only slightly but I did not feel much because I was numb down there.
I touched my cock and soon I could not resist touching and caressing it.
I almost brought myself to the brink a few times but did not go past the point of return.
Then I noticed that the aneros was twitch a lot more because of the penis stimulation.
I let go of my shaft and let things settle.
It went all quiet for a minute and then things picked up. The aneros started floating in my anal canal and slip sliding around and the pleasure was great.
It kept going and increasing and I could feel myself going higher and higher. Closer and closer to dry Os.
I got there and had numerous dry Os then everything would go quite and then start again.
I lost count but the last three sets of these waves of dry Os went beyond dry Os.
I mean the dry Os would stop but the build up kept going higher and when I though it would not go higher it still did.
I noticed that my I was on my side but my legs were ina position like I would be if sitting in a chair.
The strange thing that I felt was that my hips and thighs felt numb and as if they where locked in place.
The aneros just slammed away past dry Os and up to a pinnacle.
The problem was when I got to the pinnacle of these build ups there was no release or orgasm it was just the same feeling of getting up there but in reverse back down past dry Os to nothing and then It would start again.
Anyway I rode these orgasms until 5:30am at which time I removed the eupho and went to sleep straight away until 8:30am.
I woke feeling ok not very tired.
On reflecting what a beautiful early morning session and I learned a new way to wake things up with cock play.
I used nipple stimulation all the way through and could feel the sensations on my nipples doing the same thing to my balls. Its magical.
Glad Miss eupho is not broken coz she really is special when she works.

It Was the Night Before Christmas

Well I woke up this morning, and decided to give it another go.

About the same results as last time.. I relaxed, closed my eyes, and let sleep take me while I comfortably did small contracts. After a few minutes, over the course of a few seconds, something amazing built up "down there", and ran up my spine.

However, as soon as it began, my sphincter got real tight and tingly and once again I was unable to contract. I still have had no involuntary contractions. And the feeling went away before an orgasm was achieved.

I really wish I could experience involuntaries or at least a little taste of the Dry-O/Super-O. Oh well. Just gotta keep at it I guess.

Revisiting the Eupho

I have had a number of sessions lately using my helix.
Dry Os are reached mostly but as I have been coming off my pain tablets the pleasure has been waning a little.
I have made the decision to give the eupho a go again. It had stopped working for me but it is time to mix things up again.
First session not much happening.
Second one which was last night I had a hour of wonderful feelings that reminded me why I love the eupho so much.
It gives different exquisite feelings and make me get a rock hard erection within 10 minutes of use.
Although it is not working the best yet It is getting better I think.
I love sleeping with it as the feelings of being gently made love to until I go off to sleep are bliss. I say "made love to" because it is not the same as the helix feelings which are much more abrupt.
In the morning when I wake more often than not it is gently massaging my prostate or if lucky it is actually making love to me. A great way to wake!
Most mornings waking with eupho in I wake with a rock hard erection which is always good.
Because it is so thin it does not make me sore over night like the helix. I almost feel bruised by the helix if I sleep with it now days. The last time I did this I did not want a session for 4 days due to being sore. I dont run out of lube its just the action itself.
The eupho has changed my internal anal aneros rhythm compared to the helix.
I always have my muscles twitching away when I dont have a aneros in now days but the eupho twitches faster so it is a strange unsettling feeling when both speed twitches are fighting for dominance.
The twitching I talk about send P-wave through my anal area constantly.
Think the eupho is winning as I am sitting here have great feelings in my chair as I type.
I am glad that I am able to revisit the eupho.
P.s. I love watching movies while riding the eupho too, it keeps twitch and when you get to a sexy bit it gets all excited. :)

Sweet and Subtle

Woke this with a few hours of alone time on my hands. Decided on a morning ride with my friend, the Syn.

As always, she entered me gently and settled in, ready to pleasure me. And, being the consistent toy that she is, within a minute she shot a Dry O through me. Slight contractions encouraged the enjoyment. Energy radiated from my core through my whole body. I kept myself as calm as I could, keeping at bay the impending Super Os. That was hard!

I just wanted to focus on the tender, tingling pleasures I was feeling. While concentrating on those subtleties, I felt it building inside of me. It came up on me like a train in the distance. I felt it coming and I knew what it would be like when it arrived. My anticipation built and I began to shiver with excitement. I had involuntary muscle contractions in my legs, anus, and abdomen.

Then the train arrived, not like a real train, slowing and coming to a stop, but more like the arrival of a renegade locomotive, slamming into the station, exploding everything. My body bucked and hurled around. My soft cock flailed and slapped against my stomach. Precum began to fly out. My moans grew louder as my hips bucked up and down. My whole body and being were engaged in this moment of ecstasy. Ah, it was sublime and sweet.

Week One, or 22mm of Pleasure

First week of my training regimen is complete, and I must say I'm enjoying the sensations and overall well-being that I've gotten from it. The first day caused a LOT of pleasure )similar to a regular Aneros session(, then it sort of fizzled out for the rest of the week while I was toning my muscles. Although this decreased my desire for using the Peridise, I stuck with it and continued my nightly sessions )only one missed day, couldn't help it(. Before I talk about my last session with the largest Peridise, just want to discuss what it feels like for those who are interested.

While specifically designed for exercising and toning the pelvic floor muscles, there is still pleasurable sensations. During the best times, it felt like I was having a regular Aneros session, in which I was getting anal orgasms almost regularly with the right contractions. The little ball that sits between the inner and outer sphincter just milks my anal desire in a way the regular Aneros models just don't )or can't, not quite sure(. Since I've had prior experience with Kegels, I managed to start with 15 second long contractions, but am currently up to 30 seconds before I'm too fatigued to keep holding any more. I've never been one to maintain these contraction cycles, as I usually get bored and just let my body relax into it, but with the Peridise I feel like I HAVE to participate in order to get the most from it. And believe me, last night I got the most out of it, probably more than I have with the MGX or Helix in the past year.

Back to back dry Os and then beyond!

This morning I got to dry Os back to back again but had only two or three in a row and then something much bigger.
Just before the end of the build up of orgasm my whole body tensed up real tight. I felt like I was going to pop big time! and then I had a almighty dry ejaculation feeling.
I have had this once before but not as powerful.
My poor dick was swollen purple and the force of the ejaculation feeling made my dick eye hurt.
I felt a release and then the aneros slowed down a bit but it felt like it was swimming in soup.
It was a murky dowwie type feeling almost like the aneros was melting into me.
Really weird feeling but great.
After about 3 minutes it started to move faster again but it only lead to just below dry O feelings so I called it a day.
I dont know if you call it a super O, although it was way more powerful than my normal dry Os.
Everyone has different ideas on what a super O feels like so I never really get a answer if I ask what it is like. I have not experienced the body thrashing around yet at all but then again some people dont get that either.
Maybe there is no more and because people can't tell you what it feels like others are just drawing their own conclusions of what a super O is and putting 1+1 together and coming up with 3?
I am sure the sensations will increase in magnitude so maybe the result just makes it super.
who knows.
Can anyone identify my huge orgasm feeling? I would love to hear about it.