explosive ending and strange spasmming session

I had a even better session last night.
My butt was craving all day after my last post so I saddled up again.
Got to dry O zone again and rode that for a hour or so.
I think it was about 2 hours in and I started to get in a frenzy and I could feel a massive build up of energy starting.
It got greater and greater until I was almost about to explode some how but I dont know how.
Alas the expectations or something got in the way and it subsided :)
I did not giveup but instead of the build up I couped something different.
I have never read about it before either.

I had a start of a build up like before but only slight and then the aneros dug itself in hard and clicked into place like what I call a dry O and then like the ejaculation felling of the dry O or a kegal thrust I went into some sort of spasm.
My body started spasming like a kegal at around 2 thrusts a second. Just the PC muscle.
It kept going like this constantly for I estimate 3 or so minutes!
Every now and then I might miss a thrust but it just kept going?
There was pleasure but a lot of energy was beeing put into it at the same time. There was a feeling of it building my arousal but not to anything huge.
After the 3 minutes or so it stopped and just went back to anal twitching.
I was buggered and went to sleep. Woke a few times through the night with miss helix teasing me a bit.
In the morning I removed it for a pee and then reinserted but with the eupho instead and had a few dry Os and then decided to call it quits.
I was so horny still I decided to have a super T.
It was a massive build up and as I came I squeezed so hard The eupho shot out half a meter away from my arse onto the bed! :(
It was a bigger load of cum than usual.

Dry O zone! Back in the saddle!

Ok thats more like it!
I had a good session last night.
Instead of using the helix first I decided to use the eupho.
Oh miss eupho is great!
I still have to hold a slight contraction to get the action to happen but I had a really good session although I dont think I had any dry Os but upon reflection I think I had many mini Os.
After a two hour session with the eupho I switched to the helix.
I inserted it and nothing for 10 seconds then my anal muscles twitched twice slowly and my prostate sort of said oh yer that it! And then the auto fucking action started and instant p-waves.
I could just lie there and it was all automatic. The waves of pleasure were great but not intense so I did a few kegals and held slight contractions and of course stimulated my nipples and it got a lot better.
After a while while the aneros was twitching it suddenly was pulled in hard all the way and locked in and the it was like I was ejaculating.
So I guess this is what a dry O feels like. It did not stop there every ten to 20 seconds the aneros would return to twitching and get pulled up hard and locked in and the dry Os would start again.
The dry Os would last five to ten seconds then subside then repeat again.
It felt great but Not intense. It was about the same as a super T in intensity.
However the dry Os would come one after the other after the other.
I lost count of the amount of them. They came in waves of about twentyish at a time and then a rest fora minute or so and then they would start again.
These lasted for about 1.5 hours I guess this is what they call the O zone.
I ended up going to sleep at about 2:30am with the helix in.
I awoke a few times through the night with the helix twitching away causing nice p-waves in my slumber.
Early morning I awoke to a purple throbbing hard on and the aneros doing its thing. I think I had a few more dry os but it is a little hazy and I dropped of to sleep again.
8am I awoke and lay there for a hour while he helix just kept on auto fucking.
I decided to remove it reluctantly as it was time for a pee.
I went back to bed until 11:30am and had a anerosless session the hole time.
It 3:30pm andI am watching a movie and the aneross ghosting has not stopped.
With any luck it looks like I am back in the saddle thank the aneros gods!
Intensity is lacking but hopefully this will improve.

Dame Syn

Whole different physical reactions from my body with this Syn Session.

I found myself, amidst my Super and Dry Os, bucking my hips up and down )laying on my back(. When the Dry Os came, they came in groups of four to seven in a row. Each time one hit, my hips thrust forward as if I was going to ejaculate. Of course, I didn't, but it felt SO similar.

And again, I felt an incredible amount of warmth emanating from my core. And huge waves of electricity flowing over and through me. My nipples were more sensitive than ever and once stimulated, provided a direct line of energy to my prostate.

It is a sublime pleasure.

Until next time…

Hole New Horizon: Dancing with Big Momma EVI!!!

I recently acquired an EVI. One had also been acquired for mrs. a!! We have yet to be able to have the joint session planned to explore her use of hers.

BUTT!!! I could not resist an opportunity this morning to try mine, and after the deep relaxation of my anal sphincters needed for a peaceful transit of this girthy girl up into my canal…!…:WELL~~!!~~!!!~~!!!~~!!!~~~!!!!!! it just opened into the most wonderful unique new dance around my prostate region I have ever experienced!!!

BUTT THEN!!! I was spinning the "clit end" handle in no time, not just alternating positions of the big bulb, butt doing 360s round and round!!! The sensations are wonderful, and surprisingly easy and relaxed all around the big bulb.

Anal sphincters relaxed and were tickled with the long narrow neck~~~ The spaciousness and mobility up above in my rectum were more like a EUPHO!!! than any other model including Syn, which is still fantastic in its very different way. Syn was a great "Opening Act"

My trained rectal wall/prostate "reach-out" response indeed did, and tried to "polish the knob", yet then was very happy with the new broad hug feeling/contact!! Several great dry-Os, and the feeling that I could have this in for hours and walk about and….

And then the gentle compression of the prostate started suggesting a BPH therapy Super-T finale and WOW!!! again!!! EVI is a fabulous ride sitting up with it in!

The virtues of temporary ejaculatory abstinence versus quenching the fires of horniness

I have carried on with my temporary ejaculatory abstinence, as propounded by Chia in "The Multi-Orgasmic Man". I am even more aroused than I would otherwise have been, and I have learnt to love that feeling of horniness, instead of being frustrated by it, and then NEEDING to have a short wet orgasm to quench the fires.

I still love my wet orgasms – occasionally – but in between times, I get aneros-less random p-waves, mini-Os and even the odd dry-O, and if I focus on my prostate and think erotic thoughts, these occur almost at will, and are even more intense. The slightest PC muscle contractions bring on these p-waves and Os, and NOW, these have also been joined by anal quivering, that does the same. I also enjoy masturbating to wave after wave of dry Os, and much the same happens in sex. It is like I am discovering my sexuality and my body for the first time – again.

I had a series of intense anal quiverings and PC muscle contractions yesterday, and decided that since I had some time available at last, I would be very self-indulgent, and have an aneros session. My model of choice was the eupho.

I didn't do a lot of prep – the immediacy of my horniness was enough. I lubed up, slowly inserted the eupho, and had an instant very intense dry orgasm, that made me scream out louder than I think I can remember. I liked the initial coldness of the eupho – like an ice cube on a nipple, I suppose?

Abstinence and Diminishing Arousal

It's been a while since I've posted up a blog, figure I should keep my progress as current as possible. I've felt that since I've been abstaining from Aneros use )and sex with the wife( for a few weeks, the desire has been lacking and there hasn't really been any reason to post )though I do get urges and 'less sessions in the interim(. Looking back on it though, I probably should have done this a few times last week to help re-center my "self". Between numerous headaches, excessive driving )traffic( and the gas crisis in NY, stress has taken a strong hold on my life, meaning sessions have taken a back seat. I still try for 'less sessions as much as possible, but these have been few and far inbetween. The closest to a session I'll have at night )in bed, before going to sleep( is an energy meditation session to combat the headaches and stress, but have had no mindgasms like in the prior weeks.

Due to the hurricane, been spending a lot of time with the wife and family. These have helped with the stress, and improved my rather sullen moods recently )as well as remind me why I fell in love with my wife(. Still, I've been snappy, quick to anger and irritation, and generally had very little desire to do anything other than stay home and try to stay warm. Thankfully, my wife would not let me sulk, and forced me out of my shell to open up to the love of those around me. That helped significantly in combatting the stress, but it just wasn't enough.

Where I am at roughly on the Milestone list

I have completed or experianced these milestones:

First insertion
No P-tab discomfort when relaxed
No internal discomfort when relaxed
No P-tab discomfort when contracted
No internal discomfort when contracted
Generally comfortable when inserted and relaxed
Observation of slight good feelings
Slight sense of leaking
Slight sense of needing to urinate )contact with prostate(
Identifiable contact with prostate
Doing a set of contractions comfortably
Holding light sphincter contractions
Integrating deep breathing
Definite leaking produced by contracting
Definite pleasure produced by contracting
Definite feeling of contact on prostate
Identification of "sweet spot"
Pleasure at "sweet spot"
No longer believing that "…this model doesn't fit me…"
Arousal amplification by vocalization, breathing, manual stim of secondary erogenous zones or held contractions.
Observation of slight involuntary contractions
General pleasure throughout session
Successive P-waves
Rock hard erection
Continuous internal pleasure
Sense of pleasure caused by blood pulse internally
Real excitement at thought of next session
Sustained pleasure during sessions
Pleasurable tingling in pelvic regions outside of sessions
Ability to grow pleasure outside of sessions
Ability to leak outside of sessions
Sense that the Aneros is satisfying a special prostate "itch"
Very significant pleasure during sessions
Moaning during sessions
Sense of arousal moving toward something
Involuntary clamping, without sense of climax
Involuntary clamping with hint of climax
Aneros moving distinctly on its own, creating unexpected pleasure
Definite sense of ongoing subtle involuntary contraction

Joygasm & total energy orgasm

There are two parts to this entry. The first occurred without any model used at all at night as I was heading to bed. The second part occurred as I woke the next morning and several hours before needing to go to work.

The first part is more of an observation, and also an invitation for more information.

The other night I was on chat and several members were hopping in and out, several topics of conversation came and went, and about three or four hours passed in total. I was so drained from my 12th day in a row of working that chat was a much needed stress release for me. I was beyond giddy and silly to say the least. I think it was borderline delusional from working so much. At any rate, I was having a genuine good time.

Open Heart

Times like right now, this moment, give me reason and hope about what this universe just might be all about.

I sit now, thinking, as best as I can, about an hour after a wonderful 2 hour session with my new Syn.

Here's what makes this moment even more special.

Work was a total nightmare today. This is my 8th straight day working, and I'm in the middle of working 14 in a row. So, I have about another week straight to go. Needless to say, stress is just about paramount right now. At least it was.

I came home from work, at nearly 11:30 at night, and saw the box for my Syn sitting at my door step. Being mad that UPS, as usual, just leaves a package lying around that anyone can take if they were so inclined, I was thankful that that wasn't the case. I grabbed my package and went into my apartment.

I placed the box on my bed and started to decompress from work, which included basically changing my clothes and booting up my computer. I left the box on the bed and didn't even bother to open it. I knew what it was, but was too tired to even look inside. Instead, I came to Aneros chat and talked with Taran for a bit. Taran asked me if I was going to try out my new Syn, but I was honestly too tired. I didn't want a "dud" session right away. Aside from that, I didn't have time to prep my sacred space and create my mental space. I was just wanting to sleep so I could get up and go to work for day number 9 in a row. Ugh…

Anerosless dry orgasms in sex

Had a 3-some with my life-partner this weekend, and was astounded as before that the slightest touch can trigger a dry orgasm in me, and that I can now have tens if not hundreds of these during sex. I have to warn potential new sexual partners in advance, lest they think I am having a fit or something.

The third person was lovely, but perhaps lacked enough experience to make the sex a true "conversation" – a set of 2 interactions (this being a 3-some with my life-partner) that were entirely mutual and reciprocated. As a result, the dry orgasms were fewer than I have previously experienced with my partner, and with a "friend with benefits". I am intrigued now to know what sex would be like with someone who had the same ability to dry orgasm. I wonder if the feedback and reciprocation could start a positive feedback loop that would escalate into new territory for us both? Isn't this the root of Taoist and Tantric principles?