Hi guys,
At age 66 and near the end of July, I signed up for Social Security. Wednesday a week ago, I had an appoint with a Social Security representative at the SSA office in my part of town. They told me that I have a handsome monthly income payments. So with this new found security, I celebrated by having my Aneros sessions regularly once again.
There is so a thing as Aneros muscle memory which is instilled in experienced Aneros users. You can have regular Aneros sessions, but not as frequent as before. Well this week, I have had sessions ever day beginning this Monday.
Usually I use in order the following models: Helix, Progasm Classic, Tempo, and Maximus. But I may use Eupho Classic as an opener and may substitute Progasm Ivory for Progasm Classic.
It feel so good nonetheless, lots of Aneros pleasure and Aless outside of sessions. So sweet too. All because of Aneros muscle memory. Take care!