
Like many people here, I’ve been struggling to hit the elusive hfo for about a year. Here is some info:

1. I use the helix syn trident mostly, but I also have the pure wand and a dildo (both of which don’t do too much). Im trying to use what I have instead of buying more toys. Budget conscious to a point
2. I’ve read multiple posts and the faq over and over as well as other research on other subreddits and forums
3. I’m not rushing the process, but trying to enjoy it (which I do)
4. I give at least a week between sessions with no release between
5. I do enjoy the process, but would like to take it to the next step
6. I must admit many times I finish a session “manually” because I feel like I need a release to end
7. I know many people here get hfo within days, others after years
8. Poppers and other similar options are not possible at this time
9. I’ve used mindgasm and other tools
10. Not watching porn during sessions, etc.

Are these my only options:
1. Buy other toys (looking at progasm or eupho trident, but I’ve read other posts where buying a ton of toys may not necessarily help)
2. Just keep trying until it happens?

Admittedly i get frustrated but trying to keep an open mind and just “let it happen”. I also know there isn’t 1 golden solution that works for everyone but any additional tips?

Moving on to Eupho, yes or no?

I’ve been having good experiences with my Helix Trident which I try use about once a week with a week of abstinence in between, and I’ve had it for about the past few months. I haven’t had a HFWO yet, but I’ve been having a good time with the subtle sensations and I always get contractions that feel almost as if I’m having a penile orgasm, but obviously no ejaculation. One issue I’ve been running into consistently is that about 40 minutes to an hour into the session I feel almost as if my muscles are tired and Helix Trident is putting ***too much*** pressure onto my prostate. I’ve heard great things about the Eupho being subtle, and was just wondering whether I should move onto the Eupho or stick with the Helix Trident.

Weight lifting, yoga or pilates with aneros in?

Title is someone self explanatory, but I am curious if anyone here has had success (or failures) willing to share by exercising with an aneros model in?

I just did some weight lifting with my helix syn trident in and it was a mixed bag, although anytime I was on the floor exercising, I definitely could feel the toy fluttering about down there.


Closer to orgasm at the start of my journey


Before buying an Aneros i had experience with anal stuff. I used a dildoand a plug and I allready felt my prostate but I couldn’t capitalize onit. So I searched about that tingling and I heard about the Anerosbrand and the concept of prostate orgasm and Super-O. I directly orderedan Helix Trident.

During the shipping I read a lot about the way to use it. Once the Helixrecived i did a session and it was already applying pressure on theright place. The second session (2 days after) I made progress i got astrange sensation I got tingling building progressively in my body and Iwas getting a litle deaf, but i lost this sensation and I couldn’t findit again in the session.

After I had about 1 out of 3 session like the second.

One evening I had the desire to use my dildo again. Not gonna lie I got a little wild during this one… too wild…

Since this dildo session it was impossible to put the Helix on the spot again… All session was dull.

So I ordered an MGX Trident. It was on spot at the first session. But it was less and less on spot session by session.

(I was using them by rhythmic contraction)

I was desperate and ordered an Lovense Edge, a vibrating connected toy. Istill can have orgasme with it, but they are penile because it onlywork when i’m on my belly.

Knocking on heavens door

I have had some success with prostate play in the last three weeks – i own the wand and 2 Aneros ( MGX white – ribbed base) and ( helix – the vibrating one).

F**ound pressure points and exploring – story**

I have had some amazing orgasms — the Trident – was working all by itself a couple of nights ago — the thing was fucking me like it was automated. I played a bit and then relaxed I find I reach around and raised the back arm slightly it puts me over the top a very nice pressure point. just release after a while and let the mechanics of the aneros do its thing

Yesterday – I felt horny — lay on couch – left side – ( leg bent up toward my chest) i left my underwear on and inserted the trident — not a full insertion – just enough to be locked in placed — the aneros was held in place by the back of the underwear . i slowly did kegels and contractions and after a while the thing need to go in and do its work ..

But before I found just a partial insertion and aim it up seems to find the sweet spot.. i was in heaven.. I rode that for a bit and passed out the Aneros was now slightly out and just touched the tip of my anus. I fell asleep in that position and was woken up my an amazing stimulation on my ass — i guess I may have moved and the pressure of of the tip excited me — any way it prompted me to have another session with the toy.


Wouldn’t it work better with more curvature ? I have a hard time feeling my Helix Syn inside, while I’m used to incline my other straight toys so they rub against the anterior side…

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What the hell was that!

What’s up guys a long time lurker but haven’t really had anything to add, especially compared to some of the great sessions you guys seem to have. So anyway on to the reason I’m here..

I’ve been using Aneros and other toys for a long time but never really had any luck with them, small little hints of pleasure and I know these things take time but today was different, I knew I’d finish work early today and had my mind set on a session, so quick shower get set up with a few clips of porn and the helix trident came out, I used a silicone lube today as I felt the water based stuff I use dries out too quickly. All seemed to be the same old for a while but I wasn’t ready to call it quits, I was about an hour into it at this point when suddenly my prostate came alive, the feelings weren’t overwhelming but they were good! This went from good to great and I my stomach felt like it was rippling and twitching as the aneros was bouncing off my prostate, I was shaking and moaning as the feelings got stronger, this went on for about 30 minutes before I accidentally brushed my hand against my sack and before I knew it I was hard as a rock hard having a long drawn out wet orgasm, holy shit it was amazing, I didn’t get hard the whole time until I came but I have never experienced anything like this before, not sure if it was a super o or not but it felt good. To the point I’m now wondering when I can skive off work early again lol. sorry for the long drawn out post but this was a big step for me

Hit the Button

I know the prostate isn’t a magic button but by god it felt like one this morning. I must have been having some wicked dreams and got myself pretty aroused overnight.

I woke to find my wife not in bed which means I’ve been snoring during the night and she’s relocated. It not unusual.

Sensing an opportunity I jumped up squirted some lube in and quickly popped my helix in. It sucked into me like a magnet and I felt it slam into my prostate like a hammer. I swear I was starting to dry orgasm before I got back into bed. I continued this way for 40 minutes before I had to get up.

What a great way to start the day.

Only the eupho does anything for me

Hi guys, I’ve been on the journey of trying to have a prostate orgasm for a couple of years on and off. I get really nice pleasure from my eupho syn (also have the vibrating helix which is nice too), but no orgasms yet. In the pursuit of this, I’ve bought and tried other aneros toys – I have a helix classic, plastic eupho, peridise set, MGX, helix V and I just recently got a progasm jr thinking maybe moving up in fullness might get me closer. I even have a glass njoy type wand.

The trouble is aside from the helix V, nothing comes anywhere near the eupho for me. It’s tempting to throw money at it thinking that’ll help get me closer to where I wanna be, but it’s pretty apparent it may not be about spending more. Can anyone else relate to having only found one or two toys that work?

I don’t really go into my sessions with expectations but my long term goal is definitely to have dry orgasms. Any advice of what to do going forward?