Powerful, continuous powerful Aless

Hi guys,

Aless as a continuous, powerful experience really came into its own when I began using Tempo in my sessions in late November 2013. When I began using Tempo then, I took to it like a duck to water. It seemed that my Aneros sessions took a quantum leap.

It was then that just about every session became full of pleasure and fun! And as a spin off to all this was powerful, continuous Aless outside of my sessions. When I didn't feel Aless in an overt fashion, it was always there in the background.

I believe this buzz of sexual energy localized in the prostate are called P-waves. I began to experience P-waves three weeks after beginning my Aneros sessions in early June 2012 with my use of Helix Syn. In early July 2013, I began to experience chairgasms, then later on walkinggasms and bedgasms. Also as I added larger models such as Maximus and Progasm, this buzz began to intensify.

But it was Tempo that enabled me to enjoy all my other Aneros models, and certainly Maximus and Progasm which I both love and adore!

I found that Aless flows into my Aneros sessions and vice versa. Aless is so powerful and so sweet. I discovered in early 2014 to use subtle breathing which works so well with Aneros autof**k action of my models. And soon after, I found that I can meditate upon my Aless. Breathing works so with Aless. I can manipulate the intensity of Aless through breathing and anal contractions or subtle Kegels. It gives rise to subtle sexual sweetness.

The first session.

)This post was first written for posting on the Aneros subreddit. Any formatting errors are likely due to the discrepancy between Reddit's and the Aneros site's methods of handling certain kinds of text.(

Just so I don't set up bad expectations for people looking to get into things with an Aneros, let me set down the ways in which I had kind of a leg up on getting the most out of the Aneros experience. And there are quite a few ways.

I have been maintaining kegel muscle tone through casual use for about 15 years

I have experienced hands-free orgasm before without the aid of any sort of toy, tool, accessory, or substance

I am incredibly relaxed person–massages do nothing for me because there simply isn't any tension to massage out )side note, the bafflement of people who try to give me a massage anyway is priceless(

Since puberty my most frequently consumed sex-related viewing material by far is fairly academic in nature–I know a lot of things about a lot of parts, and a lot of ways to be safe in sexual situations, including ones that I frankly never plan to be involved in

So, my girlfriend tripped across mention of the Aneros online, sent me the info, and so today I received my Helix Syn. What follows is a pretty detailed account of how I used it for the first time.

Communication and Expectations

My wife said she was fine with my prostate play. She liked the intensity of ejaculations. As I started to rewire it was good to share the experience and she could get better feedback on how subtle touches were really impacting me. Nipples, inner thighs, low back, all produced small orgasmic shocks at times.

As we explored this journey, one night, I went for my Helix and she said no, not today. This led to a difficult and powerful conversation. We discovered that she did not ask permission for her vibrator but I was expected to ask permission for my helix or I was sheepish about what I want in bed.

Turns out she was concerned about sexual activity becoming about the orgasm, ejaculation, or the "getting off" and never considered that I might view the vibrator in a similar manner. I don't but she clearly saw her fear and a double standard.

I have some ambivalence about anal play. It is increased along with excitement when we play together.

The techniques of Aneros involve a different type of interaction than straight sex. Guys don't "meditate" to find the zone and orgasm. Women do take a trip in their body and find waves and have orgasms.

As we talked through all these issues we found some important insights. She realized an opportunity to coach me about the orgasm journey. She worked through feeling replaced by a piece of plastic. I am working on sheepishness. Some stuff just makes you horny. The list goes on but you get the idea.

Aneros horniness, session for Aug. 5, 2014

Hi guys,

It has been a long time that I have given a blow-by-blow description of a session. However this morning, I will because Aneros horniness has come upon me full force.

In the mood: That happens almost daily. But since I have been having sessions at least three or fours time a week, it is so easy for me to get in the Aneros mood. Guys who work out have this feeling, this anticipation that an athletic session is in store for them. They feel so happy and satisfied after working out because exercise or athletic activity release in their bodies feel good endorphins! Same thing with an Aneros session. I can forget my worries when I engage in an Aneros autof**k which makes me glad that I am a man!

Specifically I received two powerful stimuli for this morning's session. [1] I received an PM from a good buddy on Aneros who complimented me on my Aneros progress. Matt1008 also is a member on BateWorld where I met him in Sept. 2011. He got me interested in Aneros and the Kegel Exercises then. [2] I heard a news report early this morning which mentioned about 'muscle memory'. Aneros 'muscle memory' is an operant factor when I have Aless. Just thinking about my Aneros models and what do for me causes both Aneros 'muscle memory' and Aless which is so sublime! In Aless, I rehearse in my mind past sessions and think bout future sessions. Both Aless and Aneros muscle muscle are basic components of my horniness for the Aneros!

Another twist in the road of my journey – late July and early August

Since this is more of a journal I'll be updating my experiences semi-regularly. Skip to the end of the blog for the latest entry.

I found that I had unintentionally hijacked the topic in the"weed" forum discussion with my Salvia Divinorum experiences and thought that my descriptions of my experiences were more appropriate in a blog. So here it is. I'll keep updating it as I go.

June 25
salvia divinorum looks interesting; quick acting, short duration, not addictive, meditative affects, no hangover. I'm going to try it.

Wikipedia says "Mazatec shamans have a long and continuous tradition of religious use of Salvia divinorum, using it to facilitate visionary states of consciousness during spiritual healing sessions.[1] Most of the plant's local common names allude to the Mazatec belief that the plant is an incarnation of the Virgin Mary, with its ritual use also invoking that relationship"

June 26
Here's a poetic description of the Salvia Divinorum experience from the Pharmako/poeia by Dale Pendel:

"It's like a mirror with no frame: some don't see it at all; some do, but don't like what they see.

It's like cat paws, soft cat paws pressing, or like a bunch of bird tongues lapping the mind. Or like tiny fingers, the way ivy fingers reach out to climb a wall . . .

Starting to let go of myself and my fears.

This past week I had contact with my family in a way that stirred up anger and fear, which led to renewed feelings of self-loathing and doubt. Much of this anger and fear is about my parents and how they treated me in the past. The self-loathing came from seeing my parents as "evil" beings and seeing myself (unconsciously) as an extension of them.

That contact with my family ended on Friday. I have been reading about Buddhism and practicing Buddhist meditations lately, so I began that practice again on Friday in an attempt to "recover." I also attempted to have a session Friday night. While it was intense and pleasurable (especially since it had been a week since my last ejaculation) I found I wasn't able to "break through" into that special place where I am perfectly loved and accepted. In particular, at the gateway to that place I found an incredible loneliness and need for validation.

On Saturday I began reading some Buddhist discourse on fear and the nature of fear. Much of what I read talked about how many of our fears are an extension of the original fear of abandonment and death we develop when we leave the womb, since at that time being abandoned means death. I began to see how these ideas were at play in my relationship with my parents and my pattern of self-doubt. My parents are the type to love people conditionally, and I started to see why the fear of losing them caused me so much pain. I saw that that fear of abandonment was tied to my fears around death and survival. The book I was reading recommended meditative exercises where the inner (fearful) child was allowed to express these fears, and the adult self then comforted the inner child–reminding it that it can now survive on its own and give itself love.

Aless & Kegels : CONNECTION!

Hi guys,

This morning after bathing, shaving, and dressing, I sat before my PC and immediately fell into the bliss of a strong, delicious Aless. My body and psyche had tricked me into thinking that it was time for an Aneros session. Indeed, just about every morning if I have time on my hands, I have an Aneros session first thing in the morning. Most mornings they tend to be long and leisurely.

However in a few minutes I have to leave for a weekly appointment that occurs on Saturdays.

But boy! What a sweet, powerful Aless!

My prostate is alive, pulsating with sexual energy of pure pleasure. There is a direct connection with my nipples, pecs, abs, thighs, and certainly my glans penis with my prostate!

But there is also a close connection with my breath and my quivering prostate. But what really fuels my Aless this morning are my occasional Kegels. So powerful, so sweet.

I believe I have discovered a powerful meditation that is centered upon my prostate. But intimately connected with my alive prostate, are my testicles, penis, perineum, and even the root or bulb of my penis. It is also so beautiful, so powerful, so sweet, and so manly!

Take care!

Another twist in the road of my journey

I found that I had unintentionally hijacked the topic in the"weed" forum discussion with my Salvia Divinorum experiences and thought that my descriptions of my experiences were more appropriate in a blog. So here it is. I'll keep updating it as I go.

June 25
salvia divinorum looks interesting; quick acting, short duration, not addictive, meditative affects, no hangover. I'm going to try it.

Wikipedia says "Mazatec shamans have a long and continuous tradition of religious use of Salvia divinorum, using it to facilitate visionary states of consciousness during spiritual healing sessions.[1] Most of the plant's local common names allude to the Mazatec belief that the plant is an incarnation of the Virgin Mary, with its ritual use also invoking that relationship"

June 26
Here's a poetic description of the Salvia Divinorum experience from the Pharmako/poeia by Dale Pendel:

"It's like a mirror with no frame: some don't see it at all; some do, but don't like what they see.

It's like cat paws, soft cat paws pressing, or like a bunch of bird tongues lapping the mind. Or like tiny fingers, the way ivy fingers reach out to climb a wall . . .

Some say it is a sensual and a tactile thing. Some say it's about temporality and dimensionality–that it's about time travel. Some say it's about the Root Energy Network, or that it is about becoming a plant.

What Mantak Chia says about sex between men and being a gay or bisexual man

(I’ve been reading Master Mantak Chia’s book “Becoming a Multiorgasmic Man” and found this section on sex between men that was so important that I’m quoting him at length here.

Yang and Yang For Gay Men

China, like all civilizations, has long acknowledged the practice of homosexuality. Historically it was called lung-yang, after the name of a fourth-century B.c.prince’s male lover, or tuan-hsiu, “the cut sleeve,” recalling an emperor who was said to have cut off his sleeve to avoid waking his sleeping lover. Although sexual relationships between men were at times condoned and at other times discouraged by the imperial court – no doubt depending on who was sleeping in the royal
bed – Taoism has never condemned homosexuality. Taoism avoids condemning any part of human sexual experience, since it is all considered a part of the Tao. Rather, Taoism tries to teach people how to stay healthy, whatever their sexual preferences. Gay men simply need to know the practices that will help them have satisfying and healthy sexual relationships.

Can’t Stop Till I Get Enough

A gay writer and activist was doing a radio interview about his book on life in the pre-AIDS bathhouses, where gay men often would have numerous sexual encounters per night. When asked about whether the desire for multiple sexual experiences is characteristic of gay men in general, the author shot back that it is characteristic of all male sexuality, but that straight men are usual y constrained by female sexuality. If, he continued, we really want to see what male sexuality is like, uninfluenced by female sexuality, we just need to look at gay men.

A lesson about loving others and myself.

About half an hour ago, I concluded the most profound session I've ever experienced. I have never written an account of a session before, so bare with me as I try to describe what was a deeply emotional and enlightening experience.

I'll start with a little background about myself. I'm a 30 year old single bisexual man living on the West Coast USA. I have been riding for about 2 years. I began riding after I read about Super-Os on the Internet and thought, "who wouldn't want to soup up their orgasms?" My journey began in hedonism, but as with so many others my path has twisted into a spiritual forest.

This twist began with my first Super-O this past November, or rather, the glow of love I found inside that Super-O. The past few years of my life have also been a quest to build self-compassion and heal old wounds, which is why I felt the need to nurture and explore that glow. Soon, my quest to sink deeper into the emotional dimensions of the Super-O and my life's spiritual quest were intertwined. I spoke with members about their spiritual experiences with the Aneros and tried to foster connection, began to meditate both in and out of sessions, and generally worked on loving and accepting myself. As time has passed, I developed the ability to have powerful a-less sessions, which made it easier to incorporate the practice into my life's journey.