A Night of Bliss

After dinner a few nights ago none of my friends were on line and J was upstairs in the studio working, it was very quiet. I sat at this keyboard motivated for erotic interaction. As is usually the case when that happens I decided to spend some time on erotic writing. So at 8 PM I began editing a strategic part of my novel. It is done but I find great joy in going back into it and tweaking the story. For me, the primary purpose of the novel is to stimulate my arousal and the rewrite effort does that big time. The chapter was describing an intimate interchange between a man and a 19 year old daughter of a good friend. The narrative really got me worked up.

Anyone who has read my blogs or knows me knows that I am attuned to giving pleasure. In my limited experience with guys I really love to do oral and frot, but with my lovely lady it is oral sex on her that is the epitome of my intimate interaction with her.

so close…..

Last night I felt like trying again. It felt as if something had changed. I had identified guilt as a possible cause of my blockage and was determined that I needed to enjoy myself and not care what anyone else thought, so even though I didn’t know if my wife was asleep I started to build the feelings and sink into an orgasm.

I didn’t have an orgasm despite an hour trying with and without the aneros. It did feel good, and I was close for a long time, I even felt the sensation of falling into an orgasm starting twice the first one within minutes of starting, a real pleasurable orgasm, different to the weak watery orgasms I have had in the last week which were more just like a release of muscular tension without any pleasure waves. But they didn’t actually happen. I didn’t quite fall over the edge, in fact I think I was a bit nervous of it. It felt a bit like trying to start a petrol engine, it fired a few times but never actually got going on its own.

I don’t feel totally devastated about this as I might have done a few days ago. It was actually good and I can feel something lifting. I regard it as another step on the journey and I feel that I can be patient because I really think it will happen again.

Additional external prostate stimulation while using an Aneros?

I've been occasionally using an Aneros for approaching ten years and enjoyed it despite getting little more than a few P-waves. It's very likely that it's the mental side of things that's holding me back; I'm anxious and controlling at the best of times and on an anti-anxiety SSRI. It's likely that I would probably have much more joy if I could relax while using it, but I haven't found a way to do so yet. (Solutions involving trees, even if they were legal in my jurisdiction, hold no interest for me – and perhaps it's hypocritical for me to be OK with taking Citalopram when I'm not prepared to consider anything more herbal, but that's an argument for another time and another subreddit.)

In a session today, when reasonably aroused and making the usual deliberate contractions to move the Aneros, I found I was able to trigger some light involuntary contractions by applying a vibrator to my stomach at the base of the penis (i.e. very close to the shaft of the penis, but not actually touching it), presumably giving the prostate additional stimulation through the bladder. Sometimes I've used traditional penile masturbation techniques to reach the point of no return, then stopped and applied indirect pressure to my prostate that way to get me over the edge; it's probably as close to the hands-free orgasm that I so crave as I'm going to get.

Unique Sensations

I was born and raised in New York City. At 9 years old I learned how to use the city bus system; at 10 I learned how to ride the subway and figure out where it took me. From that point on the greatest city in the world was my oyster. Almost every week from 10 until I was 18, I used the magic carpet of the subway to take me to some new neighborhood, street or destination in the big apple.

For all the hundreds of places I was in the City in those 8 years and the hundreds more that I have been there since then, there are still many, many more that I have yet to discover and visit; it’s a large city and there are thousands and thousands of neat places. Even today when I go to NYC I am always finding someplace new and exotic to experience that I have never been before. The complexity and never ending opportunity to experience something new in the city is a great metaphor for my experience of aneros driven anal pleasure.

I have been writing about my experience of Super O, MMO and anal pleasure for years. The result is hundreds and hundreds of entries. Yet despite the similarity of approach to start them each session is as different as two people are; each session deserves its own description and appreciation.

Anal Orgasm

Friday night after an early dinner J went to my daughter’s house about an hour away to go to a late movie near her house and stay overnight. It’s been nice that the two of them have become movie buddies; they go to chic flicks on a regular basis. I am happy that my daughter is able to spare me from going to movies that I would rather not see. It was a 9:20 PM showing so J decided ahead of time to spend the night in my daughter’s apartment which is 10 minutes from the theater rather than drive the hour to come home. So I slept alone that night.

After chatting with some friends on line and doing some minor work related writing I headed up to bed. Alone time in the house or in a hotel is always time that I use for prostate massage. Most of my MMO sessions are done with nothing inside me with J in the bed next to me; the sensations from a massager less session are lush and deep and subtle. Massager-less sessions are lower to build up but they never fail to get my precum flowing profusely when they are in full bloom. I love doing them.

It's working!

One my wife went to bed last night I easily managed to go into another orgasm, again sitting at my computer. I have worked out exactly where I need to focus to bring on my orgasm – along the underside of my penis and I can amplify this quite quickly now to the point where I can orgasm easily.
This orgasm rapidly became INTENSE! It felt like I had gone up a gear. The orgasmic waves felt more powerful than I have ever had before, in fact I really did wonder if I could take it, and my prostate was contracting so hard it felt sore )not too unpleasant(. After a few minutes of this I had to stop and rest.


I had thought about getting one of these devices for years after reading about them and eventually took the plunge. My first session was disappointing, I expected too much too fast, the second was similar and I put it aside for a week having achieved nothing more than a slightly interesting feeling.
My breakthrough came when I went to stay in a hotel overnight and took it with me. I thought I had plenty of time, nothing else to do, and would give it one more go without expecting anything magic. I inserted the device, lay down on my back, and relaxed. The feeling came quite quick and I thought 'this is interesting' and went with it being careful to control my breathing and concentrating on the pleasure, fairly quickly I started shaking and could feel something building. I was determined to allow it to build and kept concentrating and then it happened! I can't even remember exactly how it felt the first time but I remember feeling out of control and trying to catch my breath and thrashing about wildly and feeling my hands go numb, and being totally amazed that I could actually do it.
The first orgasm must have lasted 20 minutes, I noticed that I had leaked a big pool of clear fluid from my penis. I thought time for bed removed it, cleaned up and lay down. Curiosity got the better of me and I just had to do it again, and re-inserted. The orgasm grew fast this time and before I knew it I was there again and had another 20 minutes of ectasy this time I remember feeling waves of pleasure riding up my chest and trying to control it a bit more, clenching my anal muscles to move the aneros around and press on my prostate and heighten the pleasure, using breathing to control the orgasm. I think I could have gone on forever, this lasted about 30 minutes and I thought I really ought to get some sleep now and let it fade.
It was about 2am by now I tried to get to sleep but couldn't and thought why not do it once more? Again I managed to get straight into another orgasm, this time it was even more intense my whole pelvis feeling like a tingling block of pure pleasure waves of orgasm going in and out of my chest.
I must have had an hour and a half of orgasm that night.

Super O and Ejaculation

Today in Chat a few of us compared the sensation of wet ejaculation orgasm and dry Super O’s. I personally am a convert. Super O orgasms are infinitely more pleasurable than an ejaculation is to me. However there are some common feelings that erect my penis by just thinking and writing about them here.

There is a difference in the hunger I experience to have an MMO orgasm. When I crave a prostate orgasm the desire manifests itself deep in my anus. It is a twitching tingling sensation in me, left un sated it will slowly grow to become an insistent throb. I have gotten to the point now that I recognize the sensation of my prostate erecting; the throb I feel is my prostate hardening and filling with blood. With a cock arousal I feel a heaviness tugging on my rigid erected shaft . It seems to dwell deep in my cock root, throbbing and aching in frustration.

To launch A Less MMO’s I need to be fully nude. There is something about nudity and exposure that inspires my arousal and rapid launch. Oftentimes when I travel and I am staying in a hotel and there is an opportunity to leave curtains open so someone might see me on the bed writhing naked in ecstasy, my arousal will elevate and push the MMO to great heights. I have been watched a few times by men and women. To trigger the MMO to start I need to be erect; most of the time I will be erect and ready to launch but if I am not a nice juicy fantasy or a tug or two on my cockhead will get me there.

Frustration, Perseverance, Success! Finally had 10+ orgasms after months of failure.

After 3 months of experimenting, disappointments, and confusion, I’ve finally had myself an experience that justifies the cost of an arenos. Through my life I’ve been anally-oriented, with a fascination going as far back as middle school, developing post-college into a love of pegging. So when stumbling across the Aneros, I figured that it would not be that much of a jump for me to achieve a prostate orgasm. Expectations, of course, are not always realized. For the past 3 months I’ve used my arenos, almost weekly in an effort to achieve the elusive prostate orgasm, and I was admittedly close to giving it up.

Sure, I had experienced a few sessions of pleasure and intrigue, and the ending of such sessions with a lubed hand made for quite the powerful penile orgasm, but it never seemed to get to the point that I’ve been reading about online. But, reading the literature associated with it, it would seem that some men take months and months to get to that fabled point, so I figured that I’d just keep persevering – the sessions were enjoyable nonetheless.

Rolling Dry O's?

Wore the Helix for like 3 hours last evening while doing yard work. Had to stifle desires to moan out loud while walking around the yard!

This morning when I woke up in bed, I figured I'd get a little prostate massage time in before I got up. I'd been massaging my testicles every couple days for over a year to bump up my testosterone )diagnosed with a very low normal level(, but it's NEVER felt so good as since I've discovered my prostate!!!

Started with massaging my testicals and feather touching my right nipple, and the fun started right away. Pleasure waves. Then the desire to thrust, pre–cum. Played around with that for 15 min. Once the prostate started getting aroused, it felt so good to rotate and move my hips around. It's as though I could feel the inside of my rectum rubbing the prostate, like if the Helix was inside, but it wasn't. Enjoyed that and just moving, thrusting hips for a while.

Then I remembered that I could shake my scrotum )like you see on some of the videos while the guy is having a super–o(. So I started doing that and rubbing my nipple, and things jumped to a higher level.

Really started having the desire to thrust just like during ejaculation, but no semen. Just maybe 5 drops of pre–cum. Dick went from rock hard initially to flaccid. I originally felt like I was building to an ejaculation, but just to be sure, rolled on my side so my dick wasn't touching anything. Shook the scrotum for maybe another 15 minutes on and off.