I tried going back to my Helix Syn and was rather disappointed. It did not give me the same sort of sensations I get from the Eupho Syn and just sort of sat there in my butt. I did get some orgasms up to maybe seven or eight but nowhere near what I get from the Peridise or Eupho Syn. I finally just sort of gave up on it although I was getting pleasure waves.
Tag: P-waves
Fantasies, Kaleidoscopes and Ecstasy
Peppered throughout my writings are descriptions of prostate derived orgasms, or MMO’s as I call them as kaleidoscopic. In Aneros circles MMO’s are commonly refer to as super Os. Sometimes guys refer to the sensation of MMOs as pleasure waves )which I sometimes do as well(; however in many of my recent sessions I have been perceiving MMO’s as chains of kaleidoscopic orgasms that sensually morph from one ecstatic feeling to the next as they unfold. Each wave of pleasure reveals excruciating ecstatic sensations. Just as a kaleidoscope morphs and transforms one elegant richly detailed vision to another so does an MMO; the rhythmically pulsing spasms of orgasm transfigure themselves unfurling lush orgasmic sensations as they do. And just as I struggle to see and absorb the deeply vibrant images in a kaleidoscope, so do I also struggle to experience and savor the intense and overwhelming sensations of an MMO.
With my eyes closed I can sense the sensually erotic colors of pleasurable sensation. I do not really see the colorful vibrancy and chilling detail of an MMO but instead I envision it viscerally. I feel it as the enticing chill of ecstasy and as agonizing euphoria of cascading pleasure. It moves throughout my anal tract eventually permeating my entire body, its alluring fingers stroking my anal canal, tugging on my cock, squeezing my prostate, and coaxing my anus, teasing it to flex and spasm in paroxysms of erotic bliss. It makes my entire body quiver and my cock drip precum as I succumb to the exquisite echoes of orgasmic rapture.
Vice Love
Last week I wanted to test myself. I went a whole 5 days with out riding or having a wet orgasm. The only thing I allowed was a less rides that came by just building up energy. It was rough but I learned a lot about my sexual appetite.
Firstly I learned that i watch to much porn. I consume a lot and even though that porn does not always kick start my sessions it is always a factor in the ending results. With not stimulating my self consistently I had more time on my hands. But still even with out watching porn the images were still in my head which kicked started a lot of my a less rides. My jock straps got soaked up a ot from all the pre cum that poured from energy flowing through my body and me just letting it flow with no budges or stopping to calm down. I let each orgasm flow at its own pace.
Also with the stopping of cumming and jerking I started back working out. That also gave me a few hard on's. Who knew jogging and jumping jacks would turn me on. I mean i was doing them in loose fitted basket ball sorts with no underwear underneath. (i workout first thing in the morning and i sleep nude so free balling is kind of my thing) My meat just flopping around also brought on a few a less rides and mad pre cum sliding down my leg. Also sleeping on my stomach had to start. I rode a less ride a little to long and almost came. it felt so good though.
Joy & Pain
Gotta replace the old with some new, so this is a mix of fact & fiction )mostly the latter(. I'll let you figure out which is which.
Met a guy…broke a ton of my rules giving him a shot. The things I felt for him I hadn't felt in over a decade. He'd already shown me he's a dark man. Said he isnt into "dark arts" mystically, but he's as evil as they come. He lead me to believe I was his friend, that he respected me. At his first convenience he used me. He knew he never wanted to see or speak to me again but that didnt stop him from fucking me repeatedly. I was nothing but a cum receptacle to him. Yet he continues to try and con me into believing he respects me, likes me, and is my friend )or still wants to be that…yea the fuck right(. Last time I checked you dont lie, fuck, and kick friends to the curb…apparently his view on friendship, respect, and just about everything is warped to fit his delusional mindset. He's delusional…and I'm done with him. I've made up my mind I wont sacrifice myself, that doesnt stop the pain though. Sleeping has been in large part replaced by lamenting over my stupidity where he is concerned. This will pass…just wish it was a little faster.
Fantastic Session
* Week of abstaining from anything erotic
* Builds libido perfectly for a session
* Sweet sensations, everything happens without any prompting
* Clamping solidly, continuously
* Allow breaks to naturally happen for around five minutes.
* Sex is on fire.
* I really hope the neighbours don't hear my moaning or humming.
Now I'm into a good routine of sessions! Every five to eight days or so is when the libido builds up enough that my mind urges for some sexual activity. That's something of a sweet-spot for Aneros session — and it's relatively new, first uncovered early into the abstaining for a month. The big build-up of libido in question is likely from divorcing myself of anything erotic during one week, most of all nipple stimulation, which can quickly cause an orgasm to burst the bubble. )However, it's great before a session to get some momentum going(
So basically, Aneros sessions of recent act as a valve to let off some sexual energy.
Or frustration; last night had a scenario of stressing needlessly on whether to have a session, partly due to the awkward after-effects detailed at the end. Pleasure waves began making unprompted rounds that day – a sign of libido hitting its peak. At the same time, I was feeling oddly grumpy and fed up. That alone can often break sessions, resulting in delaying them by a day or two. But I went with it. Besides, the Progasm may cause problems like last time and the session is only an hour.
A Session
8:34am Sunday 25 May
It occurred to me to do a -less session, cold. and describe it.
I'm sitting at my computer desk, feet propped up.
since I've been thinking of this, I'm somewhat "warmed up" in that I feel the tingles and pulses a little bit.
8:36 relaxing, focusing on prostate. warm buzz in my heart, anal muscles gently doing slow pulsing, energy tingles thru legs, feet, arms hands, fingertips as I type.
:37 closed eyes for a bit….relaxing pelvic muscles more…feelings intensify, i notice tense shoulders and relax them. eyes open to type and the feelings all recede.
39 stronger P-Waves….but typing again kills it
40 prostate giving pleasure and the feelings radiate
43…at :40 I opened an image of a nude woman. feelings inside exploded. hand went naturally to nipple, intense orgasmic pleasure from prostate filling my whole body, intense energy throughout, my eyes involuntarily close, by head tilts back, mouth opens in silent cry. I'm gasping because I'm forgetting to breathe smoothly. the orgasm begins to pump, my anal muscles pump in time with it and my heart begins to feel full and pumping in time as well.
The sensations are so intense I can barely stand them, so I try to stay in them…relax into them.OMG it is so hard to relax and breathe…I want to scream, my hands are a little shaky as they now rest on my keyboard. again when I pause to type a sentence or two the sensations subside to a low, tolerable level.
Breathing meditation – revised
Guided breathing meditation
(I duplicated this entry because I edited it and wanted it at the top of my blogs. this meditation is similar to kundalini circular breathing)
(I've edited this blog after getting feedback from my Tai Chi teacher.)
I've started my sessions recently with this breathing exercise that I put together from several sources. I do it with any model aneros prostate massager. I like it because it gets me aroused from within without any stimulation. It may be of interest to men who have trouble getting aroused. I don't know if it will work for anyone else but me. Let me know if it works for you.
stage 1 oral breathing – to relax and circulate oxygen
Breathe into your abdomen relaxedly with your diaphragm, don't use your chest muscles.
You can put your hand beneath your navel to remind you and guide your breath to your belly.
With your mouth closed pull in air smoothly and slowly and gently through your nose.
Feel it as it flows down your throat into your chest.
Pause briefly, and then push the air out while saying"ahhhh" deeply so you feel it in your belly.
Exhale slowly and feel the air flow up out of your chest, up your throat and out your lips.
Pause briefly again and start over.
A Poem I Wrote to Me Making Believe I was my Wife
Golden light of early morning bathes my bed with warm light
I lay under the covers with you next to me, your hardness is pressing on my thigh I caress it as it stiffens in the softness of my palm I gather the clear nectar of your desire on my fingertips and taste it
I inhale your manly scent and your sexy warmth in equal measure
You breathe quietly lost in a distant dream as I kiss your temple
You ooze male desire for me, warm, sweet and wet
I savor your passion, it opens the pink flower that blossoms for you between my thighs
Your desire for me penetrates the thin tank top and licks my breasts tenderly hardening my nipples
My thin tank top reveals my stiff nipples they Articulate my arousal in rigid desperation
In response the honey of my arousal oozes from the wet lips between my thighs and drools from me
Suspended by a delicate string of its own making
The sodden cleft in my vulva and the soft wetness of the canal leading to my feminine soul are heavy and aching with arousal
And hungering to be impaled by the iron prong of your manly desire and to feel you sink deeply into me and bathe my soul with your creamy passion My aching pussy will swill your sensual cocktail sucking it in orgasmic gulps
The covers trap the steamy scent of your arousal it seeks and finds my pussy lips and
It rushes into my unwitting cunt
It slinks into the warm wet channel between my thighs that aches for penetration following
The soft pink pathway to my own desire that opens to swallow it
In my mind I see you laying between my legs, your lust elongated penis probing the depths of my passion seeking a home for its eruption
The moist caress of my vagina suckles your cock root tantalizing it and coaxing it to release
You feel the soft supple wetness of my pussy sucking your cockhead, imploring it
The feeling of my impassioned cunt flesh caressing your cockhead makes the cum in your balls bubble and steam seeking escape Your eyes reveal the desperation that is inflaming you
The warm wetness of the silken flesh that embraces your cock
Expresses my love and lust and hypnotizes your penis, forging it to steel hardness and tantalizing it
I long to slide my mouth under the covers and take the warm sticky crown of your manhood into my mouth and draw
Your nectar onto my tongue and make the
Gland deep in your anus swell, ache and harden in desperation for release
I collect the sweet nectar of your cock’s desire and savor it on my tongue
As I tease your cleft to erupt and make you burst into The ancient male song of agonizing ecstasy that will make you hurl ropes of passion into my sodden cunt
I lay quietly thinking of your sexy body and imagine me under you as you bathe your cock in the creamy hot Embrace of my desire
That desire has invaded me and has taken control of my brain It taunts me
My warm pussy lips are opening as you lie sleeping next to me They are being awakened by the silken hardness of your love for me
I lay quietly as you sleep willing you to take me and have you impale me with the bulbous head of your cock pushing it into me making me gasp with anguished pleasure as you lovingly plumb the depth of my pussy with your steaming dick
My delicate passion for you is tickling and teasing the cleft under your cockhead and tickling your balls as my pussy mouth is wrapped around the base of your cock
Your penis fills with lust and your asshole throbs and pulses it’s acquiescence in the vulgar passion that consumes you
Your cock already stiffened to manly hardness is in readiness to be pulled to the erotic and rapturous mystery inside of me Your anus is throbbing and pulsing lending its credence to the desperation of your desire
The aching desire in my pussy is thumping quietly while
Your cock is pulsing it time to the subtle tug of my feminine need for you under the covers
My desire reaches a fevered pitch singing a siren song to your lust stiffened penis
It is pulsing and aching for me even as you sleep
How it started
This is about how things started. PreAneros. My wife and I found a prostate stimulating probe. Cheap. Looking back she was not interested in this but wanted me to have fun on my own.
It was small, black, and it vibrated. It was not enough to get me off but it was fun.
The next was a cheap knock off. We were involved in foreplay and mutual masturbation. She had an orgasm and fell asleep. After 10 minutes of feeling horny, I got waves of pleasure. They didn't stop for 20 minutes. I was breathing heavy, having contractions, giggling, and crying. She was asleep by this point.
This toy never "produced" again. It was impossible to clean and it was tossed out. I was hooked and went searching for something that would last. Aneros.
Aless and more
Ok, lots more changes experiences in the last week or so. I have reached some kind of new level with my Aneros at this point. The orgasms…the portion that involves involuntary muscle twitching/spasming, I can now get at any time and even simulate.
I can contract my muscles so fast and so controlled that it is similar to having an orgasm at any time )with or without the Aneros inside(. This always causes a feeling of pleasure, and I believe I am stimulating my prostate even without the Aneros inside anymore this way )mainly due to being able to basically cause ejaculation only with muscle control and very little direct stimulation at this point(.
The best part is with the Aneros in though as you can literally target your prostate and stimulate it very quickly over a very long time. I progressed here through a variety of alternative positions. I started off on my belly thrusting down…this gives more of a bounce then from on the side, and allowed my bum to…twitch more, and have more freedom to move I guess. I think the largest factor though was just practice and having so many hours of involuntary twitching going on, I got used to continuing the twitching on myself in between orgasms )As the twitching is probably the easiest/best way to constantly stimulate the prostate that I have found, much better then kegels or thrusting(.